Yun Qishen

Chapter 457 Turning All Beings Upside Down~ Chapter Yun Qishen

Chapter 457: Upside Down All Beings ~ Yunqi Deep (6)
(God's perspective)
From the day I remembered, Yun Tan knew that he was short on words.

Although his name is Qishen, he also has another name—Yuntan.

This was given to him by the second uncle. To be more precise, it was just a word that Yun Chenfeng said unintentionally.

[Speaking of pool water makes me think of you. 】

[Why does the second uncle think of me? 】

[Well...because it (it) is deep...haha. 】

[Why don't the second uncle call me Yuntan? 】

[Haha, the parents who received the name, you are as deep as you are. 】

【Then why did my parents call me Qishen? 】

【This... well...】

At that time, Yun Chenfeng also replied with a smile.

Not long after the uncle and nephew were talking, Yuntan coughed again, and he quickly asked his servants to help him back.

The next day, Yuntan wanted to go out for a walk, but people didn't allow it.

Yun Tan had no choice but to walk around in the Yun Mansion, and by chance he bumped into the housekeeper, An De, with his second aunt.

How could she betray second uncle!

Yun Tan thought so subconsciously, and he also noticed a figure in the distance.

"Second uncle..."

The 13-year-old Yun Tan suppressed his anger and pursed his lips, then he turned his head and left.

Then Yuntan came to the edge of the flower pond in Yunfu, and he smashed the blooming lotus flowers with stones.

He imagined the lotus flowers as his second aunt and kept venting his anger.

The second uncle is so kind to her!Why did the second aunt and the butler meet in private!
Just when Yuntan was angry, he coughed again, and his head also became dizzy.

There were no servants guarding him for a while.

Just when Yuntan thought he was going to die, someone grabbed him and gave him medicine.

When Yun Tan gradually became fresh, he heard a voice calling him.

"It's deep, it's deep, are you okay!"

The red clothes are more dazzling through the sunlight.

Yun Tan, who thought it was his second uncle, could see the face of this red-clothed child clearly.

He remembered that when he was nine years old, he sneaked out and rescued a demon child... He was the same age as himself, and was also his first friend - Taki Qianye.

"Cough cough... I'm fine... What kind of medicine is this time, it's a bit bitter..."

"I have candied fruit here! Here!"

Yun Tan also ate the candied fruit from Taki Qianye's hands.

Yun Tan looked at Taki Qianye with a smirk on his face, thinking about the ideal of harmony between humans and demons that the second uncle said...

Originally just to observe the personality and customs of the demons, Yuntan, who thought about achieving a certain purpose through Taki Qianye, gradually developed other feelings for Taki Qianye.

When Taki Qianye was discovered by the demons of Xinjiang as the holy son, Yuntan even wanted to hide him.

Taki Qianye also heard about Yuntan's possession of the magic bead, so naturally those demons also knew.

One day when Yuntan was 17 years old, the second aunt was diagnosed with Ximai.

This incident shocked Yuntan, how could it be, this child is definitely not the second uncle!It must be Ender's butler!These two shameless people...

"I want to go to the temple to repay my vows."

The second aunt touched her stomach very gently that day and said to Yun Chenfeng.

"But I still have things to deal with tomorrow..." Yun Chenfeng was indeed a little busy at the time.

"Then... is tomorrow Shen'er free?"

The second aunt turned to look at Yuntan.

Yun Tan clearly saw the second aunt looking at Ender and looking at him again...

Yun Tan clenched his fist tightly, but his face still showed a smile, "My nephew is fine, I will accompany my second aunt tomorrow!"

Here may be the beginning of everything—

The second aunt also wished to walk a long staircase to reach the temple on the top of the mountain.

"Second aunt, why don't we go to repay the vows, you are not easy to be so tired with your body." Although Yuntan said that he cared, but in his heart he wanted to let this woman and that man die!

Seeing that he was about to reach the entrance of the temple, Yuntan saw a purple figure flash past.

It just flashed by here, and suddenly the desire in Yuntan's heart aroused...

As long as there is an accident at this time... no one sees him... but with his thin and sick body, he can't deal with Ender who came with him.

That's when a coincidence came.

" handkerchief seems to be lost under..."

The second aunt suddenly panicked and said that Yun Tan also pretended to be kind and took out his handkerchief and handed it to the second aunt.

"If the second aunt doesn't dislike it, let's use the nephew's..."

"Shen'er is really caring, and Chen Feng always praises you for being sensible..."

The second aunt covered her mouth with a handkerchief.

No matter how caring I am, it is not for you, a betrayed woman...

Yun Tan was still smiling, no one could notice his inner thoughts, even Yun Chenfeng felt that his heart was unfathomable, not to mention Taki Qianye who had only been around for a few years.

Ender was a little worried at this time.

"The eldest lady lost it, but the lady embroidered it for you..."


The second aunt nodded, she looked uncomfortable.

Also for such a long ladder, it is even more difficult for a pregnant woman.

Ender anxiously went down to find the handkerchief again.

The second aunt wanted to stop him from going, but was unable to speak because of exhaustion.

Looking at the figure of Ender leaving, Yun Tan knew that his chance was coming!

Yuntan knew that his second aunt was most afraid of bees. Because he was stung by bees when he was a child, he had always reacted very strongly to seeing bees.

Knowing this, Yun Tan suddenly called out to the second aunt beside him, "Second aunt be careful! There are bees!"

"Where! Where! Ah!"

The second aunt suddenly panicked and wanted to hug Yuntan, but Yuntan pushed the second aunt as if to drive away the bees.

In this way, the second aunt rolled down the stairs because of the instability.


Hearing a scream here, Yuntan stopped moving. He looked down at the second aunt who was rolling down. The 20-storey staircase was the steepest, so he calculated that the second aunt would roll all the way to a piece of flat ground below, but That's good enough.

"Second aunt!!!!"

Yun Tan pretended to shout and then went down.

Ender hurriedly gave up looking for the handkerchief when he heard the sound and ran up.

As expected, the second aunt stopped on a flat ground in the middle of the stairs just as Yuntan thought.

"Red Luan!"

Ender panicked and ran over to help the second aunt. At this time, the second aunt had several bruises and bruises on her body, and the whole person was unconscious, and even... that evil seed was gone!
Yun Tan was happy in his heart, and he pretended to be flustered.

"Who knew there would be bees on it just now! What are you doing, Ender! You haven't gone back with your second aunt yet!"

Yuntan understood that if he didn't speak first, Ender would subconsciously doubt him.

But Yuntan also exposed a little bit of his ignorance, probably because he didn't go out all the year round.

The place where the second aunt fell without flowers and plants, the bees wouldn't fly up...

But Ender discovered the truth after his second aunt died of depression.

(End of this chapter)

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