Yun Qishen

Chapter 377

Chapter 377 Getting along in this world (8)
(God's perspective)
The abyss that Laia and Guang entered with tears and Wanyi, the only people they can find here or who have just come out of the abyss are Laia and Wanyi.

Although this person from the spiritual realm was the last to enter the abyss, he came out of the abyss earlier than everyone else.

Besides, on Taki Yunhua's side, Mi Zixin took all the disciples of Jingling Mountain to Liuyin Peak.

Taki Yunhua was still in a coma at the time. When Taki Yunhua woke up, she found that she was in the hospital, and then the Spirit Realm Dao was beside her bed.

Besides, Mo Langqin was brought into the abyss without force by Duan Xi, and after regaining consciousness, he returned to his home.

Now Jiang Lin has gathered people related to Guao Continent to discuss the restoration of the abyss.

Everyone also introduced the specific things they saw, but what surprised everyone was the identity of the spiritual realm.

"I can't believe that, brother, you are still the type of president with a mine at home."

Yun Qishen smiled as he looked at the serious spiritual realm on the opposite side.

Taki Yunhua was holding on to Lingjing Dao's arm for a long time, but this time Lingjing Dao didn't dislike her and let her go.

"I envy me and work hard to make money!"

A grumpy old man is a grumpy old man, and if a good word of encouragement comes out of his mouth, the taste will change.


At this time, Yun Qishen remembered that he used to be an old man.

Now he has no courage to face his mother, and he feels a little guilty.

"From what we discussed just now, we can guess that there is an interlaced difference in space and time between the abyss." Xiao Wang is the only one in this group who is thinking about this abyss, and the others are thinking about whether to go back or not.

Mo Langqin actually wanted to go back to Ancient Ao Continent. He didn't like the crowded state of the world.

The original purpose of the Spirit Realm Dao was to come back. He just wanted to help Jiang Lin break the abyss barrier and let Lai A and those who were lost in the abyss go back.

Taki Yunhua believes that as long as she has a spiritual realm by her side, it doesn't matter where she is.

Yun Qishen wanted to go back here, but he didn't go back differently, and he began to struggle again for a while.

Like Spirit Realm Dao, Lai is worried about the people trapped in the abyss.

Lai A and Lingjingdao both pondered for a moment when they heard Xiao Wang's suggestion of the interlaced difference between space and time.

Lingjing Dao has lived in Ancient Ao Continent for almost 200 years, but disappeared in this world for only two or three years.

There is no common thread among all those who came to the world through the abyss to determine whether this time gap is fixed or random.

The atmosphere became extremely quiet.


I don't know who's stomach suddenly made a sound that broke the silence just left.

Taki Yunhua glanced at Lai A, and Lai A also said, "Benlong is hungry and wants to eat sweet and sour pork loin!"

"But Brother Long, didn't you just eat sweet and sour last night..."

Halfway through Yun Qishen's words, Taki Yunhua's sharp eyes pierced, and Yun Qishen's frightened back felt chills, and he immediately changed his attitude, "Okay! Okay! I'll do it..."

"I'll help you." Qi Qi followed Yun Qishen to the kitchen.

Jiang Lin also came out of the room at this time, and everyone's eyes turned to her.

"What if that kid happened?" Lingjing Road asked.

Jiang Lin glanced at the spiritual realm with a cigarette in her mouth and said, "Make it up, the magic weapon does exist, but the memory is blank, and it should be eliminated because of the ills of the magic. I have already tried to recover his memory."

"I heard you say that this disciple called Wanyi is studying fire phoenix art?" Xiao Wang asked Jiang Lin afterward.

"Yes, he should have completely practiced the fire phoenix technique."

Mo Langqin also answered.

"That's right." Jiang Lin looked for a place to sit, her feet subconsciously resting on the table.

"Linlin! Pay attention to the image!"

Xiao Wang still reminded him as usual, Jiang Lin rolled the cigarette in her hand into the ashtray on the table, "Call me grandpa, don't call me nickname!"

"Continue talking." Lingjing Road still said in a cold tone.

"Hmph, the reason why the fire phoenix technique is called the forbidden technique here refers to the several techniques behind it." Jiang Lin moved her fingers, and a faint blue flame totem appeared behind her.

The flame then changes to form an explanatory diagram.

"The fire phoenix technique can be said to be the superior technique among the fire spells. The previous moves can be practiced by a fire cultivator with excellent aptitude and super understanding. The better the natural aptitude, the fire phoenix technique he uses. more powerful.”

Jiang Lin waved her hand again, and half of the flame came to burn in front of her. She played with the blue fire in her hand, "And the technique behind the fire phoenix surgery is completely different from the previous one, even if this person does not have any aptitude for cultivation, As long as the fire wind in the fire phoenix forbidden technique is attached to his body, his body will become the container of the spell. The result can be imagined, this is a spell that is eager to achieve, and the time the fire phoenix exists in his body is longer. Long, the faster that person will die. Not to mention the magic behind the cultivation of the fire phoenix."

The blue flame in Jiang Lin's hand turned into a small blue phoenix and flew around her hand.

"Since it is a threat to life, why would he lose his memory after extracting the magic weapon? According to you, he should die." No matter how ugly his words were, Mo Langqin said the truth.

Lai'a's tail went around and gave Mo Langqin a head, "Shut up!"

Jiang Lin closed her eyes and continued, "In case this child is special, he is indeed the latter as I said. He has no talent at all, and if he normally cultivates Daoism, he will never be better than ordinary Daoist disciples in his life. .

I won't say which Immortal Dao would accept this kind of apprentice.But his practice of fire phoenix technique has not been counterattacked, which means that he does have a unique place.

You also said that he has practiced all the moves of the fire phoenix technique.He will definitely know the self-destruction spell of rebirth from ashes.

He also said that once he was reborn from ashes, he could not escape the fate of turning into a fire phoenix.This child should not have been alive in the first place, why the fire phoenix did not devour him but left, this is what I am curious about. "

"You know the fire phoenix technique quite well." Mo Langqin held Lai'a's tail with his hand, preventing it from flicking himself.

"Is there anything I don't understand? It's just that a friend died just like the kid called Wanyi here."

Jiang Lin spoke expressionlessly, and then she waved her hand again and the blue flame disappeared.

Xiao Wang's expression was not as indifferent as Jiang Lin's. Mo Langqin also noticed Xiao Wang's expression. He thought that the friend Jiang Lin mentioned might be very important to them.

"One more thing, that Dr. Yun called me just now when I was treating an emergency." Jiang Lin took her feet off the table and did it in a serious manner, and her calm demeanor became serious," he said. , if you want to find the gap in the abyss, you must first collect the Qi of Heaven and Earth..."

(End of this chapter)

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