Yun Qishen

Chapter 430 Breaking the Abyss

Chapter 430 Breaking the Abyss (19)
(God's perspective)
In the hospital ward, Yun Qishen's mother left because of something.

Yun Tan was alone in the ward doing nothing.

As soon as Ling Yaoqing opened the door and entered Yuntan, she excitedly got out of bed to greet her.

"You don't have to be so excited to see me. I heard that man came to you yesterday."

Ling Yaoqing supported Yun Tan and sat back on the hospital bed.

"That's right, but when will you, goddess, let me go back to my own body? I really can't stand that guy using my identity to handle things like this."

Yun Tan was tired of thinking about Yun Qishen talking with his face yesterday.

"No hurry... If you go back, what do you want to do? I've told you everything he's gone through. Do you want to get along with that group of people as he is now, or do you want to be like what you thought before, ordinary people and demons People can't be happy, your second uncle worked so hard, and the original princess worked so hard for it."

Ling Yaoqing touched Yuntan's face with her hand, "Who is this skin about..."

"I'm back, I'm the devil! They devils will definitely listen to me. I live for my second uncle, for Taki Qianye, so that the devils and ordinary people can get along well, so that they don't have to fight. I can definitely become a Good devil."

Yun Tan thought about everything that would happen when he went back.

"But you already know the facts. Taki Qianye died because of him, and your second uncle was also destroyed forever in the abyss along with the magic bead."

Ling Yaoqing sighed, "This is all calculated."

"So, Goddess, you calculated that I will become a great devil, and will assist that alien to become the ruler of Gu Ao?"

Yun Tan excitedly took Ling Yaoqing's hand.

"Yes, you, Yun Qishen, will become a great devil. On the other hand, Yun Qishen will also die."

Yun Tan clenched his fist after hearing Ling Yaoqing's words, "The one who will perish will definitely not be me!"

"It's just the beginning... Let them try to stop me... Let me go back to the glorious days of the ancient proud country... The next problem they will face has just come."

Ling Yaoqing walked to the window, through which he looked at everything outside.


Some blue-gray monsters appeared in Jiang Lin's house for some unknown reason. Mo Lin and Mo Yu helped Lai to block the attack of these guys.

Yun Qishen, who doesn't know how to spell, and in case can only stand behind them.

Every time the blue-gray monster is destroyed, it will leave a hunting mark on the place where he disappeared.

"It's not the way to keep going like this, and it's so hard to use mana here." Laia used her tail to shake off a few monsters.

Mo Yu noticed that someone around him had placed a formation that he was very familiar with.

Mo Lin also had the same strong feeling.

At this time, a monster broke the window and jumped in, and it attacked just in case.

In case, he consciously opened his hand to use mana towards the monster, but he couldn't activate it.

At the same time, Mo Lin used fire phoenix technique to protect Wan Yi and Yun Qishen.

In case he feels ashamed and envious in his heart, his fire phoenix technique is gone... just as promised...

Yun Qishen looked at him and couldn't help him if he was in a low mood, but he understood that he couldn't be in a down mood with him now.

Now is not the time to waste mana, if it's a protective barrier and a place where a small amount of mana can be used... that's the only place - Asuka Shenghuang Research Institute.

"Brother Long! Mo Yu! We are going to the research institute!"

"Benlong understands! Get ready!" Lai A immediately understood Yun Qishen's intentions, he shouted out Zi Yan to cover, Mo Yu also used space spells to spread everyone to the Flying Bird Shenghuang Academy as soon as possible.

The unfortunate thing is that in the fight just now, a mark spell was attached to Mo Lin's spell.

The group of blue-gray monsters quickly tracked down to the Flying Bird Shenghuang Research Institute.

Yun Qishen pulled the case into the research institute.Mo Lin, Mo Yu and Lai Axian were in charge of defense.

When Yun Qishen broke into the laboratory, he scared the experimenters who were working.

But then just in case some devices are close to it it stops working.

It just so happened that Yun Shang came to help Professor Asuka today, and he was very happy to see Yun Qishen coming.

"Qi Shen, are you here to see me? Dad is so happy..."

"You think too much, I want to use that instrument now that the situation is urgent!"

Yun Qishen's mouth was still so unpleasant.

Yun still didn't know who he was with.

"Come with me."

Cheng Wu walked over to take a look at Yun Qishen, and then he took Wan Yi and Yun Qishen to the instrument.

"You wait outside." Cheng Wu stopped Wan Wan outside the laboratory.


If you say something unhappy, everything here is weird, otherwise he will come in, what does it mean.

Yun Qishen is really nostalgic for the pitiful case of amnesia

"Anyway, you can wait outside. I want to declare that if you want to go back there quickly, don't touch it anywhere!"

After Yun Qishen and Cheng Wu finished speaking, they entered the laboratory and closed the door.

Cheng Wu turned on the instruments in the laboratory, and the situation outside was reflected on the screen.

Yun Qishen started to activate the instrument.

"Now that we don't have the eggs of the snake, how can you activate the barrier?"

Cheng Wu looked at the image outside and knew what Yun Qishen's purpose was.

"There is one more piece!" Yun Qishen took away the eggs of the snake in the refrigerator when he left Jiang Lin's house.

Yun Qishen put the egg of the snake on the instrument, and soon the instrument was activated and the two reacted.

Then a huge wave of light was launched, which bounced Yun Qishen and Cheng Wu several meters away.

Soon light waves formed a barrier that enveloped the entire research institute.

The three of them, Lai A and Mo Lin Mo Yu, also stopped attacking.

The blue-gray monsters tried to break through the barrier to no avail, and then in an instant, the group of monsters turned into dust and disappeared.

Leaving only the cursed magic heart.

At the same time, the monsters that invaded the room on the spiritual realm road were frozen into ice sculptures.

The alcoholic old man felt the spell mark in advance before the monsters were frozen, and he suggested not to hurt the monsters.

The spiritual realm was immediately frozen.

Taki Yunhua suddenly felt a piercing pain raging in her stomach.

It must be the cause of the cold worm Gu... But the Spirit Realm Dao didn't seem to react, so Taki Yunhua thought about acting the same as the Spirit Realm Dao.

Lingjing Dao noticed that Taki Yunhua's situation was not right, he walked over and took the coat that Mo Langqin was putting on to keep out the cold and put it on Taki Yunhua.

"If you have something to say, don't carry it alone. Take care of yourself for me."

Spirit Realm Dao put his head aside and said coldly.

But those words sounded extremely warm to Taki Yunhua.

"Yeah." She replied happily.

Yan Qi and the alcoholic old man inspected these frozen monsters together.

"Sure enough..." The alcoholic old man nodded, "These monsters were transformed from the corpses of divine beasts, and the spiritual energy in their bodies was drained and then attached with spell marks."

(End of this chapter)

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