Yun Qishen

Chapter 411 The So-called Genius

Chapter 411 The so-called genius (10)
(God's perspective)
The woman in purple came slowly, and everyone's eyes were focused on her.

The visitor covered her face with the same purple veil, exuding powerful mana around her, unaffected by the world at all.

"You are... Ling Yaoqing?!"

Taki Yunhua said in surprise, "How is that possible, you were clearly..."

Just as he was talking, Spirit Realm Dao walked over and blocked in front of Taki Yunhua, "What is your purpose here?"

The expression of Spirit Realm Dao did not seem to welcome the arrival of the purple-clothed woman.

Lai'a didn't understand, it didn't have any memory of this purple-clothed woman in its memory, maybe it lost some unimportant memories when he pulled out the scales on his heart last time.

At this time, Yun Qishen pushed away Ye Qi and came between Ling Yaoqing and Lingjing Dao.

"Don't be so nervous, you are all your own people."

Yun Qishen smiled and eased the emotions on both sides, but the Spiritual Realm Dao didn't like this.

Lingjing Dao pressed his sword to Yun Qishen's neck, "Boy, if she does something wrong, you won't be able to keep your head, so be prepared!"

Yun Qishen looked at the immortal sword against his throat, and kept breaking out in cold sweat.

Mo Langqin came over and carefully suppressed the immortal sword of the Spirit Realm Dao, "Yeah, yeah, it's all my own now~ When the matter passes, I'll settle my personal grievances~"

Lingjing Dao glared at Mo Langqin and put the sword away.

Taki Yunhua was not very happy either, Yun Qishen was a little concerned about what happened between them.

Ling Yaoqing ignored the expressions of Lingjing Dao and Taki Yunhua, she turned around and saw Jiang Lin who was frozen and walked over there.

Yun Qishen and Mo Langqin were busy soothing Spirit Realm Dao's emotions and didn't pay attention.

Ji Qi glanced at Cheng Wu, who was temporarily bound, and then focused on Ling Yaoqing.

Ji Qi recalled the figure of this woman in Gu Aoguo's memory. Although the time was short, he remembered that this person was the high priest of Gu Aoguo back then.

Ling Yaoqing touched Jiang Lin's frozen cheek with her hand, and then the mana that bound Jiang Lin was shattered.

Jiang Lin also fell down due to lack of strength, Ling Yaoqing gently supported her and placed her gently on the ground.

"I said, I didn't ask you to come here to thank someone who saved your life, you better know what to do!"

Duan Xi has no control over the ghostly laughing people and once again enlarges the scope of his restraint, and some of Cheng Wu's burst of power has also broken through his restraint.

Ling Yaoqing glanced at Duan Xiwu when she heard Duan Xiwu's voice, and then she approached Cheng Wu's anyway.

Just when Ling Yaoqing passed by Ye Qi, she smiled at Ye Qi.

There was a strange warmth in Ye Qi's heart for a while.Maybe it's because I have that princess' blood in my body...

Ling Yaoqing raised her hand to face Cheng Wu's direction, and then a huge bundle of black mana was born in her hand, and the mana directly penetrated Cheng Wu.

In just an instant, Cheng Wu's mana was shattered, and Nether Xiaocangsheng was also bounced off by Ling Yaoqing's mana.


Yun Qishen couldn't help but exclaim, but when he looked around at the people around him, except that Lai was as surprised as him, everyone frowned.

What kind of existence is this Ling Yaoqing? A purple figure gradually appeared in Yun Qishen's mind, but this figure was extremely vague. Could it be related to the erased memory...

Cheng Wu fell from the sky, but Ling Yaoqing's attack did not end, she wrapped Cheng Wu with a huge barrier, and then Ling Yaoqing clenched her fist, Cheng Wu and he were unloaded together with Mo Lin's body. eight dollars.


The one who was surprised at first was Yun Qishen, and even the people around him were not too surprised.

Ling Yaoqing separated Cheng Wu's consciousness in the shattered body, and then separated the fragments of the snake's egg in the mana.

Then Ling Yaoqing chanted the incantation, and Mo Lin's body fragments began to glow and gather.

After a while, Mo Lin's body also recovered.

However, Cheng Wu's consciousness was bound by her in the ball of condensed mana.

Yun Qishen and Ye Qi ran towards Mo Lin, and Yun Qishen also quickly used the healing spell to check.

Live... be alive!
It's just that this kind of resurrection will be too hardcore...

"Sure enough, it's still such a bad taste!" Lingjing Dao wanted to pull Taki Yunhua away, but was stopped by Duan Xiwu.

"You want to run away? Why in the spiritual realm, have you become so timid now?"

While speaking, Duan Xiwu glanced at Taki Yunhua.

"Who are you calling cowardly? You immortal!"

Lingjing Dao was originally angry in his heart, and when Duan Xi was so provocative, Lingjing Dao immediately drew his sword and waved his sword in anger.

Duan Xi did not dodge, and a red mark was drawn on his neck, but it quickly healed.

"Now..." Ling Yaoqing finally said, "Now there is only one way to unlock everyone's control, and that is to let the owner of the art of peeping through the heart use magic to unlock it."

After Ling Yaoqing said this, Yun Qishen wanted to use it, but Ling Yaoqing quickly spoke again.

"Here is to use the technique of peeping the heart. Once it is used, it will disappear. You should think about it, if you are not careful, you may even lose your life." Ling Yaoqing looked at Yun Qishen, and her eyes quickly disappeared. Aiming at Taki Yunhua, "The caster must be a woman."

This is clearly for!
Yun Qishen was also a little unhappy for a while.

Taki Yunhua was naturally unhappy, what did these people care about her, and why did she sacrifice herself to save them.

"Isn't there any other way! This has nothing to do with the master. What responsibility does he have for her to save him?"

Yun Qi deeply understands Taki Yunhua's thoughts, so he complains.

"Do you think it's appropriate for you to say this? Among those who are to be saved, don't you have your relatives? Yun Qishen, don't you want to save your family?"

Ling Yaoqing's tone was flat, she walked towards Taki Yunhua, "I understand that you don't care about anything other than the spiritual realm, but now these controlled people here are the relatives of the spiritual realm that you like."

Taki Yunhua looked up at the Spirit Realm Road.

Lingjing Road stood in front of her, "You don't have to care about my family, I will find a way to save them, you don't have to listen to this old woman."

Taki Yunhua grabbed the Spirit Realm Dao's hand and shook her head, "If you would be happy to help them, I'll go..."

"Not happy."

"Then I won't go! You really care about me very much about Lingjing Dao~"

Taki Yunhua hugged Lingjingdao's arm and made a face at Ling Yaoqing.

"The people here have nothing to do with me! You don't have to force me."

Ling Yaoqing smiled knowingly, "You always exceed my expectations."

At this moment, Yun Qishen suddenly thought of a method.

"Since Cheng Wu can do this with the weak mind-peeping technique and the magic power of the snake's egg, so can we!"

(End of this chapter)

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