Yun Qishen

Chapter 379

Chapter 379 Getting along in this world (10)
(God's perspective)
In matters between women, Yun Qishen and the big men have no interest.

Lingjing Dao and Mo Langqin were full of wine and food, but Lai Ata did not eat enough sweet and sour pork loin.Yun Qishen and Ye Qi haven't eaten yet.

It seems that it is very easy to starve here in this world, and it is not clear why.

Why don't you just take Ye Qi out for a meal now?
Yun Qishen looked up at Ye Qi, and Ye Qi also smiled and looked at Yun Qishen.

Good idea, but lack of funds...


Yun Qishen sighed immediately.

There was also a hint of doubt on the smiling face of Qi Qi.

"What is a buffet? All you can eat?"

Lai A peeped into Yun Qi's deep heart, there are still many things this dragon has to go through in this world.

"Buffet?" Ye Qi also asked aloud.

Lingjing Dao sat on the sofa and looked at Yun Qishen with a flat face, and his tone was also cold, "Do you want to eat?"

"That's right, but now I..." Yun Qishen couldn't open his mouth to talk about money.

This kind of feeling is really uncomfortable, relying on others, and there is no money that I have worked hard to earn.I really miss the days when Guao Continent was carefree and did not worry about food and clothing.

"I can lend you the money, but..."

"So stingy."

Before the Spirit Realm Dao finished speaking, Qi Qi interrupted, followed by a sudden frown from the Spirit Realm Dao.

It's not good to get angry, didn't you say that you can't get in the mouth of the irritable brother here!
"What did you say, Ye Qi?" Spirit Realm Dao was patient.

Ye Qi's daughter smiled and went online, "Although it is true that you have returned to your hometown, you are still my adoptive father in terms of seniority, aren't you? Isn't it right and proper to give money to children? How can you say borrowing?"

"Okay! Here it is!"

Lingjingdao used his mobile phone to transfer a few hundred dollars to Ye Qi, "These are enough for you to eat, but for the money after that, please pay for your labor."


After Ye Qi confirmed the payment, he dragged Yun Qishen out.

"Hey! You wait for Benlong, and Benlong is going too!"

Lai'a's eyes lit up and wanted to keep up with Ye Qi, but Lingjing Dao grabbed its tail.

"Spiritual Realm Dao, what do you mean here?"

"Don't go and make trouble, it's not like you can't see that the two boys want to hang out together. Besides, it's best to go out without causing panic and onlookers when you look like this. You have to keep acting like this, I I can guarantee that in a few hours people from all over the world will arrest you for an autopsy."

After the Spirit Realm Dao finished speaking, he let go of Lai A's tail.

Lai closed her tail and then reduced her body to the shape of a kitten and a puppy.

"It's better to become a small animal like this!" Lai A felt that she would never attract attention like this, "Like you said pets."

"Pets can't enter the restaurant! You stupid dragon!"

Lingjing Dao finally couldn't help but get angry, Mo Langqin quickly hid in the kitchen when he saw that the situation was wrong.

Xiao Wang held back his laughter. When he found Jin Qilin, he would definitely tell Jin Qilin about Lai A and let Jin Qilin laugh at the dragon.

The dragon, Laia, puffed out angrily and had an indescribably funny look, and it looked a little cute.

"If you don't talk about this, why have you never changed your human appearance?" Lingjing Dao realized that something was wrong with Lai.

"It's a little difficult to change into a human form here, and the specific dragon is not clear. It's not that it can't be changed, but it's easy to get hungry after turning into a human form." Lai's body radiated light, and then he transformed into a human appearance, just no clothes...

Lingjing Dao looked away from Lai'a, "It's alright, it's better for you to change back to a dragon."

"Benlong suddenly felt that this is not bad. The important thing is that I don't have to worry about not being able to eat anything here, and I don't seem to be hungry." Lai A also swaggered onto the sofa.

Xiao Wang couldn't stand it any longer, so he went in and found a dress for Lai A.

Xiao Wang really didn't want to wear Lai's own clothes, but now is not the time for conflicts.

Lai A looked at the clothes that Xiao Wang brought him, "It's colorful and looks delicious."

"..." Lingjing was speechless, and he even thought that Lai'a had become stupid after pulling out two scales on his heart and the whole dragon.

"This is not food!" Xiao Wang mainly felt distressed about his clothes.

Then Taki Yunhua and Jiang Lin came out of the room.

Jiang Lin looked around, "That puppy, ah no...that deep...that..."

"Linlin is looking for Yun Qishen again?" Xiao Wang leaned over.

"Don't call me my nickname, call me grandpa!"

Jiang Lin smashed Xiao Wang's head with her fist, "Yes, it's so deep, where did it go in a while?"

"Go to the buffet."


When Xiao Wang told the truth, Jiang Lin was angry.

"When is it! Don't you know what he's doing?! Didn't he just eat? Did he have a swallowing gluttony in his stomach!"

Jiang Lin took a deep breath to calm herself, and Taki Yunhua also came to Lingjing Dao's side and put her arm around him.

"To be honest, you don't have to hold me all the time, and I can't run."

"I like to hold you like this, don't you like it?"

Lingjingdao looked at Taki Yunhua's sparkling eyes and did not refuse her to pull him for a while.

"Just say you're the best."

Taki Yunhua hugged Spirit Realm Dao's arm even more happily.

Jiang Lin smacked her lips and looked at the two of them.

Taki Yunhua's performance on the Spiritual Realm Dao is very normal in Lai's opinion.

Xiao Wang saw that Jiang Lin was not in a good mood, and he was very uneasy, for fear of what Jiang Lin would do.

Jiang Lin took out an elixir from her pocket and handed it to Lingjing Road, "This is yours. Every three days, both of you must remember to come to me to get it."

Spirit Realm Dao took the medicine pill and swallowed it in his mouth, then he closed his eyes and concentrated.

After a while, Spirit Realm Dao opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Lin, "Thank you."

"Hehe, don't thank me. How can I say that Cold Insect Gu also came from my own hands. I was not qualified to intervene in what happened back then, and I don't want to pursue it now. Since her own cause and effect involved me, it is only natural for her as a friend to help her. After Jiang Lin finished speaking, she patted Xiao Wang, "This group of people ate and ate, and said what they said, let's see off."

"Linlin, how can it be here, they are guests..."

"Please, we are the masters, so there is a reason for the master to let the guests? Besides..." Jiang Lin grabbed Xiao Wang's mouth with her hand, "Call me grandpa!!!"

"Pain! Pain! Pain!"

After Jiang Lin let go, Xiao Wang quickly covered his face to relax.

Jiang Lin noticed that there was movement in the kitchen and went over, and then kicked Mo Langqin out.

"I've seen shameless people! I've never seen such a bad guy! Mo Langqin, you unconscionable hand over the things you stole from the refrigerator to grandpa!"

Jiang Lin grabbed Mo Langqin with great strength and threw it out.

"Okay, I'll give it to you. I don't care about it, sir!"

Mo Langqin said it easily, but he reluctantly handed over what he had just found in the refrigerator.

"This is... a fragment of the egg of the snake?" Lingjing Dao recognized the thing in Mo Langqin's hand at a glance.

Jiang Lin took it from Mo Langqin and looked at Lingjing, "It's indeed the egg of the snake."

(End of this chapter)

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