Yun Qishen

Chapter 289 The Abyss of the West Sea

Chapter 289 The Abyss of the West Sea (18)
(God's perspective)
On the border between the West Sea and the Demon Kingdom, the drunk old man was walking drunkenly on the road to the West Sea, and behind him was an old man in a white robe.

The alcoholic old man walked staggeringly, and even if he was a little careless, he was worried that he would just get drunk.

After the old man in white robe left the ghost country, he found the alcoholic old man in the ghost country.

He followed the alcoholic old man all the way to the border of the demon country from the demon country that has no royal rule.

As expected, the alcoholic old man raised his head and took a sip of wine before pouring it down.

The old man in white robe didn't move, but he had expected his identity to be exposed at this moment.

"What... (hic) people... out... out (hic) out!"

The drunk old man fell to the ground and kept hiccups, he got up and leaned against the tree beside him.

The wine gourd around his waist swayed because of the remaining wine, and he picked up the wine gourd and poured it into his mouth.

The old man in the white robe had to show up to approach the alcoholic old man.

"Well...(hic) it's you..." The drunk old man recognized the white-robed old man in front of him, "It's you... (hic), Taoist Guanyou!"

"You're still drinking..." The white-robed old man found the hangover medicine from the medicine box at his waist.

The alcoholic old man kept hiccups. He watched the hand of the old man in the white robe approaching with the hangover medicine, and he hurriedly waved his hand to blow the hangover medicine away.

"No need! I don't need it! (Hiccup)"

The alcoholic old man staggered and stood up holding the tree, "You are getting old! You are finally getting old too."

"What if I say that there is no Taoist Guanyou in this world? Anyone in the world, no matter who they are, can become a Taoist … Why are you unwilling to accept my help?" The white-robed old man Shu He stretched out his hand. Help the drunk old man.

"Don't bully the old man! Don't look at this old man, but he is more sober than anyone else. This old man knows better than anyone... the pain of immortality! The despair of immortality! So this old man will not use love... This old man thinks about wandering around. Only this way It will make the old man forget the time! Forget the pain..." The alcoholic old man pushed Jian Shuhe away.

"I understand the pain of longevity...but we can't stop it." The alcoholic old man interrupted Jian Shuhe as soon as he finished speaking.

"Stop? Yes! You... the Taoist spectators are different... As long as you don't consume any immortality elixir, or dismember your corpses and bury them alive, you can end your lives!" The drunk old man said with another sip of wine He poured, "And the old man! Because of the curse! The body is immortal and immortal... The old man has tried all kinds of methods of death... Impossible! Impossible! Why can't the old man die!!"

The drunk old man suddenly shouted, and the surrounding trees trembled.

Jian Shuhe listened to the alcoholic old man complaining invariably.

After the alcoholic old man shouted, he bent down as if he had lost some purpose in life. "Think back then... why did the old man suffer this kind of curse back then..."

Jian Shuhe approached the alcoholic old man again, "I have a way to die... Would you like to try it?"

This sentence gave the alcoholic old man a little hope.

"He's been playing too long and too much... It's time to end..." Jian Shuhe grabbed the alcoholic old man's wrist to diagnose his pulse.

The alcoholic old man was bitten by those non-fish and non-human monsters before, and there was no sign of poisoning... Is it because of the curse?

It was only at this time that the alcoholic old man felt that the Jian Shuhe in front of him was not an ordinary person.


The alcoholic old man wanted to confirm his thoughts, he opened his mouth to ask, and before all the words could be said, Shuhe opened his mouth.

"You're right, I'm just a realised soul, and the real me is still placed by him. After many times of death and resurrection, I understand that my awakening will bring greater disasters to the world. "Jian Shuhe let go of the alcoholic old man's hand, "As long as I don't wake up, he will always find a way to live forever and not think about other things."

The alcoholic old man just snorted and picked up the wine gourd and took a sip.

"The world wants longevity, but they will never understand that longevity brings pain. His choice of longevity was the stupid decision of the two of us... As for you..."

Jian Shuhe looked at the drunkard old man, who kept drinking.The last time I saw him was 200 years ago.

"Thinking back then... I found the two of you who thought I found someone who could accompany me to death... But I was wrong, he was so obsessed with the pursuit of immortality..."

The alcoholic old man fell down because he couldn't bear it.

Jian Shuhe accidentally didn't support him, and the drunk old man had to lie on the ground.

Jian Shuhe has no other way. He now needs the power of the drunk old man in order to deal with those monsters in the West Sea... Back then, the three people who got immortality would have been happy to meet, but they had different ideas and parted ways.

Just as Jian Shuhe was helping the alcoholic old man to walk towards the village not far away, a panicked scream came from the side.

Then a group of villagers came running from the far side of the road.

The later the villagers ran over, the more blood was all over their bodies.

"This is……"

A change that even Jian Shuhe could not have predicted appeared in front of him at this moment.

"Old man, run! We can't go any further here!" Ruo's kind-hearted young man stopped Jian Shuhe.

"Monster! Monster!!"

"Mother! Mother!!"


It was noisy and chaotic, and the alcoholic old man supported by Jian Shuhe was still snoring.

"When did it happen ahead? Why..."

"I don't have time to explain, the old man handed the old man next to you to me to support, let's go!" The good-hearted young man hurriedly pulled the alcoholic old man on his back, and he also took Jian Shuhe to the side and walked quickly.

At this time, the non-human and non-fish monster appeared from behind. The monster was three meters long and covered in blood.

Right in front of Jianshuhe, the non-fish and non-human monsters rushed towards the fleeing crowd.

Anyone who is touched by this monster will be poisoned and fall down, and the fallen person will be picked up by it and put into his mouth, chewed with blood and swallowed into his stomach.

"How could..." That person has done such a cruel thing now...

Jian Shuhe couldn't bear to see the cruel truth, but every time the monster ate a person, its shape and speed would increase.

The monster quickly attacked the three people who were moving slowly.

"Good-hearted people, leave quickly... don't pay attention to our group of old people." Jian Shuhe persuaded the kind-hearted young people to leave quickly.

But this young man was too kind, "How can I leave the old man alone! I am the pillar of the village and can definitely protect the safety of the old man!"

Silly boy……

But in reality, the monster's hand was about to touch the well-meaning young man.

Jian Shuhe pushed the young man away with the greatest strength. He thought he could evade the attack. Who would have thought...

(End of this chapter)

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