Yun Qishen

Chapter 358 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss

Chapter 358 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss (37)
(God's perspective)
No immortality, to immortality.To live, not to live.

No long-term love, hope long-term love.Long love, turn ruthless.

Each of the four suffered for another two years.

Two years later, everyone was different, and Li Ren fulfilled his duties as a general.The princess has changed from being cheerful and lively to being dignified and reserved.Zhu Ming came back with a sense of ruthlessness, but Luan'er was more able to express her love for Zhu Ming than before.

The princess heard about Zhu Ming's record on the battlefield, and she was very curious why only Zhu Ming could come back safely.

The princess secretly sent people to investigate everything. The investigation time was not too long, but the people in charge of the investigation disappeared silently after that.

"Killed?" The princess didn't dare to say anything. "How can you be the princess' secret guard with this little skill! Continue to investigate!"

The princess's persistence was also rewarded, and the last thing she found was about the Yaosi Pavilion.

Because Zhu Ming was behind General Li, the princess never investigated him further.

But one wipe could not help but surprise the princess.

Zhu Ming was the child who was brought into Yao Si Ge on the day the princess was born 20 years ago.

Zhu Ming is a medicine person cultivated by Yaosi Pavilion, and the blood in his body should have been the best medicine for refining medicine.

He escaped from Yaosi Pavilion 12 years ago, and later lived in the palace because General Li served as a security guard. At that time, he came back with Luan'er...

"12 years ago...Yao Sige...that monster!"

The princess patted the Liuli table in front of her in surprise, then she calmed down and continued to read.

There is no record of Zhu Ming on the battlefield.

The dark guard, who was waiting for the princess' order, suddenly spoke up.

"His Royal Highness, when I was investigating, I found a rather strange thing."


"Yes...that's how it is..."

It was also 20 years ago, when the Yaosi Pavilion was first established, most of the Moren tribe died overnight, including the female family members of General Li's family.In the end, only General Li and his children were left.

It was heard that Li Ren, who was not yet full moon at that time, was finally found by General Li from the well.

The most amazing thing is that the blood of those who died is like being drained.At that time, the people suspected that it was an infectious disease, but later the Yaosi Pavilion came forward and solved the matter.

"Okay... You go and help this princess investigate the situation of the monster on the border... The day after tomorrow, give this princess a useful explanation."


The dark guard left.

The princess fell into deep thought, the medicine man... the blood... the demon... the medicine department pavilion... the general Li.

There must be a close relationship between these.

Just at the critical period when the princess thought that she could solve all the confusing problems, the dark guard did not come back on the day when he was supposed to return.

Disappearing for no reason again... Could this matter be involved a little...

When the princess was suspicious, she heard the news that Zhu Ming had entered the palace.

Ran'er was obviously much happier than the princess.

"Look, it's making you anxious."

The princess still cares about Luaner as usual. Since that day, only Luaner has stayed with the princess...

After seeing Zhu Ming again, the princess also understood that the battlefield is a place to cultivate monsters.

In the past, Zhu Ming was gentle, but now Zhu Ming's eyes have become bleak.

Luan'er couldn't wait to pounce directly, the princess frowned slightly, but she couldn't stop it... it's better not to stop it...

The princess glanced at Li Ren who was beside Zhu Ming. For two years, as a general, he hadn't looked at her unless he was instructed to do so.

For a moment, Li Ren met the princess's gaze, and Li Ren quickly turned his head.

The princess closed her eyes and walked over to say hello to Zhuming. She also found a good reason to let Luaner get along with Zhuming.

On the same day, the beauty of the reunion was soon shattered.

The king summoned the princess, and the princess saw the elixir of immortality.

Everything became clear, just after the princess opened the box containing the elixir of immortality.

On the surface, the Yaosi Pavilion is doing good deeds of saving people and giving, but behind the scenes, it refines and chemical medicines for the country to use.

After the blood of the medicine person gathers, it can refine the elixir of immortality. No medicine person is burdened with hundreds of thousands of compatriots with the same blood.

Such a can it be so prosperous now...

"How? Do you like it? This is the betrothal gift prepared by the lonely king for you, so that after you go to the ghost country..."

"Don't marry! The sons don't marry! Let such a country perish! What longevity sons are not rare!"

The repression inside still caused the princess to resist, which angered the king instead.

The king slapped the princess in the face.

The princess was shocked and did not move. Her father beat her... how could it be...

"It's all for your own good! For the prosperity of the ancient proud country! You are the princess! It's not up to you to decide whether to marry or not! The princess has to look like a princess. If you don't obey, the solitary king will kill the devil boy. !"

It wasn't that the king couldn't see the princess' attitude towards Li Ren.

It was also the words that the king threatened the princess, which made the princess more understand how much she liked Li Ren... As long as he is alive, I can only atone in pain...

The princess went back to the bedroom in despair. On the way, he heard even more shocking news-General Li passed away.

"Here... how is it possible..."

The princess clenched her fists, just for that one medicine, ruining the lives of so many people, even the people who should be alive...

Just as the king knew his daughter, the princess knew her father very well.

General Li's death must have been allowed by his father...

The princess turned to look for Li Ren temporarily, she was very worried about Li Ren's situation.

Sure enough, Li Ren really couldn't be more sad.

It was the second time since that time for the princess to see such a sad Li Ren, and it felt like a heart was cut with a fire-baked knife.

General Li was buried with a posthumous seal, and the three days of mourning soon passed.

The wedding day is getting closer and closer, the princess is really restless, she always reminds herself to calm down.

But in the end, she still couldn't hold on to talk to Luan'er, but it just happened that Zhuming and Luan'er were together.

When the princess and Zhu Ming were enjoying the newly composed red sleeve dance by Luaner, the princess couldn't help but confided in it.

Zhu Ming and Luan'er also understand who the princess likes, so why doesn't Li Ren not understand...

As a result, on the day of the wedding, Luaner threw himself on the ground while dressing the princess.


"Princess, leave! Leave with General Li Ren... Go and pursue your happiness! Ran'er replaces His Highness..."

The princess hurriedly picked up the chaos, "What nonsense are you talking about, it was discovered that this is going to be beheaded... If you replace me, what will Zhu Ming do! The two of you..."

"But for Luan'er, Zhu Ming is Luan'er's lover, and the princess is Luan'er's relative. His Highness has protected Luan'er since he was a child, and now it's time for Luan'er to repay!"


The princess hesitated, she wanted to refuse, but she saw Li Ren's figure at the door of the palace in a blink of an eye.

 Me: It's all love's fault!That's right!

  Cloud: What about my appearance!swallowed by you? !what!
(End of this chapter)

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