Yun Qishen

Chapter 344 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss

Chapter 344 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss (23)
(God's perspective)
It has been a long time since the monster no longer struggled, and now the surrounding area is pitch black except for the vortex not occupied by the monster.

Yun Qishen also quickly merged with Guang and Mo Langqin.

The recovery of the spiritual realm almost came out of Lai'a's mouth.

There was no breakthrough after everyone discussed the countermeasures.

"The only clue now is what Liu Ying said 'to live to the death', but it's unclear where to start exploring."

Lingjing Dao leaned on the dragon horn and sat on Lai'a's head. He leaned his head in one hand and looked at Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen was thinking while resting his chin on his hand.

Mo Langqin couldn't wait to speak, "This monster is an ancient thing, so it must be related to those ancient magic tools."


Yun Qishen and Lingjing Dao shouted at Mo Langqin at the same time.

"Don't pay attention, don't speak if it's useless, I will lower your IQ if you listen!"

Lingjing Dao glared at Mo Langqin, who covered his mouth with his hands and stopped talking.


In case, he never dared to open his mouth after seeing the Tao of Spiritual Realm come out of Lai'a's mouth, and he didn't open his mouth until Mo Langqin was bullied.

"Say something quickly, don't delay!"

Lingjing Dao glanced at what would happen, then closed his eyes and thought.

"I have some magic tools in my body. Since I woke up, those magic tools have been restless every time, and my heart will also be colic."

In case, Mo Langqin thinks that what he just said is right, and it is very useful.

"Look at what my lord said..."

"Shut up, shut up!"

Lingjing Dao scolded him again, and Mo Langqin shut up again.

"Before, what I discussed with Uncle Drunk and the others was to use the magic weapon to link the monster's heart, so as to rescue Xie Qi from his body. The only difficulty is how to connect the magic weapon with the monster."

Yun Qishen moved his gaze to Duan Xiwu who was not far away.

Duan Xiwu didn't say a word while holding Jiang Qing's icy body, and Uncle Drunk and Shadou rushed over after they had placed the enchantment on the monster.

"Guanyou Daoist... I don't believe that you are flesh and blood who cares about the lives of others, even if you lose that memory and restore it! Do you think it's easy for a wicked person to cleanse himself? Do some good things, and then you can be good. Cover up the immoral things you've done?"

Lingjing Dao spoke calmly, but this time Yun Qishen didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said.

"I admit that Taoist Guanyou is a bloodless person, and I have not denied what I have done, and I do not regret the things I have done..." Duan Xi could not use force to instantly turn Jiang Qing's corpse into a Elixir.


Yun Qishen impulsively wanted to fight Duan Xiwu, but Mo Langqin blocked him and stopped him.

"You bastard! Who allowed you to take Second Senior Brother's..."

"Yun Qishen... Listen to him, now is not the time to be angry!"

Spirit Realm Dao also spoke out to stop it, and the only trace of calmness must be preserved now.

"Jiang Qing is a drug tester. His own blood is special, and the ingredients of the snake's egg remain in his body... Coupled with his acquired experience in testing drugs, the blood in his body has become a special existence. The blood of the vine can wither the vines in the battle just now, and if it is further refined, it can break through the monster's protection, and then use the power of mana fusion to make a person enter the monster's body."

Duan Xiwu stood up and handed the medicinal pill to Uncle Drunk, who then handed it over to Yun Qishen.

"Monarch, when I set up the barrier just now, I found that this monster has entered a short sleep time, and maybe we can take this opportunity to act."

After Shadou saluted Yun Qishen, he opened his mouth.

"It's dreaming..."

Weeping, leaning on the side of the light, said, "This feeling is very similar to my sister... It's stuck in its own dream and can't come out..."

Can't get out...Dream...

Yun Qishen suddenly remembered the things about Gu Aoguo that he had dreamed about before.

"As for the magic weapon, it can't play a role in this child's body. How to refine it is also a key here."

Uncle Drunk also looked at Duan Xiwu.

Duan Xiwu stretched out his hand, and as soon as he exerted his strength, a hot flame was born in his hand.

"It's pure fire."

The spiritual realm is clear at a glance, "You stole it from the Immortal Medicine Sect."

"Master is here, I don't count as stealing, at most you gave it to me."

Duan Xi held the pure fire in his hands and approached in case, "Only the magic weapon in his body has the strongest breath, but if it is refined with pure fire..."

In case Duan Xi didn't finish speaking, he interrupted, "I have the Nirvana technique of Fire Phoenix Technique, so it doesn't matter, you can come."

The art of Nirvana?

The old man remembers when he was in the North before...

"Little boy, you..."

"Senior, don't talk about it, this is my hard work. Besides, I haven't seen my master yet, I'll be fine."

In case the alcoholic uncle's dissuasion is stopped again.

It is also clear that Yun Qishen and Lai A used the technique of peeping at the heart.

Lingjing Dao also guessed the tone of voice, but only Mo Langqin patted Wanyi's shoulder without hesitation.

"You have to be careful, pure fire here can really burn someone to death!"

The dead spirit world jumped off Lai'a's head and gave Mo Langqin a kick.

"Hu~" Lingjing Dao took a deep breath calmly, and Mo Langqin, who was kicked, hurriedly ran behind Qiu.

"It's not impossible to refine the magic weapon a little and return to the host in a short time. Are you too extreme?"

Lingjing Dao is close to Duan Xiwu, "You are an immortal who has lived for thousands of years. You don't know any magic here?"

"Fight against such a powerful magic weapon and make it resonate with the monster. Even if I have lived for a thousand years, I can't be sure of success. Besides, this monster is only temporarily in a coma. If I run wild, I can't guarantee that everyone present except me and the alcoholic will still be alive."

Duan Xiwu raised his head slightly to look at Lingjing Road.

Lingjing Dao smiled, "That's really a coincidence, with me, I will succeed."

"Just you, the defeated general?"

"It's better than you, a thousand-year-old turtle!"

Lingjing Dao's sight became cold, and Duan Xiwu's sight became sharp.

Both Han Bingjian and Nether Xiaocang are showing signs of going out of their bodies.

"Don't fight, now... Let's help together... The most important thing is to make success less variable."

Yun Qi looked deeply at the place where the monster fell, and he frowned at the sand and stone barrier under the sand bucket.

"Then cast spells."

Duan Xiwu walked towards Yun Qishen, "After that, please trouble you to enter it as quickly as possible."

Yun Qishen turned his head to look at the Taoist Guanyou. The more he looked at this familiar face, the more annoyed he became. Yun Qishen also clenched his fist tightly.

"...If you don't hurry into its body... I really can't help Shi Wanyi."

At that moment, Yun Qi's heart seemed to be hit by something, and his fist was released after Duan Xiwu said this.

(End of this chapter)

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