Yun Qishen

Chapter 452 Turning All Beings Upside Down~ Chapter Yun Qishen

Chapter 452: Upside Down All Beings ~ Yunqi Deep (1)
(God's perspective)
White light flashed by, and Yun Qishen screamed and fell from the air to the ground.

"He's meow! The spells here are definitely voice-controlled!"

Thinking of the warning from the alcoholic old man just now, the spell here is too timely...

Yun Qi took a deep look at the clothes on his body... Why did he change back to this kind of cumbersome clothes... It looks like the clothes of the Immortal Medicine Sect...

Then here is again...

Yun Qishen then raised his head to look in front of him, but it was not the Immortal Medicine Sect he thought, but rather like the land of Jiangbang.

Could it be that he was transported to Xinjiang by that spell through the abyss?

He stood up and looked around, how could he feel more desolate than before...

"Xiqing and the others may have been passed on to other places... No, no... I can't think about him anymore, now I should be concerned about the settlers... If Xueqing really becomes the master as Ling Yaoqing said If so... I must also do a good job of this border demon... I can't let them get hurt!"

Just when Yun Qishen was going to go to Wangcheng first, a red figure appeared in the distance in front of him.

Could it be that the master was also sent to Jiangbang?
Yun Qi ran towards the red figure worriedly.

But when he got close to the red figure, he could see the face of the red figure clearly.

"Taki... Qianye..."

Yun Qishen called out the name in disbelief, and the man in red turned his head to look at him.

Looking at the red-clothed black-haired man in front of him, the guilt in Yun Qishen's heart arose again.

【With me here, you don't have to get your hands dirty. 】

That sentence resurfaced in Yun Qishen's mind once again.

"It's deep."

Taki Qianye's doting eyes were the same as back then.

No, he's not really... no... he's already... this...

Yun Qi's mind was suddenly confused, and he kept reminding himself that it wasn't true.

But when Taki Qianye's icy hand grabbed Yun Qishen's arm.


In the back of Yun Qi's mind, he seemed to have lost something... He only remembered the impossible, but he couldn't remember what was impossible.

"It's deep? What's wrong with you? Are you tired on the road? I told you to use magic to come back. You have to go to the periphery of Xinjiang alone to see. You, the devil, don't be too competent."

Taki Qianye gave Yun Qi a doting smile.

Yun Qishen looked back and saw only the empty wasteland.

"Ah... I'm a little tired... I just wanted to make you relax..."

There was a word in Yun Qi's mind, and he said it.

"I am the holy son of Jiangbang. These things that observe the periphery of Jiangbang are originally my business. As a devil, you only need to take charge of the internal affairs and manage the internal affairs."

Taki Qianye pulled Yun Qishen, and he opened a body-piercing vortex in front of him.

Yun Qishen looked at Taki Qianye's hand at a loss, was he not right...

Taki Qianye also pulled Yun Qi deep into the whirlpool, "They are all waiting for you, I just came out to pick you up."

is that so……

Yun Qishen felt that he had forgotten something again, and he followed Taki Qianye through the whirlpool like that.

The next moment after passing through the whirlpool, a small figure emerged and hugged Yun Qishen's neck.

"Big brother! Yin'er misses you so much!"

Yun Qishen's heart skipped a beat, and the next second, Yun Qishen forgot something in his mind.

He also gently hugged the small figure.

"Big brother also wants Yin'er..."

Looking at the little girl Yun Qishen who was holding her neck, she finally smiled.

"Big brother, listen to me, the green-haired big brother brought a lot of things, and even brought a kind of water called Coke to Yin'er!"

Yin'er's fleshy little hand grabbed Yun Qishen's ear, "Big brother, let's accompany Yin'er to eat snacks!"



As soon as Yun Qishen agreed, an equally tender voice came over.

The little boy in black looked at Yin'er angrily, "Come down soon! Don't cause trouble to the devil!"

"I don't want it! Big brother said to accompany Er Yin'er to eat snacks!" Yin'er turned to look at the little boy in black, "Big brother Shuang (Taki) is the most annoying!"

"Yin'er!" The boy in black looked even more unhappy.

Yun Qishen also patted Yin'er's back lightly, "Yin'er is good, big brother has some things to do for now, you can accompany your brother to eat first."

"No! I want big brother to accompany me. Big brother with green hair said that only big brother can eat it!"

Yin'er acted coquettishly and didn't want to let go of Yun Qishen, so Taki Qianye also came over and hugged her away.

"Let's go over after we've dealt with it, and Yin'er also tell the big green-haired brother to go."

Taki Qianye hugged Yin'er aside, and he gently touched Yin'er's head to persuade him.

"Then... it must come!" Yin'er turned around and ran away.

"Oh! Yin'er!" The boy in black quickly followed Yin'er.

When Yun Qishen was thinking about what he was going to do, some memories suddenly appeared in his mind.

Taki Qianye watched Yin'er leave and turned to look at Yun Qishen, "Why do you keep covering your head? Have a headache?"

"It's okay... just a little annoying..." Yun Qishen also quickly put his hand down from his head.


Taki Qianye smiled again, his golden eyes lit up slightly, "You don't have to worry about the banquet, you are the center of the night, what you need to worry about should be what clothes to wear tonight."

"Haha, it's also...the banquet..."

Yun Qishen followed Taki Qianye's words as a matter of course, and his thoughts became a little clearer.

"Now that ordinary people are friendly with the devil, and tonight's banquet also invited people from Jingling Mountain, you went out to inspect the periphery of Xinjiang today. The reception was handed over to the envoy of Qiu Mo, and he and the drunkard were both I want you to look good..."

Taki Qianye walked to one side, "Now let's change clothes."

"Okay..." Yun Qi responded deeply.

What does it feel like, even though everything is good, why does it always feel weird?

I always feel like someone is watching me...

Yun Qi turned back with deep concern, and a figure disappeared again in a flash.

"Qi Shen, I see that you are absent-minded, are you tired, or you should rest first and then..."

Taki Qianye also looked at the direction Yunqi was looking deeply.

"No, no need, let's prepare clothes first. As the host, I can't keep the guests waiting for a long time."

Yun Qi replied with a deep smile, and Taki Qianye also smiled.

The two also went to prepare clothes.

In the dark corner in the distance, the eyes of hatred stared at Yun Qishen.

The mysterious figure endured the anger, and he bit his nails hard, and blood flowed from the nails.

The people and things in front of him should have belonged to him!

What face does this impostor have for these!

He'll be back soon!
(End of this chapter)

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