Yun Qishen

Chapter 40 Lessons

Chapter 40 Lessons (God's Perspective)
On the day Yun Qishen just woke up, Taoist Xuqing (the fourth child) in the Immortal Sword Sect looked at Taoist Xuyun (the third child) who was taking care of the divine beast and crane.

That evil spirit, if it doesn't work, I'll go and teach him a good lesson!Daoist Xuqing decided in his heart.

Finally, unable to bear his temper, Daoist Xuqing walked towards Xian Yaozong.

Daoist Xuyun didn't care for a while, and left when Xu Qing had something to do.

When Xu Qing came to Immortal Medicine Sect, he happened to meet Spirit Realm Dao.


Daoist Xuqing hurriedly saluted.

Xu Qing thought to himself that this time, I won't be able to teach a bad lesson again... Why did I meet the master and his old man...

"Hmm..." Spirit Realm replied.

With the sound of the Spirit Realm Dao, the voice of Ji Qi came out, "Isn't this the fourth senior brother? What are you doing here at the Immortal Medicine Sect? Why don't you accompany my third senior brother? By the way, I forgot that the third senior brother may still fall in the God Beast Valley, But I think Fourth Senior Brother, you must have rescued him."

"NaiQi!" Xu Qing gritted his teeth and glared at NieQi.

"Wow! Terrible!" Qi Qi said calmly.

Lingjing Dao also glanced at Mo Qi, "You give me some peace!"

The lively father disliked his son's fussing and then scolded him for his quiet sense of sight.

Ye Qi smiled and closed his mouth.

Spirit Realm Dao turned to look at Daoist Xuqing.

"Xu Qing is just right... You accompany Ye Qi to the side of the cliff for cultivation."

After hearing it clearly, this is a good opportunity to teach Ye Qi a lesson.

"Yes, Master..."

Xu Qing made another salute.

Ye Qi naturally likes to pretend to be cynical and stubborn in front of his group of senior brothers.

"Hey? I'll just go by myself, do I still need to bother Fourth Senior Brother? No need."

Lingjing Dao ignored Ye Qi, he turned his head and was about to leave.

Ye Qi didn't give up, he clearly said that the result of going to practice with me was to change people in the middle, and he must have found it troublesome again!Are you kidding me?

"Master! Where are you going?"

Ye Qi was still pretending, and the natural person setting couldn't be collapsed. After he said these words, there was a huge murderous aura, which must have come from the Spirit Realm Dao.

"If you dare to call me that again, I will peel off that kid Yun Qishen!" Here is what a Taoist said.

Lingjing Dao's tone was ruthless, but his words were 100% useful to Evil Qi.This caused Evil Qi's joking face to crumble for a moment.

Xu Qing thought about it, he made the master angry, and if I teach him a lesson in a while, the master will definitely ignore it.

After watching the Spirit Realm Dao disappear around the corner, Ye Qi and Xu Qing moved to the cultivation cliff.

"Senior brother is so good at Yaxing, abandoning the affairs of the Immortal Sword Sect and leaving my third senior brother who is a good person to accompany me for a walk?"

Ji Qi thought that if he didn't accompany him to practice, he didn't have to go, and he could go back to Yun Qishen to take care of him after getting rid of the Taoist Master Xuqing.

Xu Qing Daochang is quick-tempered and easily irritable, especially after involving the third senior brother Xu Yun.

Sure enough, Xu Qing was angry, "You stubborn idiot! Don't keep your mouth shut, your words make trouble! Don't blame my brother for my lack of eyes!"

A brush flew out of Xuqing's sleeve, and he held the pen and pointed to Ye Qi's heart.

The barrel of the brush is jet black, the same texture as Mi Zixin's black bone fan and Cheng Yun's black ring ruler.

(Spiritual Realm Dao once killed a century-old black-horned lizard, used it to refine seven treasures and gave them to his seven disciples.

The eldest disciple, Master Chengxu, gave him a black sword refined with the sharp black teeth of lizards.

The second disciple, Daoist Master Cheng Yun, gave him a black ruler refined with sharp lizard claws.

The third disciple, Daoist Master Xuyun, gave him a black whip refined with the strong rubber bands of lizards.

The fourth disciple, Daoist Master Xu Qing, gave him a black writing brush refined with the brutal heart of a lizard.

The fifth disciple, Daoist Liu Yun, gave him a hairpin refined with the vicious eyes of lizards.

The sixth disciple, Daochang Liuying (Mizixin), gave him a black bone fan made from lizard bones.

As for these seven disciples, Ye Qi, the Spirit Realm Dao used the softest skin of the black-horned lizard to refine a belt.However, Qi Qi didn't use him as a magic weapon, but used it to tie his hair...)
"Aiyo, I'm so afraid of Senior Brother... I just saw Senior Brother and thought you were here to seek justice for Senior Brother Three. Master, the old man has also left, Senior Senior Brother four needn't be cautious!"

How did Ye Qi make Xu Qing angry?

"That's good, but I'm still thinking about how to teach you a lesson, but instead you find an opportunity to let me reprimand you!"

Before leaving the Immortal Medicine Sect, Daoist Xuqing and Ye Qi started fighting.

Ye Qi playfully avoided Xu Qing's first attack, thinking that the plan was successful.

Suddenly Ye Qi felt his heart stop for a moment.

At that time, Xu Qing was attacked again.

When Ye Qi returned to normal, he didn't have time to dodge and was scratched on his cheek.

Ye Qi immediately returned to his smiling face, "Senior brother is so cruel, if your seventh junior brother is ruined by you, no one will want it~ Senior brother, you have to take good care of others~"

Ye Qi's female expression made Xu Qing add fuel to the fire and add some firewood.

Xuqing's anger was rising upwards.

Ye Qi jumped away and wanted to get rid of Xu Qing, but Xu Qing lost his heart and had to teach him a lesson and rub his spirits!
"Stubborn brat! Don't run away if you have one!"

Daoist Xuqing then caught up.

No matter what, Daoist Xuqing is in his thirties, and being angry with a child who has not yet reached the crown will indeed be looked down upon.

But this evil spirit, relying on his own youth, is always joking, the person from Jingling Mountain is not guilty of him?
Xu Qing thought that as an elder, he had to teach him a good lesson!

Gu Choumian and Chen Yueluo saw the private fight between Daoist Xuqing and Ye Qi.

"Why did the fourth uncle fight with the seventh uncle?" Gu Choumian thought about the reason, "Could it be that the seventh uncle ate the third uncle's divine beast again? He is definitely going to have a stomachache again!"

Chen Yueluo watched the fight between the two carefully, completely disregarding the affairs of the Immortal Medicine Sect... The things that can be destroyed around will definitely not be left to you.

"I don't think so...I think that Seventh Uncle is joking again and angering Fourth Uncle." Chen Yueluo looked at the broken things in the Immortal Medicine Sect, "Mianmian, calculate how much it costs. "Wait a minute, I'll go with the master."

Gu Choumian nodded and began to count.

Gu Choumian's calculations were meticulous, even the flowers and plants that Ye Qi and Xu Qing stepped on were all included.

"Fourth Senior Brother is so angry today? It seems that he is really Junior Brother, I guessed it right~"

"Don't speak in that tone, if I don't teach you a good lesson today, my Dao name will be written backwards!"

Daoist Xuqing used a spell, and the black pen flew in an indeterminate direction, but the aim was always towards Ye Qi.

Ye Qi dexterously turned over and ducked, but it didn't matter that he almost hurt Gu Choumian.

Chen Yueluo also quickly cast a spell to protect it.

"The other way around? Qingxu? Qingwishen and kidney deficiency? Hahaha is also a good name!"

Ye Qi jumped and jumped to the back of Daoist Xuqing. For a while, Ye Qi quickly formed a seal, and the black air was used together with the spells of the Immortal Sword Sect.

The fire spell tornado was used, and the black flame formed by the black energy of Qi Qi was used.

Attacked towards Xu Qing's back.

"—Du Hualian—" Ye Qi shouted loudly.

The rounds of fire in the black fire tornado are like black lotuses in full bloom.

At the moment when Xuqing Daochang turned around to block, the seal was blocked with soil spells, and a block of soil walls immediately protected Xuqing against the black fire.

"Are they playing for real? Yueluo, hurry up and stop Seventh Uncle, otherwise there are a hundred Immortal Medicine Sects, I'm afraid I'll have to destroy them!"

Gu Choumian recovered from the shock just now, and quickly shook Chen Yueluo in front of her.

Chen Yueluo was tired, he thought too.If he passes by now, he will either be burned to ashes by the seventh uncle, or be sent flying by the fourth uncle...

"Sorrowful sleep, you are rushing me to reincarnate..."


At the moment when the two of them were embarrassed.

There was something wrong with Qi Qi.

Ye Qi originally used black air to float in the air, but was about to use Hua Lian again.

The black qi in the air and the black qi attacking Xu Qing all disappeared in an instant.

"What?" With a puzzled look on his face, he fell towards the ground.

Xu Qing thought it would be an opportunity to take advantage of it, he waved the black pen in his hand, and suddenly the soil cones attacked the Qi Qi.

Ye Qi naturally knew that the black qi could not be used now, so he used magic to resist it.

But Qi Qi had just cast a water vapor barrier, and the sound of a snap could be heard clearly.

The water barrier was also broken from the center, and the soil cones all hit Ye Qi.

Everyone saw the tragedy at that time. Ye Qi was pierced through his body by the wooden awl, and stayed in the air for three seconds. He was continuously stabbed by the wooden awl. Xu Qing originally thought that Ye Qi could escape. shot.

Seeing this situation, everyone thought that Qi Qi was joking one second before, and then they all went crazy the next second.

"Uncle Seven!!!!"

Gu Choumian hurriedly pushed Chen Yueluo away and rushed over to check on Qi Qi.

Chen Yueluo followed closely behind.

Daoist Xuqing was a little unbelievable, why didn't this stubborn dodge away?He was annoyed and waited how to explain to the master.

--split line--

Gu Choumian did not rashly notify Mi Zixin and Lingjingdao about the injury of Qi Qi.He quickly repaired Ye Qi's damaged flesh, and the only breath of Ye Qi's temporary breath was saved by Gu Choumian's treatment for almost three hours.

"What's this called... Why doesn't Seventh Master dodge away? With Seventh Master's ability, those few wooden awls will become scum before they can shake their hands..."

As soon as Chen Yueluo finished complaining, he saw Daoist Xu Qing glanced at him.

"Why did the fourth uncle suddenly fight with the seventh uncle?" Chen Yueluo didn't dare to disturb Gu Choumian's treatment, so the topic changed.

"Hmph, this stubborn brat has no respect! I just want to teach him a lesson."

Xu Qingdao was angry, and he was angry at what he was doing.

"The lesson of the uncle is really powerful. Let us, the cynical seventh uncle, pass the gate of hell."


Gu Choumian was upset and called out Chen Yueluo to shut him up.

Two more hours passed in this way. Although all of Ye Qi's trauma and internal injuries were healed by Gu Choumian, Ye Qi's pulse was extremely weak.

Gu Choumian checked his pulse from time to time, but he couldn't feel it for a while.

Chen Yueluo shrewdly sniffed out Qi Qi's breath, "Sorrowful sleep! There's still a breath!!!"

Just now, Gu Choumian rushed out the door, "I'm going to call the master!!!"

Soon Mi Zixin came back with Gu Choumian, and when Mi Zixin came, no one paid any attention, and immediately began to diagnose and treat Qi Qi.

"His pulse is very strange... Ye Qi's heartbeat is very weak..." Mi Zixin frowned, "Chou Mian, bring Qiu Shan over! Yue Luo, please help me find a strong heart grass!"

"it is good!"

"Got it, Master!"

The two left quickly.

Seeing the two leave, Mi Zixin cast a spell with both hands, and the green spell light enveloped Xie Qi.Mi Zixin sighed, "Senior brother's injury is it?"

"Exactly..." Daoist Xuqing thought that he was going to be guilty...

"Isn't the Immortal Sword Sect ruled that you can't fight privately? What would happen if the master knew about it, not to mention that you didn't hurt someone else, it was this evil spirit!"

Xu Qing thought he was asking for guilt, but it turned out that his junior brother was long-winded and impatient for a while.

"How did I know he wouldn't run away! It's his own fault! If he didn't bully Xuyun, why would I come and teach him!" Xu Qing burst out and said loudly, no one dared to confront him except Daoist Xuyun Long-winded, even if he was punished by Spirit Realm Dao, he would not agree with others for being long-winded.

"Your character..." Just as Mi Zixin was about to accuse him of being false, a hahaha laughter came from outside the door.

Chen Yueluo found the strong heart grass first and came back, and brought back a person - Daoist Chengyun.

Daoist Xuqing thought to himself, why did this trouble come?
"Hahaha, Sixth Junior Brother, don't waste any more words with this fellow, just go and practice bungee jumping on the cliff a few times with Fourth Junior Brother's temperament..."

Cheng Yun Daoist covered his mouth with a ruler in his hand.

"Second senior brother looks at the kindness with kind eyes, but his heart is like a snake and scorpion. This mouth is really poisonous! Even if the junior brother goes, he will pull the senior brother with him!" Daoist Xuqing teased angrily.

The bungee jumping that Cheng Yun said was naturally caused by the Spirit Realm Dao. I think that the seven disciples of the Spirit Realm Dao were not less tortured by this thing when they first entered the Dao.

This practice of bungee jumping on the cliff can be called the childhood shadow of the elders.

"Hahaha, Junior Brother Xuqing will also make fun of people, and Junior Brother's kindness has come to the fore." Cheng Yun smiled and looked at Mi Zixin and at Nei Qi who was lying down.

"Isn't the sixth junior brother ordered by the master to train the third young master of the Yun family? Just before the master left Jingling Mountain, he told me to help you a little better..."

Daoist Master Cheng Yun squinted and smiled, Daoist Master Xuqing and Mi Zixin were relieved.

Fortunately, Master, he went out...

"Master, where did he go?" Mi Zixin began to transform the strong heart grass into the pill, and then gave it to Ye Qi.

"How can we, as apprentices, deal with the matter of the master? It's not the eldest disciple of the elder brother's family, so what are you doing!" Daoist Xuqing said loudly.

Daoist Master Cheng Yun smiled, "Hahaha, that's natural. Speaking of the eldest disciple of the eldest brother... it's called Shi Wan... Because he made trouble at the immortal dharma meeting, the eldest brother was imprisoned on the cliff of cultivation. "

"I think the eldest brother is too obsessed with his disciples. Every one of them is taught what to do. A bunch of violent tempers all follow our master! Just count his eldest disciple the most like!" Xu Qing blinked and looked again. Xiang Chen Yueluo said, "Look, compared with the disciples of the fifth, they are much inferior."

Chen Yueluo smiled awkwardly, why did he start talking about me again.

"Haha, Liu Yun's disciples also follow his spontaneity and benevolence."

Master Cheng Yun smiled and nodded.

After a while, Gu Choumian brought Qiu Shan over.

Cheng Yun clapped her hands on Jie Chi, "It seems that Junior Brother will have to be busy for a while, so Young Master Yun San will leave it to me..."

"I'm sorry, senior brother..." Mi Zixin instructed Qiu Shan to help, and let Yue Luo Chou Mian lay down his hands and cast spells to help Mo Qi to strengthen his heart.

Daoist Xuqing watched Daoist Chengyun leave with a smile, thinking to himself what the hell is this smiling tiger going to do?
(End of this chapter)

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