Yun Qishen

Chapter 446 Breaking the Abyss

Chapter 446 Breaking the Abyss (35)
(God's perspective)
At ten o'clock in the evening, Yun Qishen and Lai Acai returned to the institute.

At this time, Jiang Lin and Jin Qilin had also unsealed Mo Qilin and locked him in a room guarded by the egg of the snake.

Mo Qilin could no longer maintain his human form because of his loss of strength, and the handsome black beast was very haggard and shrunk in a corner of the room.

Mo Yu and Mo Lin looked at the mother in the room through the glass with a very worried expression.

"It's alright, don't worry little adults, we will take care not to hurt Lord Mo Qilin during the experiment..." Xiao Wang came over and patted Mo Lin and Mo Yu on the shoulders.

Mo Yu shook his head, "No, I was thinking about why my mother became like this..."

"Why can't she be like this?" Jin Qilin came over and glanced at Mo Qilin, then turned to look at Mo Yu.

"Uncle... Lord Jin Qilin also said that mother's nature is not like this..."

"Who says that the good-natured can't be vicious? Because of the opposite? Then you're wrong."

The golden unicorn looked at Mo Lin and Mo Yu seriously.

"This divine beast tells you that there are no absolute things in this world, and the characteristics of what kind of creatures are not certain.

Just like mythical beasts can do bad things, beasts can also become consciences.Kind-hearted beings will also become vicious beings. This is their own choice to face themselves, not to judge casually.

But there are not many living beings in the world who have this kind of thinking. They only think about what they think. If they want to change their thinking, it is impossible.

What this divine beast teaches you is not to look at anyone with an absolute eye, living beings are not one-sided existences.

As unicorns, as the future king of gods and beasts, you must know how to use the nature of these creatures, not to change their thoughts but to guide them. "

"No, no, uncle... Lord Jin Qilin, Mo Lin and I have no intention of becoming the king of beasts!" Mo Yu said in a panic.

Mo Lin also gestured in a panic.

"Hehe, as the nephew of this mythical beast, there is nothing wrong with this idea. From tomorrow, this mythical beast will teach you how to become a king of mythical beasts!"

Just when the golden unicorn was very mighty and announced to Molin and Moyu, Yun Qishen and Lai A pushed in the door.

"What about the king of gods and beasts... the king of fresh (immortal) fruit?" Yun Qi deeply teased.

"Benlong thinks it's not a king but a bronze." Lai A followed suit.

"Brother Long! That's not right! It's golden again like this! Golden pigs are valuable!"

Yun Qishen followed Lai's words and agreed.

Just because they bumped into Jin Qilin's sentence to teach the king of beasts to learn, Yun Qishen and Lai A began to damage Jin Qilin as if they were talking about cross talk.

Jin Qilin rushed over angrily and gave Yun Qishen a headbutt, "You don't have a good thing in the country!!"

"Senior Lai, you are back!"

Mo Yu was very excited and ran towards Lai A, and when Jin Qilin saw it, he hurriedly stopped Mo Yu.

"Okay, you dead worm with long legs, don't you have any children here to steal someone else's nephew!"

The golden unicorn stared at Lai A.

Lai A also looked at the golden unicorn with murderous aura, "Benlong is not uncommon, you need to find Benlong to learn from Benlong and accompany him at any time. Once you lose this pig, hand over Mo Yu to Benlong Sect!"

"This mythical beast won't bet against you with his nephew! Besides, the victory of this mythical beast is already doomed!" Jin Qilin's small and fat body is still quite domineering.

Lai'a changed his posture in front of his arms and chest. One of his fingers was hammered to the ground by Yun Qishen, "If Benlong really loses, I'll leave this to you!"

"Hey! Brother Long, don't implicate others!!"

Yun Qishen sat up and complained.

At this moment, Cheng Wu stuck his head out of the laboratory, "Yun Qishen, you're back! Come and have a look!"


Yun Qishen also recovered in a second and stood up and went to the laboratory.

Cheng Wu frantically manipulated the instrument, and then pressed a red button.

Yun Qishen approached and saw that the vortex that lasted for three seconds in the previous experiment could last for five seconds.

"Not bad, so you don't have to envy his wisdom, you can do it yourself..." Yun Qishen patted Cheng Wu on the shoulder, and Cheng Wu also smiled gratified.

"The problem now is that the diameter of the vortex is too small, and it would be too difficult to pass through people." Cheng Wu just finished speaking and the door of the other laboratory opened.


Yun Shang shouted excitedly and fell directly to the ground.

"Hey! Are you alright! Hey!" If he came out with Yun Shang, he was also taken aback, he squatted down and shook Yun Shang.

Yun Qishen was even more worried about checking in the past.

"Hey! Dad... fell asleep..."


There was no other way, Yun Qishen had no choice but to take Yun Shang to rest.

"Success he said... You have successfully made the power enhancement device? It's only been a day..."

Yun Qishen looked at Yun Shang in disbelief.

In case, I admire Yun Shang, "Your father is really smart, but he has failed many times at the same time. I am not afraid of electricity, but he is different. He tries his best to do the last step of the experiment every time. Maybe this is the case. It's the scientific spirit you're talking about."

"Well... Since it's successful, why don't you experiment now." Yun Qishen was about to leave and go back, when Jiang Lin blocked the door of the laboratory.

"Yun Qishen, come here and I have something to trouble you."

After speaking, Jiang Lin turned her head and left.

No way, Yun Qishen was mainly afraid of being hit in the face by a hammer, but he...

"Leave the experiment to me first, and you can do other things first." Cheng Wu said to Yun Qishen.

Yun Qi nodded deeply and followed Jiang Lin.

"I think you can help with the extraction of the Qi of Heaven and Earth." Jiang Lin said as she walked forward.

"What can I help with? Isn't there that pig? Besides, if you want to use unicorn beads, you should look for Ye Qi, look for me..." Yun Qishen wondered why he was looking for him.

Jiang Lin wants to use the potion and external mana to force out the energy of heaven and earth from inside Mo Qilin's body, but this will be a kind of harm to Mo Qilin. Mo Qilin is a fierce beast, so the treatment of the golden unicorn auspicious beast will only aggravate Mo Qilin's health. injury.

Therefore, there is only Yun Qishen who has the healing ability in the presence and the healing effect in the blood.

"Sure enough, it's blood drawing again...haha..."

Yun Qishen himself felt embarrassed to laugh.

But it was a help.

At the same time, Yan Qi was talking with Ling Yaoqing.

Ling Yaoqing unknowingly cast a spell on Ye Qi's body.

This matter is not clear about the spiritual realm, this spell allows Ling Yaoqing to have a conscious dialogue with Ye Qi at a specific time period.

This spell will automatically disappear after the dialogue...

(End of this chapter)

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