Yun Qishen

Chapter 284 The Abyss of the West Sea

Chapter 284 The Abyss of the West Sea (13)
(God's perspective)
The waves slapped against the rocks on the shore, producing different notes. These notes echoed in the minds of Chen Yueluo and Wan Yi along with the music played by the girl sitting on the rocks in the distance.

After a while, the woman stopped playing, and when she turned around, she realized the existence of Chen Yueluo and Wanyi.

Chen Yueluo and Wan Yi also recovered when the music stopped.

"A lot of strange fish gushed out from the abyss of the West Sea. These fish can swim ashore to breathe and eat humans. As these monsters raged, the two women also appeared, and one of them would play the other. Can sing. Playing can attract people and singing can make people weak. Just like me, I was rendered powerless because of the woman's singing and I was stuck in place."

The deep-sea ghost fish over there also explained to Ye Qi and the others.

The woman here came to Chen Yueluo and Wan Yi.

"Are you here to kill me?"

The woman's silver bell-like voice entered the ears of Chen Yueluo and Wan Yi.

"Then why is this woman playing the flute on the coast?" Qi Qi was more curious, and he couldn't feel the aura of the non-human, non-fish monster in the surrounding waters.

"Just yesterday, this woman playing the flute appeared on the sea stone. She has been playing the flute since yesterday, and the monsters that should have spread from the West Sea disappeared. It can be said that it is so easy for you. Finding me provided an opportunity."

The deep-sea fish was speaking and suddenly the flute stopped.

Then Ye Qi and Jin Qilin felt a sense of unease.

"Hurry up and leave the West Sea! Ah! Ah!"

With a roar of the deep sea fish, there was a scream of pain, as if it was bitten by something.

"Neiqi!" The golden unicorn called out, grabbed the evil spirit and jumped up.

The water wall was immediately destroyed, and the tide submerged the passage where the golden unicorn rushed with mana.

The golden unicorn jumped back to the shore with Ji Qi, and then all kinds of non-human and non-fish monsters emerged from the turbulent sea.

"just in case!"

Chen Yueluo's panicked voice broke through the sky, and naturally, it quickly entered Ye Qi's ears.

"Golden Qilin go back there."

"it is good."

Jin Qilin took Ye Qi quickly back to the place before, Zhi Jian Chen Yueluo supported Chen Yueluo and jumped among the many non-human and non-fish monsters.

In the distance, the thinly-clothed woman stood among the monsters with a flute in her hand.

"I don't need you to hold me!"

In case Chen Yueluo pushed Chen Yueluo, Chen Yueluo hurriedly pulled in case and jumped away from the attacks of several monsters.

Jin Qilin did not believe that Xie Ming knew that his Qilin fire could not eradicate these monsters, so it gathered energy to attack again.Ye Qi can also watch the magic of how the golden unicorn uses again.

"Seventh Master Uncle! Be careful! These monsters have poison in their mouths! It's bad to be bitten!" Chen Yueluo didn't forget to shout after discovering Ye Qi.

"Then don't let them get close!" Hao Qi had gathered energy with his hands like a golden unicorn.

Just when Jin Qilin and Ye Qi were ready to use their power to repel the monsters, the flute sounded again.

The behaviors of these monsters have all returned to the sea.

Chen Yueluo relaxed after feeling the breath disappeared.

The woman ignored Ye Qi's movements and continued to play her flute.

Ye Qi left Jin Qilin and came to Chen Yueluo.

"What if?"

Ye Qi looked at Wanyi's face turning blue, and there were still signs of being bitten on his ankle.

Chen Yueluo made a general diagnosis of the spiritual meridians.

"Don't touch it, it will definitely not save you, I can tell from your expression..."

In case he was running out of strength to push Chen Yueluo, he suddenly became hoarse.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Shut up for treatment!" Chen Yueluo said, but he really had no choice.It would be nice if I was slumbering at this time...

"In case! Don't talk nonsense, let's go back together if we came together! I don't allow you to talk nonsense like this!" Yan Qi frowned, it really didn't look like what you would say just now.

"Let him stay in the mouth of this divine beast for a while before finding out a way." Jin Qilin made a proposal when he saw that he was in a dilemma.

"I think it's good." Chen Yueluo agreed immediately, and Jin Qilin also went over to pick it up

However, Qi Qi stopped the golden unicorn from swallowing the event in his mouth.

"No, even if Jin Qilin can heal wounds in your mouth, but in case the poison is extraordinary, if something goes wrong, it will be the two of you who will lose."

"How is this divine beast possible..."

"Golden Qilin, I don't want to take risks..."

Ye Qi frowned and looked at the golden unicorn, in case he was a little confused here.

At the same time, Jingling Mountain, Daoist Chengxu and Mi Zixin were talking.

"I hope Mianmian will reach the West Sea as soon as possible."

Master Chengxu stretched his brows with his hands.

Mi Zixin took a sip of the hot tea, "I know you're very worried now. But now Mianmian still doesn't know how to use that thing."

"You've figured it out a long time ago, in case he will suffer this kind of catastrophe."

Master Chengxu's other hand kept tapping on the table.

"The phoenix can only be nirvana, this is the fate of the event. Whether it is dead or alive depends on the fate of the event, and then it has the ability to take care of the sorrow. We can't stop it. There is only one way to decipher the prophecy." Mi Zixin suddenly I feel that the hot tea in my hand is very hot.

"In what way?"

"To live to death—"

--split line--

By a river, the drunk old man was leaning against a stone by the river.

The alcoholic old man held the wine gourd high and drank the wine inside.

"Immortal, immortal... Haha... ridiculous..." The drunk old man looked at the non-human and non-fish monster he had just caught from the river.

"Is there another tragic creature in this world?" The alcoholic old man touched the monster's body with his hand.

The non-human and non-fish monster bit the alcoholic old man's hand like a madman.

"It hurts... it hurts... because of longevity, because of immortality... painful... wanting to perish..." The alcoholic old man said and took another sip of wine.

The alcoholic old man was gradually blackened by the monster's hand, and then suddenly changed back to his original appearance.And the non-human and non-fish monster that attacked the alcoholic old man cracked and turned into powder.

"Aren't you? Can't you live with the old man like me? Can't kill the old man like me?"

The wine in the wine gourd suddenly disappeared, so he stood up and patted the dirt on his body to find his wine.

"Why...why do you keep living?"

The drunk old man walked to the side drunkenly. The spell that the beautiful woman in his memory gave him could never be undone.

As soon as the drunk old man left, another white-robed old man appeared at the place where the drunk old man was.

The white-robed old man smiled slightly and followed behind the alcoholic old man.

(End of this chapter)

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