Yun Qishen

Chapter 449 Breaking the Abyss

Chapter 449 Breaking the Abyss (38)
(God's perspective)
"The opening time of the abyss enchantment has been stabilized. In addition to the emergency power and the blessing of the spirit snake egg, it is not a problem to maintain the opening for 10 minutes. After that, the abyss can be experimentally broken by using the energy of heaven and earth and the spirit snake egg. It's..."

Yun Qishen was sitting there quietly, he dared not raise his head for a while.

Next to Yun Qishen, there is a pig whose belly has been turned over... No, it's a golden unicorn.

At this time, the person sitting in the most comfortable seat in the laboratory is the spiritual realm.

Spirit Realm Dao crossed Erlang's legs and looked at Yun Qishen and Jin Qilin as usual.

If it wasn't for the spiritual realm just now, these two guys might have been chasing me endlessly.

As soon as this immortal state came, the instant freezing punishment made one person and one beast calm down for a while.

When the freeze was released, Yun Qishen obediently reported the progress of the experiment, and Jin Qilin simply pretended not to deal with this irritable old man.

"First try to break through the abyss, and then discuss what went through after gathering everyone tomorrow... Next, I think we have to invite a nasty person to come..."

Spirit Realm Road frowned, one hand still resting on his head.

At this time, Taki Yunhua and Jiang Lin walked over.

Taki Yunhua didn't look at the occasion and went to hug the spiritual realm again.

"How is it? Is it better?"

The sudden pampering voice of Spirit Realm Dao made Yun Qishen's jaw drop in surprise, who was sitting on the ground.

Who is here!Still a jerk dude?
"I'm fine, I'm really glad you can care about me."

Taki Yunhua, who was usually so domineering, is now too delicate.

Yun Qishen heard Lai A say that this kind of situation is not common among demon women, but it does not mean that it is not.During pregnancy, the temperament of a Jiangbang woman may be completely different from usual, and generally this situation will end after the devil woman gives birth to a child.

Yun Qishen can imagine how much hardship the child will have to live when Taki Yunhua gives birth, the father is irritable and cold, the mother is domineering and can't take care of others...

He suddenly remembered the days when he was a nanny in Liu Yinfeng... He said at the time that he was about to bring the child...

Jiang Lin stood on the side and couldn't stand watching this sticky and greasy scene, she smacked her lips, "Spiritual Realm Dao, you said you are so grumpy, how come you have an extremely cold spell physique? You should be with Taki Yunhua by your side. Be restrained, the cold worm Gu in her body will be directly passed on to the child in her belly, you better hope that the child here is not born with an extremely cold or cold temperament, otherwise the two of you will suffer."

Then Jiang Lin threw another pill to Lingjing Dao, "Like last time, don't hold back. If you can't, just ask me for it. You can bear it, Taki Yunhua and the child may not be able to bear it!"

"Rare, caring about people is not your style." Lingjing Road smiled slightly.

" take care of me! Grandpa, whoever I am willing to care about is whoever is!" Jiang Lin came over and grabbed Yun Qishen's ears, "Get up, let's deal with the whirlpool."

Yun Qishen felt that although Jiang Lin's ear hurt, it was really good to escape the cold and brutal rule of the Spirit Realm Dao.

"Let's go!" Yun Qishen pushed Jiang Lin away impatiently.

Jin Qilin thought to himself, you scumbag, escape without taking this divine beast with you!
All the people present were equipped, and just a few seconds before the experiment started, Ling Yaoqing appeared in the laboratory in the form of purple smoke.

For a while, everyone raised their vigilance. Although they knew that Ling Yaoqing was not a good person, she was also an indispensable existence.

Ling Yaoqing approached Yun Qishen, and Yun Qishen also turned around with a serious face, ready to open the whirlpool.

In case he was ready, he began to transport his electricity spells to the small power collector developed by Yun Shang. At the same time, Cheng Wu also operated on the instrument for a while.

Jiang Lin was ready. Once Ling Yaoqing made any move, she would find a way to keep Ling Yaoqing away from Yun Qishen.

If there is anything wrong, leave it to the spiritual realm.

"start up!"

Yun Qishen pressed the button in response, and the instruments worked together. Everyone could see obvious currents flowing between the instruments, and then the electricity gathered in one place. The currents attracted and repelled each other, and then a black vortex the size of a thumb was born.

Immediately afterwards, this little thing suddenly exploded to form a black vortex with a diameter of one meter.

Jiang Lin and Ling Yaoqing also used spells. Jiang Lin used the eggs of the snake and integrated the energy of heaven and earth into it.

The golden unicorn took the place of Ye Qi, and Mo Lin and Mo Yu were also there to transport the energy of heaven and earth.

The four directions exerted force, and the energy gathered at one point and attacked into the pitch-black vortex.

Ling Yaoqing also chanted mana at the same time, her hand was sealed, and then a beam of strong light emitted from her fingertips, and also attacked into the vortex.

Everyone held their breath as they watched the whirlpool situation.

Suddenly, the instrument on Cheng Wu's side overheated and malfunctioned.

"Not good! We have to hurry!"

Cheng Wu thought of using another instrument instead, watching the whirlpool gradually become smaller and other changes. Not everyone was nervous and didn't know how to act.

The matter of the instrument can only be handed over to Yun Qishen and Cheng Wu, and Yun Qishen could not escape from his position for a while, so this can only be done by Cheng Wu.

Cheng Wu panicked, his mind went blank.

"believe in yourself!"

Yun Qishen turned his head to look at Cheng Wu firmly.

trust yourself……

Cheng Wu was surprised for a moment and calmed down.

calm down!You can definitely do it!
Cheng Wu breathed a sigh of relief, and then gradually returned to operating the instrument calmly.

The moment the whirlpool shrank to the size of a fist, Cheng Wu successfully stopped it.

At the moment of this stay, a huge turbulence occurred in the whirlpool.

"Everyone! Get down!!!"

Yun Qishen shouted and then rushed towards Jiang Lin.

In the next moment, a large amount of energy poured out of the vortex, and the laboratory opened the skylight directly. The entire institute was destroyed, and the sudden explosion almost caused a sensation of professionals to come over to ask the guilt.

Fortunately, there were no casualties. In addition, there was a defensive barrier of the egg of the snake outside. The fragments blown up by the research institute did not hurt the outside.

Everyone lay on the ground and slowly raised their heads, and they saw that the previously dark vortex became transparent, forming a kind of sunshine.

Ling Yaoqing was now in front of the whirlpool, and she lightly touched the periphery of the whirlpool with her hand.


Guao Continent finally got rid of the abyss...

But just as Ling Yaoqing was about to go back, two swords were aimed at her neck at the same time.

Lingjing Dao and Yun Qishen had serious expressions, and Yun Qishen did not dare to be shaken in the slightest.

"You can't run away now! Don't you want people to stop you! Isn't it the best time to catch you now!" Lingjingdao smiled slightly, "I know that you are immortal and can keep you safe. , only let you die first!"

Just when the Spirit Realm Dao was about to make a ruthless attack, a powerful force bounced off the Spirit Realm Dao's fairy sword in the distance.

Yun Qishen looked in the direction where the force was attacking. He couldn't believe it. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the blue-grey-haired man who was walking slowly.

"Nie Qi? How could you..."

Ling Yaoqing took the opportunity to turn into smoke and flashed beside the blue-grey-haired man.

"I just knew that everything was going the way he was supposed to."

(End of this chapter)

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