Yun Qishen

Chapter 319 The Abyss of the West Sea

Chapter 319 The Abyss of the West Sea (48)
(God's perspective)
Looking for the Spirit Realm Dao in the West Sea, he was irritable and always felt that he would encounter something particularly troublesome.

Just as he was walking around the spiritual realm, a very difficult enemy came across as expected.

"Oh, we met again, Taoist Guanyou."

Spirit Realm Dao observed the surrounding situation with his peripheral vision.

He hadn't seen those fish monsters since he entered the West Sea, so they must have gathered in one place.

The Taoist Guanyou wore a black robe, and he was surrounded by a layer of powerful mana.

"How long do you want to hinder me? I'm in a very bad mood right now."

The Taoist Guanyou pulled out his immortal sword - the ghost laughing at the common people.

"What a coincidence? I'm also in a very bad mood!"

Spirit Realm Dao also pulled out his fairy sword.

One side glows blue like a gem, while the other is frosty white.

The sea water around the Spirit Realm Dao was bounced off by his mana, and the sea water gradually formed a vortex centered on the Spirit Realm Dao and the Taoist Guanyou, and then instantly froze.

The ice was surrounded by a huge fortress, and the Taoist Spirit Realm and the Taoist Guanyou guarded each other.

"Using the cold energy in the ocean, you might think that the cold worm Gu in your body is tickling you!"

The Taoist Guanyou slammed his sword up, and the Taoist Spiritual Realm blocked the immortal sword in front of him.



The sword light was dazzling, and the sword moves became more and more intricate.

The Taoist Guanyou attacked for a while, and the Spirit Realm Dao resolved them one by one.

"Haha, then I'll double the pain I've suffered from Cold Insect Gu and return it to you!"

Spirit Realm Dao sword momentum turned, and the sword energy cut off the surrounding ice.

The severed ice formed a sharp shape and flew towards the Taoist Guanyou.

brush brush --

The Taoist Guanyou, who was originally close to the Taoist Spirit Realm, kept his back legs, and the ice in front kept attacking.

Seeing that Bingbing was about to focus on the face of the Taoist, only the Taoist Guanyou moved slightly to hide.

After that, it was out of control, and the Taoist Guanyou saw the gap in the ice blade formation, and he approached the spiritual realm again in a blink of an eye.

The Spirit Realm Dao sword qi drew a circle with magic power to resist the attack of the Taoist Guanyou.

Nether Xiaocangsheng's sword head was just blocked by the immortal sword blade of Spirit Realm Dao.

The mana released by the two caused the surrounding ice fortress to burst, and the sea water outside the ice was also forced back by the remaining mana.

"You stinky child, do you think your power can defeat me? Delusional!"

The Taoist Guanyou pushed the Netherworld Xiaocangsheng again with his hand, and the sword transformed into more than a dozen sword bodies and pierced through the abdomen of the Spiritual Realm Dao.

Spirit Realm Road closed his mouth, blood pouring out of his mouth because of the pressure.

Salty rust smell...

Spirit Realm Road frowned, this coat is his cleanest one!

"Unfortunately, your failure is doomed!!!"

The sword of the Spiritual Realm was about to pierce the Taoist Guanyou's body, but was blocked by his body protection spell.

"Big talk... what!"

Just when Taoist Guanyou wanted to ridicule the failure of the Spirit Realm Dao, thousands of ice blades attacked Taoist Guanyou's back.

The Taoist Guanyou paid attention to the defense in front of him and forgot what was behind him, but the power of the ice blades was too weak to be feared, but it was not hundreds of thousands of ice blades but trillions of ice blades that attacked.

It was the ice that was destroyed by the mana shock just now!

"I really underestimate your intelligence!"

Taoist Guanyou originally wanted to share some mana in the back defense, but as soon as he weakened the blocking mana in front of him, the immortal sword of the spiritual realm was pressing a little more.

"Heh...cough cough!"

Lingjing Dao smiled, the blood was spit out by him, and the blood flowed down his mouth on the collar, which made him even more annoyed.

"It's not that I'm smart, it's that you are old, you are immortal!" Lingjing Dao stabbed the immortal sword forward with force.

"In order to block my attack, you have to use most of your mana to stop me, so you will be negligent behind your back. I understand that you can't do a perfect defense, but as long as you share a little mana behind your back, I can pierce you with a sword. If you insist on blocking me from the front, then the ice blade behind you can also break your protective spell, and then cut you to pieces!"

Taoist Guanyou smiled, "Should I still thank you for telling me about this mistake?"

The heart of the Spirit Realm Dao suddenly stopped for two seconds here, the surrounding air became colder and colder, and the Cold Insect Gu became more and more active.If he didn't pay attention to the magic power, he would have to die in Huangquan before he could defeat the Taoist Guanyou.

After the spiritual realm Daoist sees Guanyou, the Taoist began to worry again after he gave up his mana to protect him.

His lack of movement is the most unexpected thing.

Taoist Guanyou could see that the Spiritual Realm was thinking, he took back the ghostly smile and opened his mouth to the Spiritual Realm again, "Now even the common people have to suffer my ridicule, what is your Spiritual Realm?"

Without waiting for the Spirit Realm Dao to react, the Taoist Guanyou mana exploded all over his body.

The ice blade was bounced off like a drop of water and returned to the sea.

Spirit Realm Dao was also bounced off by the sudden burst of mana here, and the sword shadows inserted into Spirit Realm Dao also turned into ice swords.

The cold air entering the body made Spirit Realm Dao's heart ache even more, but he couldn't show any weakness in front of the Taoist spectators.

"Spiritual Realm Dao, do you know the biggest reason for your failure?"

Daoist Guanyou patted the broken ice on his shoulder unscathed, and he walked towards the spiritual realm step by step.The pace is calm and there is no anxiety, even if he already has the idea of ​​​​breaking the spiritual realm into eight pieces, the spiritual realm is a danger, he will threaten Jianshuhe, so he cannot live.

"Hmph, failure? I will never fail in the spiritual realm, and you will experience failure and be trampled underfoot by the sky!"

Spirit Realm Dao shattered the ice blade on his body with magic power, and he inserted the immortal sword on the ground, freezing it for ten kilometers in an instant.

The sea water for ten miles around here is completely frozen, and even the creatures within it are the same.

Taoist Guanyou's feet were also frozen by the powerful mana here, and for a while he and the Taoist Spirit Realm were unable to move.

"Speaking of which... I met that red-clothed devil before I got here."

Taoist Guanyou didn't panic because he couldn't move, he lifted the ghostly smile in his hand, and the sword instantly turned into thousands of swords with blue light.

"What a pity, that woman won't see you until you die! Or..."

The Taoist Guanyou glared at the spiritual realm and said, "I will take your head to give the child in her stomach a gift!"

Treat others with their own way!
"—Netherworld laughs—"

Thousands of sharp swords turned into thousands of stars, attacking towards the spiritual realm like a falling meteor.

Spiritual Dao chanting spell raised an ice wall on the ground.

Although the ice wall can block some of the sword shadows, it is not all.

You really can't take it lightly!

"That aloof and invincible Immortal Venerable Jingling Mountain, is now like a tortoise with a shrunken head!"

The Taoist Guanyou gathered energy in the hands of the ghostly laughing people.

"Face your death! Spirit Realm!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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