Yun Qishen

Chapter 323 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss

Chapter 323 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss (2)
(God's perspective)
The Taoist Guanyou and the Taoist Spirit Realm did not stop at all, and the battle between the two continued.

Lingjing Dao endured the sixth attack of the Taoist Guanyou, and it was this attack that allowed the Taoist Spiritual Realm to catch a neutral position that could hurt the Taoist Guanyou.

Spirit Realm Dao gritted his teeth and broke the guarding magic of the Taoist Guanyou, and the immortal sword stabbed the Taoist Guanyou in the chest.

The movement of Taoist Guanyou was restricted by the spiritual realm and could not dodge, and could only endure a sudden sword here.

"Haha... I should praise you, it seems that our game can't go on! Ha!"

Daoist Guanyou's hand turned towards Lingjingdao's chest one after another, and the mana burst out and bounced Lingjingdao under the ice in the distance.

"Do you think I can only use fairy swords? I don't have time to play with you, Spirit Realm Dao, let you and your stupid underestimate witness my success!"

The Taoist Guanyou waved his hand and used magic to gather the ice around the spiritual realm, and the ice bound the entire spiritual realm according to the wishes of the Taoist.

The cold qi attacked the heart, the cold worm Gu became more active, and the pain of biting came from the heart.

Spirit Realm Dao bit his mouth, biting his lips without knowing it.

"Are you enduring it? I will make you free now!"

The Taoist Guanyou raised the ghost and laughed at the common people, and the sword light emitted a ghostly blue.

Lingjing Dao still looked at Taoist Guanyou with a proud expression of resignation.

Taoist Guanyou is very tired of the expression of Spirit Realm Dao, how can this expression be like this at such a time!You should be as afraid of the supreme power as anyone else!

You Mingxiao was about to chop off the head of the Spirit Realm Dao with a swipe, and the Spirit Realm Dao glared at the Taoist Guanyou without blinking.

"Spirit - Realm - Dao -"

A woman's roar came from a distance.

You Mingxiao was stopped by the black qi, and a black barrier protected the spiritual realm.


It is unbelievable that You Mingxiao's people are actually bounced off by this insignificant black gas.

The Taoist Guanyou looked in surprise at the direction from which the roar came.

It's that woman-

A woman in red appeared on the shore, the woman bent over, and the cold air around her caused severe pain in her abdomen.

But the woman did not appear weak because of this.

The woman's red sleeves swayed with the sea breeze, and the black aura of using spells remained in her hands.

"My Taki Yunhua's man! You can't touch it!!!"

Taki Yunhua's hand crossed, and the black energy guarding the spiritual realm in front of Taoist Guanyou was a fierce attack.

The black qi turned into spikes and attacked the Taoist Guanyou's face, and the Taoist Guanyou had to take a few steps back and stay away from the spiritual realm.

Lingjing Dao was a little surprised when he heard Taki Yunhua call his name, but he was relieved to see her safe and sound.

"This is the woman in my spiritual realm."

The Taoist Guanyou was inexplicably angry when he heard the words of the Taoist Spirit Realm.

"Three thousand in one style!"

Guanyou Taoist jumped to avoid the black air, he quickly recited the spell, and the ghostly laughing people flew to stand in front of him waiting for his call.

I saw Netherworld Xiaocangsheng spinning in front of the Taoist Guanyou, and then flew into the sky and disappeared for a while.

Spiritual Realm Dao's thoughts are not good, this move is specially designed to destroy demonic energy, this black energy is completely irresistible.

Taki Yunhua walked towards the spiritual realm with difficult steps.

"Spiritual Realm Dao, I'm here, I'm here to see you!"

Taki Yunhua's face showed joyful affection, and there was only spirituality in her eyes.

"Don't come here!" Lingjingdao shouted at Taki Yunhua, enduring the colic in his heart.

Taki Yunhua was a little disappointed for a moment, but it turned into joy.

Nether Xiaocangsheng turned into three thousand sword shadows in the sky and attacked Lingjing Dao and Taki Yunhua.

Seeing that the sword shadow was about to stab the spiritual realm, a red figure quickly blocked in front of the spiritual realm.

"Spiritual realm, do you know that I love you?"

Black blood flowed from Taki Yunhua's mouth, and she touched Lingjing Dao's face with her slender hand.

Red blood also poured out of Lingjing Dao's mouth.

"I know……"

"Then do you love me?"

The hand of the spiritual realm broke the ice and came to Taki Yunhua's face. His hand touched the corner of Taki Yunhua's tired eyes.

"I love you... I liked you from the first time I saw you, when I thought how could there be such a beautiful woman in the world..."

"Haha..." Taki Yunhua smiled happily in her heart, "Cough cough cough!"

Taki Yunhua suddenly coughed violently, and black blood sprayed on the white clothes of Spirit Realm Dao.

The corner of Lingjing Road's mouth smiled and wiped the black blood from the corner of Taki Yunhua's mouth with her hands.

"You're tired...take a good rest..."

Spirit Realm Dao hugged Taki Yunhua in his arms.

Taki Yunhua closed her eyes with satisfaction.

Taoist Guanyou wanted to continue to attack after the sword move, but Taki Yunhua used her body to protect the spiritual realm, and the sword shadow penetrated Taki Yunhua's body and also penetrated the spiritual realm.

At that moment, a powerful mana surged around the two of them, and the mana wrapped them around here, and the Taoist spectators could not destroy them for a while.

The mana here doesn't seem to be activated by outsiders, that is to say, it is the spiritual realm of himself, it seems that he is really desperate.

Spirit Realm Dao used magic power to break the shadow of the sword that Nether Xiaocang had on him and Taki Yunhua.

The surrounding ice broke again, and the surging sea water formed a whirlpool again around the three of them.

A huge wave broke through the whirlpool and attacked the Taoist Guanyou.

Guanyou Taoist immediately pushed away the waves with a spell.

The waves receded, and a huge figure appeared in front of the three of them.

The black scales became particularly bright under the washing of the sea.

The sharp golden eyes were full of anger, the black body was circling, and its sharp claws then pressed against the ground, and the sea water was stirred uneasy.


After the loud noise, the surrounding sea water had been forced back for dozens of miles, leaving only the remnants of the deep sea.


The Taoist Guanyou had just fought off the waves and then there was a violent purple flame.

The originally extremely cold air instantly became scorching hot under the purple flames.

The Spirit Realm Dao also relieved the pain caused by the cold worm Gu.

"Brother... take the master to her for treatment..."

A familiar voice came from behind the spiritual realm.

Lingjing Dao smiled, "I didn't expect you to come to save me after we quarreled."

Yun Qishen walked over calmly, "Don't get me wrong, it's for my master..."

"That's right..." Spirit Realm Dao picked up Taki Yunhua and prepared to wear spells.

"One more thing..." Yun Qishen turned out a black gold sword and pointed at Taoist Guanyou, "I always believe that friendship between men is created by fighting!"

Spirit Realm Dao put Taki Yunhua into the vortex, and after sending Taki Yunhua away, he also summoned the immortal sword to point at Taoist Guanyou like Yun Qishen.

"But I don't want to have a friendship with that person." Lingjing Dao's eyes became sharp again.

Yun Qishen also exuded a powerful demonic energy, "Then there is only one way, kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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