Yun Qishen

Chapter 336 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss

Chapter 336 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss (15)
(God's perspective)
On the other side of the abyss, tears spread to the ground crying, she remembered everything, she didn't want to admit it, so she wouldn't admit it, and that's why the false dream now appeared.

Weeping also turned from a fish into a human shape, she went to help her up and hugged her.

"Tell me the truth, am I an ugly person now, am I going too far."

Tears cried and asked holding her sobbing.

"You're ugly. You're so ugly both outside and inside that you can't say anything."

Weeping also burst into tears, "But...but you are my sister, we are close relatives, and I like my sister, so my sister is not really ugly in Weeping's eyes, because I am the same."

"Weeping...sorry for making you have to live well."

"What! Sister!"

Tears felt that the moment he recovered his memory, he lost the value of living.

She hugged the weeping tightly and began to sing. This time, her singing was extraordinarily gentle.It makes people feel warm when they hear it.

Mo Langqin and Shadou just looked at their sisters.

Tears passed all her mana to Qi through singing, and she turned her body into dust as she chanted.

Starting from the tears surrounding her weeping hands, she quickly turned into dust and drifted over the West Sea.

Her existence is ugly, and her actions are ugly.

The ugly she did not dare to face directly, thus sketching out a beautiful fantasy.

But at this moment, she recognizes herself clearly, and even though she was hated and disgusted by many people, she died very beautifully.

"Only this moment, she is the most beautiful."

Mo Langqin opened his mouth slowly behind Qi, hugging himself tightly and sobbing.

"I will definitely live well, sister! All the way!"

She cried out to the sea in front of her, and the dust that had turned into tears seemed to respond to her.

【Where am I now? 】

Tears thought she was dead, but she quickly realized that she had not completely dissipated, and she had one more thing to do.

A man appeared in front of Tears, and the man took Tears' hands.

Tears know that the man is holding his wife's hand. Over the years, he has suffered for this man and himself.

Tears slowly let go of the man's hand, and the man looked up at Tears.

Tears' fingers pointed behind the man, where a woman was standing.

This woman looked sickly, and her appearance was no different from her tears.

The man turned around very simply and rushed towards the sick woman.

When the man turned his head to look at the tears again, she had turned into her original half-fish and half-human appearance.

The man hugged his wife tightly, took a few steps back and turned away.

【I have restrained you for too long, now you can accompany her well.This is a blessing to you and even to me. 】

At the moment when the tears disappeared, the man opened his mouth and screamed.


The tears didn't look back, it just disappeared forever.

[Being back to myself is such a happy thing. 】

Mo Langqin helped the weeping up, and suddenly there was a loud noise from the abyss.

The sea also began to become very unsettled.

Wearing vortices appear on the sea like spore bursts, they devour each other and multiply.

"what's going on!"

Mo Langqin has never seen such a situation before, is the bug in the whirlpool so serious this time!

Weeping in fear, he threw himself into Mo Langqin's arms, and Shadou looked at the two of them and smacked his lips.

"Let's find a safe place now!"

Shadou then dragged Mo Langqin to flee quickly. Before the vortex of Shadou's movement speed erupted, he thought of a relatively safe place with Mo Langqin sobbing.

That place is near the abyss barrier.

"Isn't it faster to be swallowed here!!"

Mo Langqin thinks it is not safe here. It seems that this bug is two-sided, much more serious than the abyss swallowing.

"Didn't you find out? Those body-wearing vortexes won't erupt here in the abyss barrier? That is to say, it's a relatively safe place."

Sand bucket also set up a sand and stone barrier around the abyss just in case.

Safety in the abyss is safety, but the only unsafe thing happened together.

The enchantment of the abyss was suddenly destroyed for some reason, and the abyss expanded rapidly.

After finally finding a relatively safe place, it turned out that it was not safe for a quarter of an hour.

Just when Shadou and Mo Langqin were helpless, a white dragon flew over and took them directly to the sky.

"Light! Why are you here!"

Sand bucket is an incredible question.

Mo Langqin, who was afraid of heights, held Guang's dragon horn tightly.

And sobbing was the first time in her life that she flew to the sky, and the blue sky and white clouds she had longed for had turned into a bleak place that looked like a whirlpool.

"I'm here to... Forget it, do you know what's going on?"

Hikaru asked Sandu while avoiding the whirlpool in the air.

"I don't know either. Maybe there is a problem with the body-piercing vortex, but there are so many outbreaks at one time. I'm afraid the entire continent..."

The entire continent will cease to exist.

Just as the light was dodging the whirlpool, a thunder struck and the light was almost hit.

A towering monster slowly appeared in the abyss, and it first pulled its hand out of the abyss.The red and black arms were sturdy, and they were unscathed by several lightning strikes.

What appeared next was the monster's head, its hideous face, and its angry eyes.

The monster still had a chain on its neck, and it struggled to rush out of the abyss, and the vortex in its body was just an insignificant air hole in front of it.

The monster waved and hit the waves on the sea.


The sound was like a volcanic eruption, shaking the world.

At a glance, I recognized this monster. This monster is the monster that destroyed Gu Ao Nation, and it is the incarnation of Gu Ao Nation General Zhu Ming.

"It hasn't been divided into a magic weapon, why..."

I couldn't believe it, what a serious catastrophe this would be.

When Yun Qishen was observing the vortex around him, he suddenly felt inexplicably flustered.

Evil Qi... Evil Qi!Something has happened to him!

Uncle alcoholic saw that Yun Qishen was not calm for a moment, he grabbed Yun Qishen's shoulder.

"Kid, be calm! If you are impatient, you will not be able to protect yourself."

Yun Qishen didn't speak, he was in a chaotic mood, and his intuition told him that something must have happened to Ye Qi.

On the other side, in case Gu Choumian and Chen Yueluo came to a cave, and there was a unique cave in the cave.

The amazing thing is that the wearing vortex did not appear in this cave like a paradise.

In case he suddenly felt that the magic weapon in his body was inexplicably restless, it made him very uncomfortable.

At the same time above the snow-capped mountains, while Takizawa was protecting Yunchenfeng from being absorbed by the vortex, he also felt extremely uncomfortable restlessness.


When Yun Chenfeng finished saying this sentence, he stabbed a knife into Takizawa's back.


A strange force was pierced into Takizawa's body, and this force made Takizawa faint.

"Takizawa, forgive me, this is the only way to keep you alive..."

(End of this chapter)

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