Yun Qishen

Chapter 440 Breaking the Abyss

Chapter 440 Breaking the Abyss (29)
(God's perspective)
"What! You have met Mo Qilin!"

Yun Qi wasn't so surprised by Jiang Lin's words, he just thought it was too coincidental.

"It seems that it is not as simple as meeting Mo Qilin by chance." Lai's eyes were fixed on Jin Qilin at the door.

"God! Pig, why are you here!"

"It's not a pig! It's a golden unicorn! You scumbag!"

Jin Qilin didn't know why when he saw Yun Qishen's face, he wanted to hit him with a head hammer.

Duan Xi left without sending Jiang Lin to the institute, so Yun Qishen and the others did not meet directly.

The golden unicorn also tells something about it from the abyss but this side.

"Everything is chaotic in the abyss, and everyone who falls into the abyss and preserves his own consciousness seems to be confined to different positions in the same space.

This divine beast also found Taoist Guanyou inadvertently in that dark environment, and this allowed him to help temporarily seal the divine beast in his immortal sword. "

The chubby body of the golden unicorn sitting on the laboratory instrument is particularly disobedient, but it also reveals a kind of silly feeling.

Auspicious beasts are worthy of being auspicious beasts. Their existence is luck, and at the same time, the surrounding is also lucky. The instruments that were scrapped due to the random eruption of thunder and lightning spells were restored to normal.

Yun Shang and Professor Asuka looked at the golden unicorn with glowing eyes.

How could he have never seen such a phenomenon over there?So Yun Qishen thinks that the golden unicorn is trying his best to prove that he is not a pig...

"I really didn't expect that the golden unicorn of the dignified beast king would bend over and be sealed in the Taoist priest's fairy sword."

Lai Amin mocked the golden unicorn.

But Jin Qilin explained it very seriously, "There is a force in the abyss that has been suppressing the spiritual energy in the body of the beast, and there is no unicorn beads in the body of the beast, and the power has become much weaker. The divine beast is a help, why can't this divine beast be used?"

"Then why didn't you come out before, but now?" Lai A approached the golden unicorn, and the handsome dragon looked down at the fat unicorn.

Jin Qilin glanced sideways at Mo Yu Mo Lin behind Lai A.

"Although this divine beast knows about your affairs, but in the previous situation, this divine beast was powerless. At that time, this divine beast had no power to break through the seal of the Netherworld Xiaocangsheng, and the mana within this divine beast was suppressed. When a spiritual pressure is destroyed, this divine beast can only come out.

For the matter of Mo Qilin, this divine beast will take responsibility. "

"Thank you, thank you for saving Xiao Wang... As for those mythical beasts... Please let me help too." Jiang Lin stepped forward to thank Jin Qilin. In fact, she had already said twice.

Xiao Wang also stepped forward and bowed to the golden unicorn.

"Please ask your subordinates to help Lord Jin Qilin as well."

The golden unicorn also agreed.

Yun Qishen was more curious about Mo Qilin's affairs, although he heard Mo Lin Mo Yu said he felt it, and heard Jiang Lin say he encountered it.

He just wanted to ask what was going on with Mo Qilin. It was obviously the same divine beast, so why did Mo Qilin kill the same kind to inhale the Qi of Heaven and Earth, or aura.

"This divine beast doesn't particularly understand Mo Qilin's thoughts on this matter, she might just look down on this divine beast as her brother.

Although this divine beast and Mo Qilin are brothers and sisters, their fates and abilities are indeed quite different.

This divine beast is auspicious beast and Mo Qilin is a divine beast that is half auspicious and half vicious.Originally, under the protection of this divine beast's ability, she could suppress the bad luck she brought to the outside world.

However, Mo Qilin eloped with a crane and escaped, and this divine beast has been looking for her. Although this divine beast thought that she might have come here through the vortex gap, it is not very sure.

As for what she has done to the divine beast now, it has surpassed what the beast has always done. "

"But! Lord Jin Qilin! Mother's kissing her was not what you said before. She and her father lived happily together. She was also the one who let us go to the four directions to learn from the beasts. So I think..."

The golden unicorn jumped towards Mo Yu's head, and Mo Yu didn't speak.

"You all understand your mother's love for this beast, but it's not that this beast doesn't know what kind of nature this sister is."

When Yun Qishen heard this, he remembered what Ling Yaoqing had said before, that Ling Yaoqing would amplify desire.

"Pig, the change in Mo Qilin may be related to Ling Yaoqing, my brother also said..."

"It's not a pig! It's a golden unicorn! You scumbag!"

Jin Qilin naturally understood that Duan Xiwu had also told him, and Jin Qilin also noticed something when he was in contact with Ling Yaoqing.

Ling Yaoqing is an existence that strengthens desire, so is Mo Qilin's desire to oppose its golden unicorn?
"Now that the Qi of Heaven and Earth is not fully gathered, and the vortex is stable for only three days, the matter of Qi of Heaven and Earth can only be handed over to the pig first (it's Jin Qilin, you scum!)."

After Yun Qishen finished speaking, he went to study the abyss vortex.

Jiang Lin and Jin Qilin borrowed the institute's instruments to calculate where Mo Qilin might go.

Although everything points to Ling Yaoqing, Ling Yaoqing will not avoid others because of this. She is set to take care of Yuntan in the hospital at this moment.

Duan Xiwu also went to the ward at this time.

Ling Yaoqing is now waiting for him at the door of the ward.


At the same time, in the pitch-black vortex, Mo Qilin was in pain all over his body. This pain did not come from the outside world, but erupted from the inside out.

The memory of every divine beast wanted to merge with Mo Qilin's memory, and Mo Qilin lay on the ground motionless.

It was like this a long time ago, and yes, it was so motionless.

At that time, Mo Qilin couldn't do anything. She could only look at the golden back, and was told that she must live under this golden light forever and ever.

But why?
Why?It is also a unicorn, why is he a beast.

The things he does rebelliously will eventually calm down the golden unicorn.

It clearly doesn't like such a hassle.

Because she is a brother, she knows the golden unicorn well.

If the golden unicorn is the king, it is good to order these divine beasts.

It's just... Jin Qilin is not as domineering as Mo Qilin thinks, and he does not have the ruthless heart to become the head of the divine beast.

She Mo Qilin thought that when one day he ascended the position of the lord of the divine beasts, the divine beasts would not have to hide in the world, and then their divine beasts would be the existences that ruled everything.

But in this world, Mo Qilin's thoughts are suppressed again and again. After she leaves Golden Qilin, the so-called shelter will disappear.

At that time, she Mo Qilin is an out-and-out troublemaker, a disaster caller!The most unfortunate existence in the world.

It was during this helpless and dark time that the elegant young man in white walked towards her.

"I think people have their own fate, why should you become like other divine beasts, you also have your own characteristics."

At that time, Mo Qilin looked at the elegant white-clothed boy in front of him, and a kind of warmth was born in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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