Yun Qishen

Chapter 300 The Abyss of the West Sea

Chapter 300 The Abyss of the West Sea (29)
(God's perspective)
It was already night when Yun Chengyue and Yun Qiqing came back to Jingling Mountain.

"You guys are back, you've worked hard, have you seen Uncle Seven and the others? How are they?" Jiang Qing ran over to greet him when he saw the whirlpool wearing magic in the Immortal Medicine Sect.

Yun Qiqing was the first to come out of the vortex, and when he saw that Jiang Qing was greeted by him, he didn't know how to face him for a while.

As a result, Jiang Qing saw Yun Qiqing leave with a look of disgust, and then Yun Chengyue appeared from behind.

"Uh... I remember that you are the second senior Jiang Qing." Yun Chengyue recalled a little that Yun Qiqing had offended Gu Choumian when he failed to test the medicine.

"You're Junior Brother Yun Chengyue... Have you met Uncle Seven and the others? Did they succeed in delivering the things?" Jiang Qing had no choice but to ask Yun Chengyue.

Yun Chengyue had no choice but to nod for a while, "The mission is very successful, we still have a mission... Senior brother, let's say goodbye and wait for it later."

In the distance, Yun Qiqing was still looking at Yun Chengyue with a stinky face, and Yun Chengyue was a little anxious.

Yun Chengyue ran towards Yun Qiqing and left Jiang Qing behind.

Watching Yun Qiqing and Yun Chengyue leave their backs made Jiang Qing miss the time when he was working together with Duan Xiwu.

Master, he has a senior brother, Chou Mian has a senior senior brother Yueluo, and the younger junior brother Yun Qishen also has a seventh senior uncle... I am... just one person...

"Hahaha, why are your children depressed here?"

The first thing that caught Jiang Qing's eyes was a black ruler, and then he carefully saw the harmless faces of people and animals.

"Second Master."

Jiang Qing hurriedly saluted, "My nephew has made my uncle worried."

"Hahaha, that's not true, I just asked casually, the medicinal pill you developed is very effective. Your master has a high evaluation of you."

Cheng Yun also noticed the second brothers of the Yun family who had gone away, "They came back after completing their mission?"


"Why do you envy them? Do you feel like you have no friends?"

"Where is the nephew! Shi Bomo is going to make a joke about the nephew."

Jiang Qing felt that his thoughts made Daoist Chengyun guess right.

"Oh?" Daoist Cheng Yun looked at Jiang Qing with a deep expression in front of his mouth again, "Hahaha, your master praised you as a treasure of heaven and earth before, I suddenly feel a little envious, why is my apprentice so Nothing special?"

"Master, don't say that, the brothers and sisters in Chengyun Hall are also very good. Master, he praised me too much..."

Jiang Qing did have a hint of joy in his heart, and he was not very useless.

"Junior nephew Jiang Qing, do you want to follow me to learn the Immortal Sword?"

Daoist Master Cheng Yun's sudden and serious words made Jiang Qing look at him in disbelief, "This... doesn't fit..."

"What's wrong with the rules? Every hall has capable disciples, but there is nothing special in my hall, while there are so many capable disciples in Liu Ying (Mi Zixin) hall, no, I have to dig a wall." Yun Daochang's black ruler hit Jiang Qing's head, "Think about it, if you want to use your own strength to guard that day, come to me anytime, my good nephew."

Jiang Qing felt in a daze for a while as he touched the head that he was hit by the black ring ruler.

Daoist Cheng Yun smiled again and turned his back to Jiang Qing, "Jiang Qing, remember, the one who is lonely will never be yours, so don't let your heart be lonely first."

Lonely inside...

"Come to your master, you must be busy with Liu Ying for a while when Lingyuan is back." Cheng Xu Daochang waved the black ring ruler and left.

Jiang Qing had to watch Daoist Cheng Yun leave him again before going back to Lingyao Pavilion to find Mi Zixin.

At the same time, what if the residence on the West Sea coast is falling into chaos.

[Children, we meet again. 】

In case he heard a familiar female voice in his ears, the voice was very majestic, and he remembered that it was the voice when he obtained the fire phoenix technique.

"Where is this place? Didn't I get bitten by a monster and die?"

If I looked at my body, it was perfectly healthy everywhere, not even the place where it was bitten by a monster.

[The phoenix is ​​reborn from the ashes and will never die. 】

"I'm not a phoenix, this reason is useless. I'm just a normal person."

In case I then realized, "Since I'm still alive, I'm going back to see the master!"

[No hurry... Your consciousness is fine, but your body is temporarily unable to return. 】

"What's the matter? Shouldn't you give me an explanation!"

In case the surrounding is dark and chaotic, but he can see himself clearly.

"Where is this place? How can I go back? Answer me!"

[I said no hurry... The method is not something we can decide, but to wait for the opportunity. 】

In case the eager character will be vividly expressed at certain times, "The timing? What timing? When will the opportunity come? What will I do when the opportunity comes? I just want to..."

【stop!You interrupted my thoughts...]


Just in case it was good to keep his mouth shut, then he took a deep breath, he felt very relaxed in this place, like the comfort after taking a bath.

[Do you remember where you were when you first got the power of Fire Phoenix Technique? 】

"I remember it was in an abyss in the northern wasteland."

[At that time, I asked you if you wanted power, and you answered yes. 】

In case he didn't speak again, yes he said so at the time.

[Back then, you wanted to gain the approval of your disciples and your master's praise. 】

[Do you know why many people can't master the Fire Phoenix Technique forever? 】

"Insufficient ability? Or backlash?" In case I remembered the time when I was backlashed by the fire phoenix technique.

[No, they forgot their fire phoenix technique. 】

"Forget? How is it possible?"

[From the abyss will return to the abyss, all things are born where they return to where.Sooner or later your phoenix technique will leave you and return to the abyss. 】

"Does this have anything to do with me going back? If I can go back, it doesn't matter if I forget the fire phoenix technique. Now I just want to be by my friend's side..."

[You will not forget the fire phoenix technique, you will be reborn from ashes, you will become the next me, and end up in the abyss. 】

In case of getting more and more confused, it will be a headache to talk about the abyss and wait for the opportunity.

[The realm of rebirth from ashes in Fire Wind Technique will give you two choices. 】

"What choice?"

[The first is to stay in the abyss forever and become a part of the Fire Phoenix Technique and wait for the next person to look for the Fire Wind Technique. 】

"What about the second one?"

[It is to forget all the memories of your life and live in this world again as a human being. At that time, you will forget whether it is your relatives, friends or enemies and creditors.If the time came like this, what would you choose? 】

In case he pondered for a moment, he sighed, "I choose..."

 Alas~ I choose the fourth article 2333
(End of this chapter)

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