Yun Qishen

Chapter 406 Chapter 405 The so-called genius

Chapter 406 Chapter 5 The so-called genius ([-])
(God's perspective)
Everyone looked at Mo Yu's body that was divided into two, and anger rose in everyone's heart.

Laia was even more angry and directly turned into a dragon to attack the shadow.

"Brother Long!"

Yun Qishen watched Lai A run past him, "Be careful of the black smoke around him!"

"You angered Benlong!!"

Laia spit out purple fire towards the shadow, and cut off one of the shadow's wings in an instant.

The black smoke around the shadow gathered at his truncated wings, which soon formed new wings.

The appearance of the black shadow was also revealed, and it was indeed Mo Lin.

Lai A quickly turned his head and attacked again, "Mo Lin" stretched out his hand towards Lai A, and then a circle of black mana went over and bound Lai A.

Lai A also fell down from the sky, "Mo Lin" moved again, he jumped down and stretched out his claws towards Lai A's heart.

"Suffer to death!"

Jiang Lin rushed up at this time, the wooden hammer in her hand gradually became larger, and then she roared, guarding in front of Lai A, and swung the sledgehammer to attack "Mo Lin" head-on.


"You are here to die, fly for grandpa!!" Jiang Lin's hammer hit "Mo Lin", and then "Mo Lin" was knocked away by her for a distance.

Yun Qishen took out a small white shard from his pocket, he attached the shard to the black mana that bound Lea, and the black mana quickly dissolved.

At this time, Yun Shang and Fei Niao came out of the research institute, supporting each other.

"That's not Mo Lin, his body is Cheng Wu. He used an instrument to fuse himself and Mo Lin... This is..."

As Yun Shang said, he saw a huge animal body fall to the ground.

"It's really a sin... I used to pursue science all my life, in order to bring happiness to living things. What is the original purpose of science, isn't it to help others... But I do it for my own selfish interests... This is not the science I want... …”

Professor Asuka coughed a few times, and Yun Shang also comforted him, "It's not impossible to change now. Teacher, you will always be the best scientist."

"It really is that guy Cheng Wu..." Yun Qishen clenched his fists angrily, and then he turned to look at the sky where the false "Mo Lin" disappeared.

"Its deep be careful!"

A laser-like beam descended from the sky and shot towards the depths of the cloud.

Xie Qi used his body protection spell to go forward to protect Yun Qishen, and he pushed Yun Qishen to him.

The light beam also penetrated directly through Ye Qi's body, and unfortunately it penetrated through Ye Qi's heart.

"NaiQi! Don't scare me! NoQi!! NoQi!!!"

Yun Qishen was so surprised that he couldn't believe it, and the voice he shouted at Mo Qi gradually became heart-wrenching until it broke.

Jiang Lin couldn't believe it, the hammer in her hand became bigger again, and it was difficult for her to control it.

"Damn!" Jiang Lin swung the hammer vigorously, but Cheng Wu, who had Mo Lin's body, would not be hit again.

Cheng Wu stopped Jiang Lin's hammer with his hand, and then used the black smoke around him to penetrate the inside of the hammer, thereby dismantling the weapon.

Jiang Lin was also bounced aside by the mana of the disintegrating weapon.

"Cough cough!"

The wound from the bounced mana just now has not been completely healed, but the blow here is three times stronger than before.

Jiang Lin couldn't stand the pressure on her abdomen, and she still spit out some congestion.

"Failures! They're all failures!" Cheng Wu overlooked everything.

The time pause set by Mo Yu was all released at this time.

Everyone saw the obvious black shadow in the sky with their own eyes.

"What is that!!"


"My God!"

The noisy voice entered Cheng Wu's ears, occupying Mo Lin's body, and all the senses became sensitive.

"Stupid! They're all failures! Now I'll set you free! Hahahaha!"

Cheng Wu burst out with a huge energy from his body.

At this time, Yun Qishen's attention was still on Qi Qi.He laboriously used the cure to check the Qi.

Ye Qi's breath is gone...

"Impossible... Absolutely impossible!!"

Yun Qishen checked it again, and it was still the same...

Really... how could it be possible... Ye Qi, this kind of joke is not fun.

"Fool, wake up, we're going to buy Coke! I'll buy you a lifetime of Coke, you wake up Laozi... ugh...Qi...Please don't leave me..." Yun Qishen used his hands Touching Ye Qi's pale face, "I was joking like this before... You won't leave me, right..."

Suddenly Yun Qishen remembered that the unicorn beads in his body had the power to bring back the dead, but the unicorn beads had been in Yun Qishen's body for so long, and he didn't know if there was any magic power to save people.

"It doesn't matter! It's important to save people!"

Yun Qishen introduced the unicorn beads into Ye Qi's mouth, and then the unicorn beads entered Ye Qi's body autonomously.

Yun Qishen also began to use healing spells again.

My head is so dizzy...the eyes are so dark...power...please...hold on, I haven't saved him yet...let me save him...I want to save him! !
Before Yun Qishen was about to fall into a coma due to physical exhaustion, he saw the fragments of the egg of the snake that had previously unleashed the spell of Laia.

In the back of Yun Qi's mind, he remembered what Duan Xi and Duan Xi had talked about in the ward.

It's just that now...

Yun Qishen picked up the fragment and swallowed it.

Immediately afterwards, his mana was greatly improved.

Under the unicorn beads and the healing technique, Ye Qi's pale face changed, and then Yun Qishen also felt that Ye Qi's heart was beating again.

The wound in Ye Qi's heart also healed quickly.

When Yun Qi was deeply happy, the mana in his body began to rush.

This thing is really not something that anyone can take...

Yun Qishen gripped his neck in pain, the burning sensation making his throat dry to the point of pain.

Cheng Wu's spell formed a huge aperture in the air, and the aperture began to drop black light particles from the sky.

"What is this?" The man on the ground looked up at these things.

"Looks so dirty..."

"What is this..."

People who were originally curious became numb the moment they were stained by black light particles.

"This will make people all over the world into geniuses! People will not be stupid! This is the contribution to mankind! They are too stupid, so they should become smart. And the failures should be eliminated!"

Cheng Wu locked Yun Qishen's position in the air, and he rushed to Yun Qishen to fly over.

Jiang Lin wanted to climb over to protect Yun Qishen, but the black light particles floated down and immobilized her and Laia together.

Cheng Wu also took advantage of this time to grab Yun Qishen directly by the neck and fly into the sky.

"Take a good look, this world can't hold you failures! Failures should be eliminated!"

Cheng Wu proudly grabbed Yun Qishen and let him see everything below.

All are under his control.

Yun Qishen did not say a word with a gloomy face, and Cheng Wu was even more proud.

"What? Finally admitting the truth that failed products don't deserve to live?" Cheng Wu sneered and looked at Yun Qishen's face.

Unexpectedly, Yun Qi raised his head sharply, and Cheng Wu subconsciously moved his head back.

Yun Qishen grabbed Cheng Wu's arm with both hands and turned him around twice, then broke it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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