Yun Qishen

Chapter 436 Breaking the Abyss

Chapter 436 Breaking the Abyss (25)
(God's perspective)
Jiang Lin followed the ball of light to a bright hall through the narrow passage.

The sudden brightness made Jiang Lin unable to open her eyes for a while. At this moment, dozens of sharp arrows flew towards her.

Duan Xiwu rushed over to You Mingxiao, and he broke the arrows in front of Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's eyes also adapted to the brightness around her, and Duan Xi, who was beside her, looked forward in surprise.

Jiang Lin looked away from Duan Xiwu's sword with some concern, and then cast it forward.

"How... little king!"

Jiang Lin was worried about going forward impulsively, but Nether Xiaocangsheng stopped Jiang Lin.

"Don't be impulsive!"

"Why don't you call me impulsive!"

Duan Xi didn't hold Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin shook his hand away.

Both of them looked forward with anger.

I saw a black-clothed woman biting Xiao Wang's neck to suck the spiritual energy.

The woman in black let go of Xiao Wang after seeing Jiang Lin and Duan Xiwu.

At this moment, Xiao Wang turned into a human figure and was thrown to the ground by the woman at will.

The frightened Jiang Lin here, she was about to rush over again, but Duan Xi didn't pull her back and slapped her directly.

"You calm down! Don't you understand!"

Duan Xi scolded Jiang Lin angrily.

This is also the first time that Jiang Lin has seen Duan Xiwu like this. She herself doesn't know where her courage has gone all of a sudden.I don't know how to resist...

There was a voice in Jiang Lin's heart, let her cry, just cry, the master will come to save her.

But... the current Jiang Lin is not the little girl from before!She will never be!

"I understand!! I understand very well!" Jiang Lin touched her face and shouted back at Duan Xiwu.

The woman in black in front sat calmly on the chair, she crossed Erlang's legs and put her head on one hand, "Are you two finished?"

The ball of light flew around the woman in black. The woman gently supported the ball of light with her black gloved hand, then opened her mouth and swallowed it into her stomach.

The woman then looked at Duan Xiwu and Jiang Lin with her deep blue eyes.

"Why did you do this, obviously you... also..." Duan Xi was not ready to fight this woman.

Hearing Duan Xiwu's tone, Jiang Lin concluded that he and the woman in black must know each other.

The woman in black smiled, she stood up and elegantly brushed her long straight black hair.

Her black dress was even more mature and seductive when she wore it.

"Hahaha, what do you mean by me? Survival of the fittest, isn't it the law of heaven?" The woman walked over slowly, "They are prey, they are caught and destined to perish, I just follow the law of heaven. "

"Who are you..." Jiang Lin suddenly felt a sense of familiarity when she saw the woman in black, but her mind was chaotic.

"Oh, you forgot me? It seems that Ling Yaoqing's woman is very good at erasing people's memories~ Hahaha."

The woman in black covered her mouth slightly with her hand and laughed.

"Blessed and fateful - ink unicorn. The twin sister of the golden unicorn mythical beast..."

Duan Xiwu more vigilantly held the Netherworld Xiaocangsheng to defend.

Jiang Lin was surprised, isn't that the mother of Mo Lin and Mo Yu!Where on earth had she seen her... where on earth?What does this have to do with Ling Yaoqing?
"Hahaha, you deserve to be a Taoist watcher, you really remember everything clearly. It was because of your care that the little beast came here." Mo Qilin put his hand on his forehead and shook his head, "It's just, You said something wrong..."

"Jiang Lin...hide behind me!" Duan Xi didn't realize that something was wrong, he hurriedly pulled Jiang Lin behind him.

But Jiang Lin didn't listen to Duan Xiwu. She saw that Mo Qilin had ignored Xiao Wang, who was lying on the side. She was worried and wanted to go up to check, for fear that Xiao Wang would not be able to save him if it was too late.

"What! Hey!"

Duan Xiwu watched Jiang Lin run in the opposite direction of Xiao Wang, "Dangerous! Come back quickly!"

At this moment, a powerful spiritual pressure around Mo Qilin bounced Jiang Lin to the far wall of the hall, and Xiao Wang's body was also bounced to another wall.

Reiatsu suppressed her movements, and Jiang Lin was unable to move an inch from the wall at all.

Here, You Mingxiao Chongsheng burst out with a strong sword energy to resist the oppression of the spiritual pressure.

Duan Xi attacked without flicking his sword.

After all, the ink unicorn is a unicorn mythical beast, and she also knows all the powerful mythical beast spells of the golden unicorn.

"How long can you hold on? No, you see that the Taoist is immortal, and this little spiritual pressure won't kill you, but that ordinary girl over there is not so lucky."

With a wave of his hand, Mo Qilin retreated from Duan Xiwu's attack.

Duan Xiwu glanced at Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin was still restrained by the wall, and blood flowed from Jiang Lin's mouth.

"Spiritual pressure not only oppresses the surface of the body to restrict movement, but also oppresses the internal organs. I admit that the little girl has strong mana and is fine for a while, but the divine beast over there can't be spared... Ha!"

After Mo Qilin finished speaking, a black spiritual pressure was launched from her hand to attack Duan Xiwu.

Duan Xiwu spun Netherworld Xiaocangsheng in his hand, then drew a circle, and then the power of the spiritual pressure bounced back.

The bounced Reiatsu went straight through the wall to form a huge black hole.

"This is..." Duan Xiwu understood something when he looked at the black hole vortex.

"That's right, the whirlpool... I also did the destruction of the body-wearing whirlpool. I can't let Ling Yaoqing calculate everything clearly, and it can be considered to help her and also to break her calculations." Mo Qilin approached Jiang Lin calmly. .

Duan Xi didn't want to rush over, but Mo Qilin waved his hand and attacked with another spiritual pressure.

You Mingxiao Chongsheng then drew a circle to resist.

Jiang Lin watched Mo Qilin approaching her, and she tried harder to break free from the restraint of the spiritual pressure, but she couldn't do anything at all.

Maybe it was just not pleasing to the eye, Mo Qilin wanted to kill Jiang Lin very much.

As a result, just when she was about to start, Duan Xiwu launched a powerful move again, and thousands of swords surrounded Mo Qilin in pain.

Immediately after, Duan Xi moved the sealing spell without thinking, which suppressed the spiritual pressure emanating from Mo Qilin.

Jiang Lin just got down from the wall, and immediately Jiang Lin ran to Xiao Wang and brought him to Duan Xiwu's side.

However, the sword formation of You Mingxiao couldn't stop Mo Qilin for too long, and the sword formation broke through and the huge spiritual pressure struck again.

Because this time, because of Duan Xiwu's obstruction, Jiang Lin and Xiao Wang were not ejected.

Mo Qilin, who came out of the sword formation, was like a madman, her hair fluttered, her face turned black, and only those blue eyes looked at Duan Xiwu with murderous intent.

"The nasty feeling of mana bastard!! I think you have lived too long, Taoist watcher!!"

Mo Qilin's hand grew steel claws, and she turned to attack Duan Xiwu.

"Really... just got impatient to wait at this time!"

Duan Xiwu inserted Nether Xiaocangsheng on the ground, he quickly formed a seal, and then Netherworld Xiaocangsheng emitted a different golden light than before.

Here, the golden rays of light directly attacked the ink unicorn.

(End of this chapter)

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