Yun Qishen

Chapter 392 The Qi of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 392 The Qi of Heaven and Earth (12)
(God's perspective)
"That's it, there are similar energy fluctuations here as shown by the instrument just now."

"But there are a lot of people here, first determine the location tracking, and we will start when there are fewer people!"

"it is good!"

The people in white were whispering to each other, and the onlookers in front of them watched the intense game on stage without noticing them.

Xiao Wang noticed something unusual in the smell around him, and as soon as he turned around, he saw the group of men in white.

"This is the entertainment of ordinary people, so ignorant and stupid!"

One of the men in white exited with disdain, and then the group of men in white turned their heads and walked out the door.

Xiao Wang hurried to Mo Yu's side.

"Little lord! Little lord! It's not good!"

Mo Yu glanced at Xiao Wang, and the kid in the team smiled at Xiao Wang's address to Mo Yu.

"What happened?"

Mo Yu also noticed something was wrong.

"Just now, a group of people in white as you said appeared nearby."

"What!" Mo Yu jumped off the stage and was about to run out.

"Little Master! What are you doing!"

"Little Wang, come with me, isn't it time to investigate further what weapons they used?"

Mo Lin glanced at Lai A again. Lai A was still concentrating on the game at this time, and the kid on the same team was also watching Lai A's operations attentively.

"Little lord is very dangerous like this, in case there is a mistake..."

"Don't talk nonsense, come with me!"

Mo Yu took Xiao Wang and left.

Laia caught a glimpse of the back of their departure, and then resumed the boss more seriously.

Mo Yu and Xiao Wang quickly discovered the group of people in white.

"In broad daylight, it's so obvious that people don't know who they are..."

"Little Master!"

Mo Yu was a little observant, and Xiao Wang quickly pulled him back to hide.

Bai Yi also stopped moving.

"The instrument is responding again. Could it be..."

A man in white with a strange instrument began to look around.

Mo Yu and Xiao Wang also held their breath.

"It seems that something has been thrown into the net..." The other men in white also acted to observe.

No one passed by here, and Xiao Wang also noticed that a man in white began to approach them.

If the instrument can capture the unicorn, he will definitely not be able to escape.

Mo Yu watched the man in white with the instrument move further and further, he clenched his fists and prepared to fight them to the death.Even if they can't beat it, this will bring some information to Yun Qishen and the others.

"The reaction here is great!" The man in white with the instrument quickened his pace.

Xiao Wang didn't dare to act rashly, Mo Yu looked at the man in white, as long as he got closer, he would rush out and fight to the death!
Just when the man in white was about to step into Mo Yu's attack range, a black figure appeared not far away.

I saw that figure put away the black feathers, and his appearance was somewhat similar to Mo Yu.

"Oh, so it was you. I thought it was some other unicorn..."

The man in white with the instrument also stopped coming closer. He seemed to think that it was this black shadow that he had just searched and turned off the instrument.

"Mo..." Mo Lin!
Mo Yu was so excited that he wanted to rush over, but Xiao Wang, who noticed something was wrong, quickly covered Mo Yu and pressed him again.

"Assassination mission failed, let's go back."

That black shadow's voice was somewhat similar to Mo Yu's, but it was much colder than Mo Yu's.

The shadows approached the people in white, and they left in one direction.

Xiao Wang watched them walk away before letting go of Mo Yu, then looked at him with concern, "Little lord..."

"So good! How can Mo Lin speak! No! That's not Mo Lin! Mo Lin won't help those bad people! Mo Lin!!!"

Mo Yu made a self-denial and rushed towards the disappearing direction of the man in white.

"Little Master!!!" Xiao Wang followed worriedly.

In the end, when Mo Yu thought that he was catching up with the men in white, there was no one in front of him.

"So... Mo Lin..."

Mo Yu stared at everything in the blank space in front of him in a daze, and Xiao Wang also caught up at this time.

"Little lord, you are running too fast, you have caught up with Linlin."

When Xiao Wang looked up, he saw nothing in front of him.

"No! Be careful, little lord!!"

Xiao Wang realized that something was wrong and pushed Mo Yu away, and then a black shadow flashed over in an instant.

The sharp claws in Hei Ying's hands directly scratched Xiao Wang's back.

"Hey!" Mo Yu finally realized something was wrong.

The surrounding time has been frozen.

This means that this spell was cast by Mo Lin!

Mo Yu cheered up and looked around, the black shadow attacked again.

As soon as he grabbed it towards Mo Yu, Mo Yu took the blow.

Mo Yu seized the opportunity to grab Sombra's sharp claw weapon.

"Mo Lin! You can see clearly! I'm the second brother! Mo Lin!!"

Black Shadow gritted his teeth, and he tried hard to free the claws from Mo Yu.

"Little lord! Be careful!"


Xiao Wang stood up and rushed towards Mo Yu again. At this time, an instrument was flying towards Mo Yu.

Xiao Wang blocked the way, and the instrument captured Xiao Wang, and the instrument continued to absorb Xiao Wang's spiritual power.

Mo Yu glanced at Xiao Wang distractedly, and Mo Lin also liberated his claws and jumped away at this time.

Mo Lin lifted the spell, and the group of men in white appeared again.

"I'm just saying that something is thrown into the net. Take it!"

The man in white took out the instrument and pointed it at Mo Yu, and three or two of them lifted Xiao Wang up.

"Little lord... run away..."

Xiao Wang was almost in a coma, and he was powerless to speak.

Mo Lin stood not far away and watched the man in white launch an energy restraint at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu suddenly felt that his strength was lost and he couldn't even move.

"Mo Lin!!"

Mo Yu passed by with a sound, but Mo Lin was unmoved.

"Don't waste your efforts, the little unicorn who can't hear your voice, he is already our professor's experiment!"

A proud and arrogant man in white came to remind Mo Yu with a look of contempt.

"Impossible! He is my younger brother! Mo Lin! Mo Lin, wake up! I am... the second brother!"

Mo Yu didn't believe in this evil, and he didn't believe that Mo Lin really forgot him.

The man in white didn't want to listen to Mo Lin's shouting, and felt that it was important to complete the task.

They stepped forward to capture Mo Yu, and at this moment—


A purple thunder directly hit the ground near Mo Yu, scaring the people in white to retreat.

Then everyone couldn't believe their eyes, it was a black dragon hovering in the air.

Some people in white were sitting on the ground in fright, only the arrogant white-clothed person just now looked happy.

"Look! This is a dragon! We also have unicorns! These are rare experiments!!!"


Laia's deep and serious voice reached everyone's ears.

Then another purple lightning struck the ground.

"Quick! Quickly catch this dragon!!" The man in white pulled up the collar of the person next to him and shook it, motioning them to use the instrument to catch the dragon.

Laia's eyes began to glow golden on the ground.

 Me: Brother Long is mighty! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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