Yun Qishen

Chapter 362 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss

Chapter 362 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss (41)
(God's perspective)
Are these things General Li did for his father?

The princess only understood that General Li was involved, but she did not expect that General Li could kill her family and clansmen so cruelly.

"General Li Ren has mana in his body. At that time, General Li took the risk and asked me to seal the spell in your body, and he asked me to protect you from being discovered when he slaughtered and collected blood. A child became a medicine man, so they captured Zhu Ming.

Then they continued to deceive the world, looking for strange blood to train the medicine man.After the medicine person's blood is combined, it is possible to refine the elixir of immortality.But it has not been successful for many years, so it has continued to the present.

Why it has not been successful, what happened when you were eight years old was a turning point. "

When Ling Yaoqing said this, the princess gave a clear answer, "Zhu Ming from the medicine man disappeared and entered the royal city! But then General Li..."

The princess was puzzled halfway through her words, and then she thought about it, General Li must have known, but why did he keep Zhu Ming in the palace without the knowledge of his father...

Ling Yaoqing could see the princess' doubts, and he continued.

"Perhaps General Li wanted to make up for the devil's affairs at that time, or some dissatisfaction with the king, or... Maybe let General Zhu Ming secretly protect General Li Ren. Only General Li knows what he really thinks, and now he has I'm just guessing at death."

Ling Yaoqing closed her eyes softly and sighed, "Afterwards, Yaosi Pavilion was unable to create the elixir of immortality because of the lack of Zhuming, and then they aimed at the demon. The demon was the same at that time. Oppose the ancient proud country.

Just two years ago, after the night assassination, Zhu Ming was sent to the frontier to fight the demon.General Li went with him, not to mention the purpose of taking blood.After the Yaosi Pavilion really refined the elixir of immortality, General Li also took it and handed it over to the king.after that……"

"Later, after the king got the elixir of life, he instructed his father to kill the people in the Yaosi Pavilion. In the end, his father chose to kill himself to end everything..."

Li Ren interrupted, his clenched fists were shaking, and his voice was even more hoarse than before, "These are all what Luaner told me."


The princess looked at Chaos again with concern.

Then the princess walked in front of the high priest Ling Yaoqing, and she knelt down in front of Ling Yaoqing.

Ling Yaoqing was startled and quickly stepped forward to stop it, "Princess..."

"I apologize to you on behalf of the father, I know that this can't be made up at all... So, High Priest, will you let me go?"

The princess suppressed her tears, but the tears still ran out in disobedience.Ling Yaoqing wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her hands.

"The king's affairs are the responsibility of the king. This is something you don't need to bear for him... Your guardian star has just dimmed, and this minister wants to tell you, but I am afraid that you will be too sad, princess..."

The princess looked at Ling Yaoqing in amazement, why is she suddenly so serious, what is the guardian of the stars... I'm afraid I'll be sad... Could it be...

"Your Majesty... he has fallen... right next to the calamity... your star is no longer bright..."

When the princess heard this, her hands began to tremble. Her hand grabbed Ling Yaoqing's black and purple robe and slid down, and she also sat down on the ground.

Father, he... Father...

The princess covered her face with her hands and wept silently.

Ling Yaoqing wanted to calm herself down for a moment, she motioned Li Ren to talk to her a little further away.

Li Ren looked at the princess with concern and followed the high priest to the side.

"General Li Ren, I will release the seal on your mana later, and I will also teach you some spells after that. I will not explain the purpose of this, you should understand."

"You want me to kill my best brother?"

"It's not General Zhu Ming who is destroying wantonly on it now, it's just a monster, a monster that will destroy everything."

Ling Yaoqing motioned Li Ren to look at the stars around him, the stars that were closer to the disaster star fell faster.

"If you don't stop him and don't know the ancient proud country, the entire continent or space will be destroyed. So you have to make a decision, and this decision you have no choice..."

Li Ren finally nodded and agreed.

"The final decisive battle is three days later, here three days I will give you the most powerful spell in this world - the abyss."

Ling Yaoqing waved her hand, and the stars in the room disappeared.

After that, the princess thought about it for a long time. She thought that Li Ren hated her for no reason, because her father's refining immortality was for her, and she was also responsible for all this.

What a princess that everyone loves, sins like this are not as great as a mouse crossing the street.

"Princess... you... shouldn't you leave? Why... why are you coming back..."

The princess was so focused on her own business that she didn't pay attention to the things that Luaner woke up.

Luaner cried as soon as she woke up, she grabbed the princess' clothes, "Princess, you shouldn't be here, you should be with General Li Ren..."

"He said it all... Why didn't you tell me when you saw Luaner... General Li's affairs..."

Luan'er's tears flowed even more uncontrollably, "Because in the heart of the princess, the king is great and will not hurt innocent people for these things... Although the king is strict, he is really good to the princess... "

The princess hugged Lan'er and patted her back, "I know, don't cry, I understand... You are the best for me..."

Luaner sobbed, and the princess comforted her gently.

This scene happened to be seen by Li Ren, who was passing by.

He knows the pain of losing a loved one better than anyone else, so he understands that now is not the time to talk to the princess. When two people meet, they will only get tired of each other, or they may not be able to face each other.

After three days like this, Li Ren also successfully learned the spell given to him by the high priest.

"Because it is the result of rushing for success, don't use too much force, otherwise the monster will not be destroyed, and you will die yourself."

Before the decisive battle, the high priest also exported a reminder.

When Li Ren was going to go up, the princess also ran out.

"Take me with you... Anyway, this is my country. I have the responsibility and obligation to witness his demise, and even be spurned by the people."

Li Ren looked at the princess, and the princess' eyes were very firm.

The high priest nodded, and Li Ren agreed.

Then a person in the sacrificial building who was in charge of taking care of the disorder ran over and brought bad news.

"Lan'er... The messenger servants she is gone, we found a jade pendant at the same passage above!"

"This is the jade pendant that Zhuming gave to Luan'er!" The princess was very familiar with this jade pendant, and she couldn't even put it down on the day she received it, and she couldn't even eat.

mess... don't be alright...

The princess was worried about the chaos, but the high priest Ling Yaoqing was very curious about how the waitress broke through the barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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