Yun Qishen

Chapter 351 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss

Chapter 351 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss (30)
(God's perspective)
Live to death.

Face the things you are afraid of, if the abyss is to destroy everything, then break into the abyss and find hope in despair.

The drunkard and the spiritual realm stayed behind, and Lai A and Guang led the others into the abyss.

"I think you should leave as well, just leave it to this old man."

The alcoholic uncle used magic to replace the mana of the spiritual realm, and the monster stopped struggling for a while.

The Holy Monarch of the Spirit Snake once again relaxed the monster's body.

"It's not that I don't understand the purpose of your stay." Lingjingdao didn't mean to withdraw his mana, "The monster in front of us now is also a big child I saw since I was a child. As a parent, how can I bear to keep it? Is this child here alone?"

"Aren't you afraid that the abyss will swallow you? Besides... If you die, the old man will have no face to see the little girl..."

"Little girl... Heh, in the eyes of you old immortals, that [-]-year-old woman is a little girl."

The thing that Lingjing Dao has always worried about is age. He and Taki Yunhua will not be able to get together after all if they are different in time. If he really kills his life here, it may be good for himself and her.

"Of course, because in the eyes of the old man, you are just a doll who likes to escape."


When Lingjing Dao heard the words of Uncle Drunk, he froze. Uncle Drunk didn't have a chance to lose his temper.

Uncle Drunk used spells to cut off the spells of the spiritual realm, and the magic of the spiritual realm was backlashed by the impact.

Layers of ice wrapped the spiritual realm in reverse, and the cold insect Gu in his heart began to erupt violently.

"Drinker! You..."

The cold ice surrounded the spiritual realm, and the drunkard uncle pushed him into the abyss with his magic power.


The Holy Monarch Spirit Snake wanted to say something to the drunkard, but he still didn't speak in the end.

The holy monarch dissipated when he left the monster. Its task was to restrict the movement of the monster, and the next thing had to be handled by Yun Qishen himself.

After seeing the Spirit Snake Holy Monarch dissipate, Uncle Drunk used all his mana to wrap the monster.

The drunkard's body gradually turned from young and strong to old and rickety.

The abyss got closer, and the alcoholic old man was swallowed by the abyss after he released his last mana.

This barrier will prolong your time, boys... The future will be left to you.

The drunk old man fell dangerously into the abyss.

The edge of the abyss circled after touching the barrier set by the drunkard, but as long as the barrier was destroyed, it would only take a second to devour this towering beast.

It soon became a dead silence, and there was no one other than the monsters who were frozen and trapped by the enchantment.

There is no way to tell whether time is running or still, and the monster is still motionless.

After an unknown period of time, a purple light flashed in the ghostly place.

The sound of water droplets echoed in the abyss, ticking, and the monster's heartbeat sounded along with the sound of the water droplets.

A figure appeared with a purple magic bead, and he walked in the abyss, slowly approaching the monster.

At some distance from the monster, the figure stopped.

There is a ring at the foot of the figure, and there is still mana in this ring.

The figure leaned down and picked up the ring. He was familiar with the mantra, and soon a scroll appeared in the ring.

The figure opened the painting, and it was a painting of a woman in red holding a white flower dancing.

The figure touched the painted woman's face with his hand, and then he put away the scroll.

The figure held a scroll in one hand and a purple magic bead in the other.

The closer he got to the monster, the tiny light in the monster's heart became brighter and brighter.The magic bead in his hand also emits a strong light that resonates with it.

It was only in the strong light that the figure could be seen clearly.

He looks like a middle-aged uncle, gentle and approachable.

He is kind to people, and he is a person who does not play cards according to the routine.

He is Yun Qishen's second uncle, Yun Chenfeng.

"The thousands of years of grievances and grievances will end again... After all, people have to forget everything, and then pass on the good things..."

The magic bead and the monster's heart resonated strongly, and the magic bead emerged from Yun Chenfeng's hands.

"Takizawa...forgive me...this is the only way to keep you alive...and I...can't accompany you any longer..."

Yun Chenfeng's hand shattered as soon as it detached from the magic bead, shattering little by little like broken porcelain.

This is something I noticed from the moment I became a Taoist monk.

Yun Chenfeng didn't even tell Mi Zixin about this.

"The reason for the abolition of mana to protect you was this moment. Only in this way can you continue to live, for your people... This is what I can do as a trivial Taoist..."

Yun Chenfeng's whole body began to shatter.

The memory of the past appeared before his eyes.

[Smelly Taoist priest, do you know who you saved?Are you not afraid that I will kill you now? 】

[I'm afraid, but if you kill me, no one will treat you...]

[...It's all the fault of you stinky Taoist priests, otherwise how could I be a demon... um...]

[Don't get excited, the wound is cracked, and you have to trouble me, a stinky Taoist priest, to treat you! 】

[You knew that saving me would be punished by your master, so why did you save me at that time?Why are you protecting me now? 】

【Is it wrong to help a friend? 】

【Cloud dust wind!why!Why did you betray me!Cloud dust wind!Did you lie to me when you said that? ! 】

【Takizawa...sorry...I believe that one day you will forgive me...】

"At that time, you became the same as you are now... In order to protect your friend, and to protect the world... Even if I want to betray you, I want you to be safe..."

[Junior brother, why are you suffering here, how painful it is to eliminate mana. 】

【that is!Chen Feng, I think it's time to destroy this magic bead with a sword! 】

The calculated content only Yun Qishen will become the key to saving the world, but at that time, in order to keep you, I had to let you possess him.

Yun Chenfeng smiled slightly, "Everything has become more complicated here..."

The magic bead was close to the monster's heart, and its collision caused a powerful light to emerge from the monster's heart.

The light shone on Yun Chenfeng's body, and the place that was broken just now was instantly restored.

Yun Chenfeng opened his eyes wide and looked in the direction of the monster.


Yun Chenfeng lowered his head, and Takizawa's figure appeared in front of him.

"There are so many whys in the world...there is no friendship in the world that sacrifices oneself to achieve others...if that is the case, no one will be happy about it."

Takizawa stretched out his hand towards Yun Chenfeng, "Since you choose to die, I will accompany you on a trip, aren't we friends?"

Yun Chenfeng took Takizawa's hand, "Yeah...friend..."

The two then walked towards the end of the light.

(End of this chapter)

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