Yun Qishen

Chapter 400 The Qi of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 400 The Qi of Heaven and Earth (20)
(God's perspective)
Professor Asuka once took Mo Lin to a laboratory.

This laboratory is very familiar to Mo Lin. When he was arrested, he was forced to conduct experiments in a laboratory here. The generator on his throat was also installed here.

"You don't have to be afraid of me... I can't make a name for myself as an old man. I'm just an ordinary science enthusiast... Now the glory of the flying bird is inseparable from the Cheng family and his son."

The old man walked into an instrument. This instrument seemed ordinary, but it was actually a machine created by the genius of Cheng Wu.

"I understand, that kid Cheng Xiang didn't transform you, so you don't have to pretend." Professor Fei Niao turned to look at Mo Lin.

Mo Lin didn't say a word, he looked at Professor Asuka and sighed.

"Hey, you also let that divine beast go. People, the more you see them, the smarter you will be. If you are born smart, you will be blinded by your own cognition."

Professor Asuka found a seat and sat down slowly, "I just don't understand why you are helping us to carry out this kind of confused experiment when you are clearly not under control."

Mo Lin opened his mouth and tried to speak, and then he spoke in a voice similar to Mo Yu, "I'm just repaying Professor Cheng Xiang's kindness for allowing me to speak. I want to fulfill his wish."

"His wish... to create a genius?" Professor Asuka recalled the past, "At that time, I was obsessed with interests, and I still chose the wrong one..."

"No! Professor Cheng Xiang's real wish is not a creative genius!"

Professor Asuka met Mo Lin's denial before he finished speaking.

"Professor Cheng Xiang's greatest wish is actually to save his own son!"

Professor Fei Niao looked at Mo Lin's firm eyes, and he recalled Professor Cheng Xiang's son in his mind.

Cheng Wu is just a created person, which is a taboo in the scientific community.Cheng Xiang adopted Cheng Wu as his adopted son in order not to let the outside world find out.

"I vaguely remember that Cheng Wu's own son, who died young, was born stupid... It's just that the child didn't live past the age of eight. If he were alive, he would be about the same age as the Yun Shang family's child."

"Professor Cheng Xiang wants to treat his son's stupidity because of his stupidity. The original purpose of applying external force to the brain to create a genius is to treat his son."

Mo Lin's eyes glowed with blue light. From Professor Asuka, Mo Lin was just a handsome boy.

"Unfortunately, his son died at the age of eight, which made Professor Cheng Xiang's crazy experiment. For his son, for the same existence as his son, he sacrificed a lot of children. Because of the sacrifice of these children, he finally created the Cheng Wu."

Mo Lin looked at the instrument that made the genius, "Professor Cheng Xiang gradually regretted it when he watched Cheng Wu grow up. He deeply realized the consequences of his madness. Not long ago, Professor Cheng Xiang Discovered the existence of our mythical beasts. Our existence that goes against scientific ideas... He seems to use our power to rescue some people, and at the same time, this makes Cheng Wu like ordinary people. "

Professor Asuka's surprised expression then disappeared with a smile, "You are really kind."

"If the divine beast is not kind, it is not a divine beast. My mother taught me that others will repay their kindness, regardless of whether the person who repays is good or bad. Kirin and even divine beasts are not fools and can distinguish right from wrong. Our philosophy is also But just say it."

Mo Lin's hand touched the instrument, "This instrument is still useful, I wanted to destroy him, but I can't."

"It's all poor people... What's not pitiful in this world..." Professor Asuka sighed again.

"Pity is what others say about others. Others are neither pitiful nor pitiful for themselves." Mo Lin gave birth to a blue light body in his hand, "Everyone works hard to live, even if they cry out that they are pitiful every day, But in fact they all understand that they are never pitiful. This is the rule of the world."

Professor Asuka looked at the ball of light in Mo Lin's hand, and envied him. If he was in the past, he would have to seize this divine beast to investigate.

but now……

"After that, you leave here, go back to your world and live a good life, don't come here. I understand that people's hearts are unpredictable, but the people here are more cruel."

Professor Asuka gently touched Mo Lin's head.

Mo Lin felt a warmth in his heart that he hadn't felt for a long time, this kind of concern for others.too little...

"Actually, there are some things I don't quite understand..."

Mo Lin looked at Professor Asuka asking questions, and Professor Asuka listened to him patiently.

"Professor Cheng Xiang told me about him and Dr. Yun Shang. Why was there a snake egg in the chip that Professor Cheng Xiang secretly implanted in Dr. Yun Shang's son? Professor Cheng Xiang said that the chip The materials were prepared by Professor Asuka..."

Hearing the egg of the snake, Professor Asuka instantly thought of a person.

"I got it from a woman in purple... at the time..."

Professor Asuka explained to Mo Lin when he met the woman in purple.

It was already two in the morning.


Time unified to the next morning.

Yun Qishen and Ye Qi brought back Xiao Wang who turned into an orange cat.

Jiang Lin hurried to treat it.

Mo Lin regained his energy and sat together with Yun Qishen and the others.

"You said that Mo Lin was not controlled, so why did he attack us?"

Yun Qishen supported his chin with his hand and thought, he turned his head and glanced at Mo Qi again.

Ye Qi stared sharply at Duan Xiwu.

Duan Xiwu wanted to go to the refrigerator to check the eggs of the snake while Jiang Lin had no time to take care of him.

Seeing that Qi Qi had been staring at the kitchen, Yun Qishen also stared at Duan Xiwu.

Speaking of the eggs of the snake, Yun Qishen's elder brother Yun Chengyue ate the eggs of the snake to continue his life.

Jiang Lin must have used the snake's egg to make medicine.

But this kind of thing must not be given to Duan Xiwu!

Yun Qishen stood up and stood between the refrigerator and Duan Xiwu.

"I advise you not to waste your energy, I know the little abacus in your heart!" Yun Qi was deeply hostile to Duan Xiwu.

Seeing that the situation was not quite right, Ye Qi quickly stepped forward and pulled Yun Qishen away.

Duan Xi ignored Yun Qishen's words, he was wondering.

This snake egg gave him a very familiar feeling, and it seemed to be similar to the faint aura emanating from the ward before.

Hard to do!
Duan Xi walked out without saying a word.

"Who is this!"

Yun Qishen expressed his dissatisfaction, but turned his head and thought, it is best to watch Duan Xiwu at this time, and don't let him make trouble.

On the one hand, the plan of Flying Bird Sheng Huang must also be implemented. Although Xiao Wang escaped by himself is a variable, but the goal has become the most important one, the machine that can let them go back!
 Me: It's a bit messy, but it doesn't matter, I try to express it clearly.

  Yun: My character is about to collapse!
  Me: how come!I am writing you comprehensively, and people always have so few shortcomings that are not welcome!
(End of this chapter)

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