Yun Qishen

Chapter 360 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss

Chapter 360 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss (39)
(God's perspective)
The princess and Li Ren were about to escape from the ancient proud country, but the princess was too indecisive.

The princess threw away Li Ren's hand. She thought a lot along the way. She couldn't let Ran'er take risks. She couldn't kill a lot of people because of this.She made up her mind to ask Li Ren a question, and then no matter what Li Ren said, she would go back.What she needs now is an answer.

"Li Ren..."

Li Ren looked back at the princess who suddenly threw away his hand.

The princess lowered her head, "This princess wants to ask you... Have you ever liked this princess over the years, even if you have a slight feeling..."


Li Ren was straightforward, but there was a hint of denial in his heart.

The princess didn't feel sad because of Li Ren's heart-wrenching words.

She smiled and asked a second question in relief.

"Did you hate me? Want to kill me?"

The princess' hand grabbed Li Ren's saber, and Li Ren grabbed it subconsciously, only to grab the princess' hand in the past.

"Of course I hate you, and I want to kill you too, but I can't now."

Li Ren still told the truth.

Although the princess was sad, she still laughed out loud.

"Listen...what are you talking're still so straightforward. Haha...well it's all my wishful thinking..."

The princess let go of Li Ren's saber and smiled, "Ha, since it's all about to accompany this princess to rescue Luan'er, and then you kill this princess...after that, you and Luan'er are still there. Zhu Ming escaped from this country together."

"..." Li Ren agreed without a word, he accompanied the princess to catch up with the float.

When they arrived they happened to see the accident happen.

Duan Xi made no mistakes in the air, he stepped on the flower platform.

In panic, the dancers bumped into the chaos sitting in the middle.

She had been holding the jade pendant Zhu Ming gave her in her hand, and it fell out under the collision. She took it subconsciously.

Huatai became very lively, and in the panic, the person who was supposed to be the princess of Gu Aoguo was actually an ordinary woman pretending to be.

A good National Day suddenly turned into a farce, and this is definitely unacceptable.

Anything that can be said at the moment, the princess escapes from marriage, or the maid wants to turn a sparrow into a phoenix.

The soldiers at the back of the marriage team divided into two groups, while controlling the sinner who was pretending to be a princess, while chasing after the two people in the same palace.

"How could it be... messy..."

The princess wanted to rush up.

Li Ren stopped her at this time, "You can't go."

"Why, what a mess, why did you suddenly change your attention now! Li Ren let me go!"

The princess struggled to get Li Ren to let go of her.

But Li Ren always felt that something was wrong and that something was going to happen.

Sure enough, what happened next confirmed Li Ren's intuition.

Zhu Ming came to the stage to protect the chaos without saying a word.

"General, don't embarrass us!"

"It's not like my subordinates. If we don't catch her, we will all die!"

"The general knows that Gu Aoguo has no shortage of soldiers, and those of us who take the lead should set an example for them."

"Let's get out of the way, General. Everyone's life is important!"


Zhu Ming protects Luan'er and ignores the group of soldiers, but there are guys who don't know how high the sky is.

"Sorry! General!"

Saying sorry words, actually doing cruel things.

The sword and spear didn't have long eyes, but it directly stabbed a woman who had no power to tie the chicken.

Luan'er's waist was pierced by a gun, and Zhu Ming angrily kicked the emerging soldier away.

"Who allows you! Who allows you to do it without authorization!"

Zhu Ming looked at Luan'er's painful expression, and the red wedding dress was also stained black with blood.

Luan'er endured the pain and kept saying, "I'm fine... I'm fine, Zhu Ming..."

"The king has an order. Anyone who disturbs the princess' marriage will be killed without mercy! Even if it is General Zhuming..."

The other soldiers also raised their guns, and the other drawn swords pointed at Zhu Ming and Ran'er.

There was a feeling in Zhu Ming's heart that he was about to move, he looked at the blood in his hands and didn't know how to deal with it.

Luan'er touched Zhu Ming's cheek with her hand, and then her hand slid down.

Chaos! ! !

"No!!! Please don't leave me!!!!"

After a roar, Zhu Ming's body changed, he became huge and grew a strong body.

He became a monster!

The soldiers pointed at Zhu Ming fearfully with swords and guns.

how come?Is this their general Zhu Ming?They finally understood why only General Zhu Ming had returned on the battlefield.


A soldier stabbed the monster with a gun. His brother followed General Zhu Ming to fight and died on the frontier.

He originally thought that his brother would die for the country and fight the monster to the end, but after seeing the monster Zhu Ming incarnated, his previous thoughts of comforting him were unrealistic.

Since General Zhu Ming can become like this, why does my brother have to die!
All soldiers who have lost a loved one understand one truth.

General Zhu Ming on the battlefield attacked indiscriminately, and no one who came back from the battlefield would know that General Zhu Ming was a monster!

The soldiers started to fight back, but Zhu Ming waved them gently and they were casualties.


The candle monster roared, and he really attacked all kinds of things indiscriminately.

The people who were watching the fun fled in a hurry, and the mythical beasts and civil servants in front of the escorting team all fled.Li Ren protected the princess from being crowded by the crowd, and he took her to the side to hide.

The candle monster moved to attack other places, and the generals and soldiers followed.

Li Ren took the opportunity to rescue Chaos who fell on the flowerbed.

The princess looked at Luan'er's injured appearance and blamed herself very much. How could she be so confused at that time and let her do it for herself!

Li Ren reminded calmly, "Go and heal her now!"

"Come with me, I know a secret passage leads to the sacrificial building, let's go to the high priest."

The princess turned and quickly led the way away.

Li Ren followed the princess with Luan'er in his arms, and he also looked back at Zhu Ming, who had turned into a monster.

"Brother, I'll be back for you..."

Li Ren and the princess brought the chaos to the sacrificial building quickly.

The sacrificial building was surrounded by a powerful barrier, and it was said that the princess was accidentally burned by the barrier.

"Anyone? High Priest!"

The princess touched her burnt palm and shouted at the sacrificial building.

Then came out a seductive person.

"Tsk, isn't this our little princess? What wind brought you here?"

The woman stroked her hair with her hands, making her even more seductive, "This is the sacrificial building, not the Yaosi Pavilion. We won't heal the wounded... and then..."

The graceful figure of the woman gradually approached the princess, "I remember, my servant, today is the princess' wedding. Do you want the entire sacrificial building to be buried with you?"

"You..." The princess really hated the woman in front of her - Immortal Fairy Ling Mei.

At this moment, the gentle female voice of the high priest came from the sacrificial building.

"Ling Mei, don't be unreasonable. Princess... and General Li Ren, come in."

The princess glared at Immortal Fairy Ling Mei and Li Ren led the chaos into the sacrificial building.

 Gu Aoguo's complicated love relationship 233
(End of this chapter)

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