Yun Qishen

Chapter 385 The Qi of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 385 The Qi of Heaven and Earth (5)
(God's perspective)
"More than ten years ago, at that time, I followed my father's instructions to complete some strange experiments. Except for part of the time at home to practice puzzles, when I came into contact with puzzles, it was the so-called researchers. in front of me. They would record my every move and put strange instruments on me.

My father's research was to develop a genius brain, and he identified me as the subject of the experiment for his philosophy.My father believed that everyone is a genius, and as long as they work hard, they can reach a certain super-strength field.

On the other hand, the other person who worked with my father on the creation of the genius plan was the creator of Cheng Wu just now, Cheng Xiang.He advocates artificial genius, which is created by directly exerting external force on the brain.

At the time I remember being locked up in a room with a group of kids my age for experiments, including one or two younger than me.

We wear white robes, so that the wires of the instruments connect our bodies.My experiments up until the age of 13 had me passing on what they call numerical.Then the child who participated in the experiment with me was replaced by someone else every time.

As for Cheng Xiang, I only know that he is a rather impatient person, and he gets very angry every time his children's numbers don't go up.I was afraid of him as a child.

As for the Cheng Wu just now... I learned from his memory that he was the result of Cheng Xiang's success.He has the memory of my childhood, but I have never met this man.

I don't even know how he recognized me, and you know my body now..."

Ji Qi quietly listened to Yun Qishen's remarks, and he saw that Yun Qishen was uneasy when he mentioned this memory.

After Yun Qishen finished speaking, he also looked at Qi Qi, "This kind of thing is not a good thing, I feel quite ashamed to say it."

"But it's not a good way to keep it in your heart. Now that you have me, you can talk to me, right?" He smiled softly, and Yun Qishen also looked at him.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Xiao Wang couldn't bear to look in the rearview mirror anymore, and he was also curious about some things, "You said your stats were high before you were 13 years old, but what about after 13 years old?"

"This... well, it's embarrassing enough anyway. When I was 13 years old, my mother and father quarreled and separated. I was forced to live with my mother for a while, and it was also during that time that I became obsessed with games...then Later, my father saw that I was a problem, so the experiment was put on hold. I was taken back to my father when I was 15 years old. Before that, I was locked up in the house except for going to school. The happiest person was only 13 years old. It's that time." Yun Qishen hesitated for a moment, he sighed and said, "That year, I set fire to the house."

Xiao Wang's foot driving in front of him almost slid the accelerator, and he was a little shocked, probably because of Yun Qishen's current appearance, he couldn't see that this kid was so cruel.

Ye Qi also looked at Yun Qishen in surprise. He thought that it might be too oppressive to cause a person to go crazy.

"Looking at your appearance, I'd better stop talking. If you continue, I will be embarrassed! These are all black history! It's really too middle school!"

Yun Qishen waved his hand away, he didn't want to talk anymore, not only was he ashamed, he didn't even want others to think he was pitiful.

Ye Qi smiled and took Yun Qishen's hand, "This is worthy of being a Demon Lord, it's a good practice."


Yun Qishen didn't understand Ye Qi's brain circuit for a while, shouldn't he tell him that he had a hard life before?


"Do you regret it?"

Ye Qi didn't wait for Yun Qishen to ask him, he looked at Yun Qishen's golden eyes flashing a ray of light.

"I don't regret it." Yun Qishen replied simply, he didn't regret the thing he set on fire at all.

"That's why the little Taoist said that the devil has done a good job. Because your life is to be expanded by yourself, right? You said that we don't need to care about other people's opinions, just be ourselves.

It's not wrong for you to choose to put those bad memories out with a fire for yourself.Now that we have done it, we dare to admit it.What other people say is other people's business, isn't it best for us to be happy? "

Ye Qi's smile gave Yun Qi deep inner warmth.


Yun Qishen said softly.

Xiao Wang in front looked at the rearview mirror, and he also thought about saying a few words, "It's good to just make your own decision, and the method should not be too extreme. This is not a place full of repairing spells like Guao Continent. In case of injury People are bad."

Yun Qishen turned his face away with an embarrassed smile, "It's all said that this is a black history, and it's too embarrassing for a middle schooler."

"In that case, shall we go back first today? We need to go back and check the location of that research institute."

Xiao Wang said to Yun Qishen while turning the car.

"The location doesn't need to be... I checked it out from Cheng Wu's mind, but now I don't want to go." Yun Qishen clasped his hands together.

"Then go back first, and bring back some food for the little lord by the way. It's getting late, do you two want to eat?"

Xiao Wang planned to take the snacks back, how would Mo Yu praise him, and then he could take the opportunity to let Mo Yu leave Lai A.

"So Coke..."


When Ye Qi heard that Xiao Wang was going to buy something, he opened his mouth, and Yun Qishen quickly interrupted him.

"The devil's heart is too cruel~" Yan Qi looked at Yun Qishen again with those pitiful eyes.

Yun Qishen hurriedly covered his eyes, "It's useless! This trick is useless to me! If you drink Coke again, you won't need your teeth!"

"The little Taoist priest's teeth are very good." Yan Qi's female watch approached Yun Qishen with a smile.

Yun Qi deeply felt a breath approaching, he hurriedly leaned back, and suddenly his head hit the roof of the car when he was nervous.

Yun Qishen also rubbed his head with his hands.

Ye Qi took the opportunity to lean closer to Yun Qishen, he grabbed Yun Qishen's hand and bit his fingers with his teeth.

Yun Qishen was so frightened that he immediately raised his hand, "What are you doing! You are not wounded by the saliva of the beast!"

"Isn't the little Taoist afraid that the devil will think that I have a bad mouth? I just want the devil to give it a try." Saying that, Ye Qi got closer, and directly forced Yun Qishen to a corner.

Seeing Ye Qi getting closer and closer, Yun Qishen was extremely nervous. Is this kid so threatening?No, no, he used to be like this, and now he is even more serious! !
Ye Qi's mouth was close to Yun Qishen's neck and opened his mouth.

"Buy! Buy Coke!! Buy!!!"

Yun Qi couldn't help but pushed Ye Qi away, and Ye Qi also faced him with a smile that saw the sunlight.

"The devil is so kind to the little Taoist priest~"

Here, Yun Qi's face was flushed red.

Definitely don't sit with him next time, it's too dangerous!
Just thinking about it, Yun Qishen put his hands in front of him and crossed them.

 Me: What about your manliness!How can you not stand for such a little threat!
  Yun: I can't beat him, I'll do it!

  Me: I despise you!

  Cloud: You! !

  Evil: Author, your fat house is happy water!

  Me: come on! !
(End of this chapter)

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