Yun Qishen

Chapter 35 What Happened During the Coma

Chapter 35 What Happened During the Coma (God's Perspective)
This was the third day after the immortal dharma meeting ended.

Ye Qi asked Lingjing Dao how to wake up Yun Qishen. Lingjing Dao and Ye Qi said that there is only one way to wake Yun Qishen, which is to break his seal.That way he might wake up.If he can't wake up, he won't have any other ideas.

Unlocking the seal requires going to the Divine Beast Valley to collect things. Naturally, this matter is all covered by Ye Qi alone.

There are too many ferocious beasts in the Divine Beast Valley, so not many Immortal Sect disciples dare to break in.

To unlock the seal, you need 6 golden scales of the beast unicorn, 100 drops of tears of any beast, and a bottle of blood from the heart of 10 beasts.

It can be said that this task is very simple.


When Ye Qi entered the Valley of the Divine Beasts, let alone the unicorn, there was not even a small beast...

"Didn't you say there are a lot of divine beasts?" Xie Qi naturally wandered around the valley of divine beasts all day, and the strange thing was that he couldn't see a single one...

He had no choice but to return...

Ye Qi first returned to the Immortal Sword Sect, he wanted to ask the Spirit Realm Dao what was going on.

As soon as he walked to the gate of the Immortal Sword Sect, he saw his third senior brother, Daoist Xu Yun, with his family's divine beast, the crane, to go out to work.

"Where are you going, Third Senior Brother?" Ye Qi smiled playfully at Daoist Xuyun.

"Master asked me to investigate from's alright..." Daoist Xuyun comforted Xianhe who was hiding behind him.

As soon as the crane saw Ye Qi, he wanted to run away, but was pulled by Daoist Xuyun.

"What's wrong with Seventh Junior Brother? You've been looking at my crane... it can't be..."

Daoist Xuyun suspected that Qi Qi was hitting on his crane again, and he didn't want his baby to be eaten again.

"Well... I think the third senior brother is very popular with the beasts... The old man always asks you to take care of the beasts..." Qi Qi looked at Daoist Xuyun again, thoughtfully.

"Seventh Junior Brother has won the award..." Daoist Xuyun was still protecting the crane behind him, "If there is nothing else, Senior Brother, I will leave first."

Daoist Xuyun wanted to run away while Ye Qi didn't have any thoughts!
"Hey, Third Senior Brother, wait! I wonder if Third Senior Brother's divine beast can be borrowed from me..."

"No!" Daoist Xuyun will finally refuse. If he doesn't refuse again, the beasts of the entire Immortal Sword Sect will not be eaten by this stubborn...

"Junior brother, I borrowed it just to collect a little blood..."

"No! You will die!"

If it is normal, Qi Qi will definitely start directly, but now it is different. Spiritual Realm Dao tells you not to be too impatient when collecting these things, and it must be taken when the beast is most relaxed.Because the black energy in Ye Qi's body may contaminate these things.

It is possible that the seal could not be undone due to this.

At this time, Qi Qi had to ask for anything.

"Heart blood is not enough... Then let Junior Brother borrow some tears from me..."

"Crane won't cry!"

Ye Qi had a smile on his face, no matter what he said, it seemed that Daoist Xuyun would not lend him this crane.

Ye Qi slowly walked towards Daoist Xuyun.

Daoist Xuyun was a little flustered for a while and hurried back, the crane behind him couldn't stand the psychological pressure that Mo Qi put on it, and became more impatient, and then flew away.

"Junior Brother...what are you doing?!"

Xu Yundao looked at Ji Qi's hand and stretched out towards him.


In the Valley of Gods and Beasts, the vegetation is lush and there is a gurgling and clear river.

The strong spiritual energy in the valley is a good place for cultivation.There are many herbs in the valley, all of which are rare plants.

However, the beasts in the valley were ferocious, and no disciples dared to approach them rashly.

In a forest in the middle of a valley, a young man with green and gray hair was tying a Taoist priest who was older than him to a tree trunk, and also blocked the long mouth.

This binding uses magic, and it can't be undone without chanting the incantation.Gag also used spells along with it.

Daoist Xuyun struggled, he was a little angry, and some wanted to ask for mercy, he kept saying "u-u".

He naturally asked Ye Qi to let him go.

Although Qi Qi understood, all of this was to save Yun Qishen.He had to work hard on his third senior brother, otherwise he might not be able to see a divine beast even after ten and a half years.He could wait, but he was afraid that Yun Qishen couldn't wait.

Qi Qi tied up Daoist Xuyun, clapped his hands and hid to the side.

"No!!! No!!!"

Xu Yun shouted in his heart, let me go!I still have a job to do! ! ! !

Xie Qi hid his breath in a place and waited quietly.

Sure enough, there has been a fox mythical beast walking towards Daoist Xuyun.

Oh, the third senior brother is really popular with the beasts.

The fox mythical beast didn't leave quickly, it jumped onto Xuyun Daochang's head and scratched his hair.

Then came two or three mythical beasts smaller than foxes, which looked like mice.But it's much bigger than Xiao Zhi from Chen Yueluo's house.

These little mythical beasts also scrambled to climb onto the body of Daoist Xuyun.

He was licking his face and running around in his clothes.

It made Daoist Xuyun itchy and angry.

When has he offended his seventh junior brother?He thought about it and didn't have an explanation.

Then came a bigger beast.

It is a mythical beast tiger with a few small ones on its back.

Ye Qi counted exactly ten.

He ran to the vicinity of the divine beast with a single stride, and quickly chanted the enchantment spell to trap the divine beast.

Immediately, he quickly collected the blood of the ten divine beasts.

The beasts also fell because of this.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu is a little anxious as he watched these divine beasts fall one by one.

"Okay, Third Senior Brother, I'll let you go!" Qi Qi cast a spell to untie Daoist Xuyun.

Daoist Xuyun hurriedly stepped forward to check the situation of each divine beast, and quickly healed them all.

"Junior brother! You are too much! They also have life! How can you..."

Ye Qi didn't care at all, "Isn't this Third Senior Brother you are here? Except for Sixth Senior Brother Mi Zixin, Third Senior Brother, your healing spell is the strongest in the Immortal Sword Sect!"

"You!" Daoist Xuyun wanted to get angry at Ye Qi, but then he thought that this kid was too vengeful and gave up what he wanted to say to Ye Qi.

In the end, the last divine beast was finally cured, and Qi Qi approached Daoist Xuyun again.

"Third Senior Brother, this is over... let's go to the next place!"

After he finished speaking, Qi Qi carried Daoist Xuyun and walked towards the jungle on the other side.

It's not that Daoist Xuyun didn't resist, if he resisted, he would be afraid of Xie Qi's revenge for eating his divine beast.

Although there are many mythical beasts in the valley, all of them can be hidden.

The divine beasts of the Immortal Sword Sect can...

Alas, I had no choice but to let Ye Qi carry him away...

This time, Qi Qi tied and hung Daoist Xu Yun...

"Junior brother! Don't resist anymore... let's forget it..."

"It's not my brother, I don't believe in my brother, but I just heard that the divine beast unicorn is very fierce. I want to protect my brother..."

"Senior brother is so considerate of senior brother, senior brother is very grateful, but... Although senior brother, I can't beat the unicorn with mana, but senior brother, I still can't escape from the mouth of the beast unicorn..."

Ji Qi raised his head and looked at Daoist Xuyun, "As a junior brother, I should always think about my senior brothers, so I don't need to be grateful, my junior brother is doing this to prevent you from running away, because the old man said that the unicorn likes to watch Xianmen disciples suffer. This time, the third senior brother will be wronged!"

Ye Qi left and held his breath to hide more.

This time, he didn't block the mouth of Xuyun Daochang, but Xuyun couldn't untie the rope when he chanted the spell.

"Junior Brother!!!" Xu Yun shouted anxiously, "Nie Qi!!!"

--split line--

On the other hand, Immortal Medicine Sect.

Jiang Qing had locked himself in the house for three days, not eating or drinking.

Mi Zixin was also very worried.

Gu Choumian and Chen Yueluo looked at each other, but they didn't know what to do.

"Qiu Shan... Please watch Jiang Qing carefully. Now that Yun Qishen is unconscious, I'm afraid that he will also have some shortcomings." Mi Zixin looked at Qiu Shan.

"Well..." Qiu Shan responded, and then stared blankly at the bandage on his hand.

"...Speaking of which, Xi Wu hasn't been found yet?" Mi Zixin asked Gu Choumian again.

"Master said that he sent the fourth junior brother to study far away, as if to give this time..."

Gu Choumian answered Mi Zixin's words, but the door was slammed open.

I saw Jiang Qing looking at them in horror, "What are you talking about!!! Fourth Junior Brother is already dead!!! Why are you still deceiving yourself!!! He is dead!!!"

Jiang Qing shouted hysterically.

This made Mi Zixin very worried, "Jiang Qing, calm down..."

"How can you tell me to calm down!!! Fourth junior brother is dead! He died with the younger junior brother down the mountain!!!" Jiang Qing couldn't hear anything now, he kept repeating the fact that Duan Xiwu died, and then He realized that Yun Qishen also fell into a coma with the sword.

"Little Junior Junior Junior Brother!!!" Jiang Qing hurriedly ran out again.

Mi Zixin had a premonition that something was wrong, and hurriedly called everyone to follow.

Jiang Qing ran towards Yun Qishen's room.

Little brother!The little brother must be alive!He is still alive!He can't die!Can't die!He must get out of here!If you leave, you won't die! ! !

Jiang Qing confusedly believed in his idea.

He rushed to Yun Qishen's couch, raised Yun Qishen's arm and pulled him up.

"Jiang Qing! Put it down!" Mi Zixin also rushed to the door.

Qiu Shan stepped forward to stop Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing took out the pill from his arms and smashed it on the ground, and the smoke lingered for a while.

Jiang Qing took this opportunity to take Yun Qishen out of the house.

Gu Choumian and Chen Yueluo came later. On the way, Gu Choumian saw that the second elder of the Immortal Sword Sect, Xu Qing, was looking for something in the Immortal Medicine Sect, so he delayed for a while.

Chen Yueluo naturally followed Gu Choumian.

"Cough cough! Go out and chase!! Cough cough cough!" Mi Zixin also lost his past peace and gentleness for a while.

The smoke made Mi Zixin cough non-stop.Eyes could not be opened for a while.

Qiu Shan ran out of the room first.

Gu Choumian stepped forward and looked at Mi Zixin, "Second Senior Brother is so cruel, how can you use such a powerful smoke!" Gu Choumian wiped Mi Zixin's eyes, "Yueluo, go and help Senior Brother."

"Got it!" Chen Yueluo disappeared after hearing Gu Choumian's words.

Although Qiu Shan chased him out first, he couldn't find any trace of Jiang Qing.

Chen Yue flew off with his sword, and just found the positions of Jiang Qing and Yun Qishen.

Chen Yueluo wondered where Qiu Shan went, but Qiu Shan kept following him in the opposite direction.

... a lunatic? ? ?
Regardless of Qiu Shan, Chen Yueluo took the first step to catch up with Jiang Qing with Feijian.

"Senior Brother Jiang Qing! Is there anything I can't talk about? Do you have to run?"

Chen Yueluo flew in mid-air, and Jiang Qing ran hard while supporting Yun Qishen.

Seeing that he was about to reach the gate of the sect, Chen Yueluo suddenly came out.

"Don't mind your own business!" Jiang Qing still threw the smoke pill, but it didn't work for Chen Yueluo.

Chen Yueluo flew higher, and with a wave of the spell, vines immediately grew from the ground to stop Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing did not give up, he wanted to cross the vines.He took out the medicine in his arms again.

He took out a small white bottle with the Hundred Years of Harmony Potion written on it.

This is a potion made by Duan Xiwu, but the name was obtained by mistake. The real purpose of this potion is to weed... But once a mouse from nowhere knocked over the potion, and then even the bones were melted. .

Jiang Qing sprinkled some of this potion on the growing vines, and the vines all withered and died.

"What?" Chen Yueluo thought it would be easy to block Jiang Qing's momentary laxity.As a result, he was allowed to run away?

Chen Yueluo had no choice but to grab him back.

Jiang Qing held the Hundred Years of Harmony Potion in his hand, and when he saw Chen Yueluo chasing him, he poured it towards Chen Yueluo.

Chen Yueluo launched a spell to resist when he saw the situation.

Only then did he escape, but the grass under his feet was not so lucky...

"Senior Brother Jiang Qing! Don't be nervous! They are all worried about you..." Chen Yueluo persuaded again.

Jiang Qing roared, "What are they worried about! Everyone! No one remembers that Fourth Junior Brother is dead! They are going to kill Junior Junior Brother!!!"

Jiang Qing will take advantage of Chen Yueluo's lack of attention and sprinkle the last bit of the Centennial Harmony Potion on him.

Chen Yueluo couldn't hide in time, and got a little on the back of his hand.

For a time, the back of his hand was extremely painful, and the good skin actually corroded into a small pit.

It's really dangerous. If I don't defend the first time, I'll be a bone!

Chen Yueluo covered his injured hand for a while, not paying attention to Jiang Qing, and let him escape into the fog outside the sect.

Chen Yueluo returned and told Gu Choumian and Mi Zixin what happened.

"I used the observation technique to find them, and Yueluo will trouble you again." Mi Zixin closed his eyes and couldn't open them for a while.

Gu Choumian panicked when she discovered the injury on the back of Chen Yueluo's hand, "Yueluo! Your hand! The second senior brother did it?"

"Uh...I accidentally..."

Gu Choumian took Chen Yueluo's hand and started to use the healing technique.

Chen Yueluo watched the flesh on the back of his hand grow back slowly, and the pain gradually disappeared.

"Where's Qiu Shan? He didn't come back with you?" Mi Zixin noticed something was wrong.

"Uh... I just saw Senior Brother Qiu Shan chasing in the opposite direction... I didn't care about him..."


"..." Everyone was silent.

Go back to the Divine Beast Valley where Ye Qi is located.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't see a divine beast, and it seemed that it was getting dark.Daoist Xuyun struggled until he collapsed, and fell asleep while hanging.

Ye Qi thought it was definitely not possible, and when he had to think of a way again...

He found a golden pig...

 Please give me some advice on what is not good or not working...

  (Who made me a person who can't go to Q and can't find an editor 23333)
(End of this chapter)

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