Yun Qishen

Chapter 308 Chapter 307

Chapter 308 Chapter 37 The Abyss of the West Sea ([-])
(God's perspective)
"That's because you can't let go of your idol burden, old man! Work hard!"

Ye Qi immediately changed his attitude after hearing Spirit Realm Dao say that he was not frank.

Spirit Realm Dao stopped, then he stepped back and tapped Mo Qi's head with his hand, "Don't use the words I taught you to describe me."

"But it's also true here, isn't it? Old man, you like Taki Yunhua, but why didn't you tell her clearly?" Ji Qi touched the head where he was beaten by the spiritual realm, "You just tell her to make her feel at ease with you here. Both are fine. I don't mind having one more sibling now. I understand the sadness of an only child."

After Ye Qi finished speaking, he punched him in the back of the head again, "You're just poor."

Ye Qi felt that the Spirit Realm Dao fight was really painful, or that Yun Qi Shen's fight was more comfortable before.

"I've made up your mind. I hope you can stick to it and take care of her for me."

Spirit Realm Dao rarely sighed, he waved his sleeves and walked forward.

"Can I say what are you standing up, the flag you told me about?"

Ye Qi remembered the Flag that Spirit Realm Dao taught him when he was a child.What is the stalk of the result of going home after this battle and so on.

"You're just looking forward to my death, aren't you! Brat!"

Although Lingjing Dao spoke in a frightening tone, in the face of Ye Qi, he had a different kind of gentleness towards others.

After all, Ye Qi is also a child brought up by himself. The old father's mentality is not too strict with him. In fact, he doesn't want Yun Qishen to be too close to him.

Who would have thought that Yun Qishen would actually... turn his son around!That damn, I must educate him in private.

"Isn't it what I, as your son, should do for you?"

The wicked female watch smiled and went online.

"I think you just want to give me the end! Brat!"

You see, a good child who used to be so direct in front of me before, was taught by that guy Yun Qishen, he can't bear it.


Yun Qishen sneezed as soon as he followed Gu Choumian to the Wanyi bed.He covered his mouth with his hand, and accidentally spit his snot on his hand.

"Little Junior Brother, are you suffering from the cold?"

"It's a little's okay."

Yun Qishen didn't know what to do with the snot that came out for a while, but if he was seen by Gu Choumian, he would not dislike it.There must have been something cursing me just now, not that pig again.

I just had a crush on it and it turned out to be talking bad about me behind my back?
"Little Junior Brother here!"

Gu Choumian took out the handkerchief and handed it to Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen took the handkerchief without saying a word, he turned his back and wiped his hands and nose clean.

The handkerchief exudes a fragrance that smells like Lingyao Pavilion.

In case the person on the bed is still motionless, in case his face is still pale.

Yun Qishen gave Wan a pulse, and the toxin was suppressed.

"In this way, using my blood has a healing effect, plus I have the power of Lai Ajian in my body, it should be able to detoxify." Yun Qishen used the healing technique, "At first, Third Senior Brother, you helped me to observe the poison with the observation technique. Gather, I plan to gather in the stomach in case and then feed blood to dissolve."

"Just in case it's an ordinary person, and the demonic energy is too powerful, I'm afraid..."

Gu Choumian worried that he had heard that if people were exposed to a large amount of demonic energy in an instant, unexpected things would happen.

Jiang Liu, a former disciple of the Famen, was reluctant to borrow Yun Qishen's blood as a drug primer because he observed from the beginning that he could withstand the blood of a demon.But in case he...

"No... In case there is still a magic weapon in the body, he can bear it."

Yun Qishen's words made Gu Choumian a little surprised and a little guilty.

Why didn't he observe it?Could it be that his observation skills have regressed?

"Is that so..."

Gu Choumian pursed her lips and helped Yun Qishen to treat him in case.

Yun Qishen also used the healing technique and black qi to suppress the poison in Wanyi's body.

"A little further to the left, there is also spread in the upper right lung."

Gu Choumian thought in her heart that she must become stronger, and she must fully master the technique of observation. Only in this way can there be many possibilities for saving people.

Gu Choumian watched the flow of the poisonous gas in his body tensely, maybe he was so focused that he didn't even know that Chen Yueluo came in.

Gu Choumian's eyes became more and more blurred, and there was fine sweat on his forehead.


Chen Yueluo took out a handkerchief from her arms and wiped Gu Choumian's sweat.

Yun Qishen noticed Gu Choumian's abnormality, but now is not the time to talk to him, so let's concentrate on treatment.

"It's now!!"

Gu Choumian's sudden voice startled Chen Yueluo, which made Chen Yueluo suddenly think of Mi Zixin.

The same is true of his master in a hurry, especially not knowing when he will be hit by a fan bone.

Following Gu Choumian's order, Yun Qishen quickly bleeds blood from his wrist, and then asks him to drink the blood of the demons mixed with Le'a Mana.

"It's disappearing!"

Gu Choumian rubbed his eyes, "It's still a little bit! A little bit!"

Yun Qishen was relatively worried if he was more worried about Gu Choumian now, he understood that Gu Choumian was putting pressure on himself.

"The poison gas is gone!"

Gu Choumian slowly exhaled the breath he held in his chest.

Chen Yueluo also looked at Gu Choumian worriedly.

"Third Senior Brother, you are putting too much pressure on yourself."

Yun Qishen used the technique of peeping his heart to know that Gu Choumian was envious of him and disappointed with his own weakness.

"Although the art of peeping the heart is powerful in some aspects, it is not comprehensive. If it can be improved, it will be because of your help, Third Senior Brother. It is said that the location of the poison gas just now is completely invisible under the art of peeping the heart. Junior Brother, my observation skills are too weak, so I can only feel it and not be able to observe it. So, Third Senior Brother, you don’t have to be too hasty about it.”

"Haha..." Gu Choumian wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, "Let the younger brother laugh."

Gu Choumian's urgency is not only because he thinks he is behind here, but also because Yun Qiqing looked down on him before.

In the memory of Yun Qiqing, when Jiang Qing fell, he was standing at the door with his arms crossed and his chest folded.

"Didn't you say that the observation technique is powerful? You can't even detect the hidden dangers of your brother's test drug poisoning? People can predict it by observation. You are completely useless.

Yun Qiqing's previous words had already annoyed Gu Choumian, but he hadn't finished speaking yet.

"This Jiang Qing is also, under the premise that he is not sure whether he can eat dead people, he can't rationally use observation techniques..."

Before Yun Qiqing could finish speaking, Gu Choumian rushed towards him. Fortunately, Qiu Shan stopped him, otherwise they would really fight together.

In the end, Mi Zixin stopped and calmed down.

These memories of Gu Choumian were imprinted in Yun Qi's deep eyes.

It turns out that there is such a relationship... It turns out that my second brother is not a person who can talk.

(End of this chapter)

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