Yun Qishen

Chapter 471 Turning All Beings Upside Down~Chapter Evil Qi

Chapter 471: Upside Down All Living Beings ~ Evil Qi Chapter (10)
(God's perspective)
Yan Qi and Yan Mingcheng also carefully walked into the depths of the woods.

The moment Ye Qi stepped into that dark place, the surroundings changed.

Seeing the trees transformed into icy walls, they drove away the original scenery.

As soon as Yan Qi blinked, he and Yan Mingcheng were trapped in an icy fortress.

This should already be inside the labyrinth...

Ye Qi believes that the depths of the forest are just a switch to open the real illusion.

In fact, from the very beginning, turning all beings upside down is the labyrinth of your own heart, and it just traps you where you want to be.

Looking around, Ye Qi did find five different road entrances.

One of them is the path of Ye Qi's own consciousness.

"This...that way to go?"

Xie Mingcheng was confused for Xie Qi, and didn't prompt anyone to choose which way to leave, right?
Ye Qi was also hesitating, and he didn't know the rules of this maze, so it would be wrong to rush in casually without a target.

[Sometimes, when you don't make a decision, you rely on intuition. As long as you take the first step, there will be a way to recover whether it is right or wrong! 】

Yun Qishen's voice appeared in Ye Qi's mind.

"Dad! This way!"

Ji Qi smiled, and then headed towards the entrance that was facing him.


"Believe me."

Xie Mingcheng hesitated for a moment and followed Xie Qi into that road.

The surroundings were too dark, so Ye Qi had no choice but to use spell lighting.

Walking and walking, the two came to a fork.

"it is as expected……"

Ye Qi divided the spell into two, and one of the balls of light flew away towards the other side.

Xie Mingcheng watched Xie Qi's actions with concern, and they also walked towards the other side.

Ye Qi became more and more convinced that the entrance at the beginning of the passage can be chosen, because there is another road in the passage, and it will lead to another road.

Every time he reached a fork, Ye Qi would separate a part of the magic light sphere to explore.

He and Yan Mingcheng moved towards the other side.

It was the first time that Ye Qi felt that the technique of observation was still useful. Fortunately, he practiced quickly when he was confined in Jingling Mountain Pass.

The technique of observation is a compulsory technique in Jingling Mountain, but the observation techniques of Immortal Sword Sect and Immortal Medicine Sect are very different.

Among all the observation magicians of the monastery, Mi Zixin is the best, and their family members have been the astrologers of Dongyu Kingdom for generations.

While learning the techniques of Immortal Sword Sect, Ye Qi also secretly learned some observation techniques from Mi Zixin.

However, the purpose of Xie Qi's initial learning of this was indeed to better catch those divine beasts.

After the two of them went deep for a while, Ye Qi stopped.

"what happened?"

Ai Mingcheng asked Ai Qi and looked around with concern, then he saw a white shadow dodging to the side of the intersection.

The shadow here is not scary, Yan Mingcheng suddenly had a strong feeling of wanting to follow the past.

Ye Qi closed his eyes, he sensed the mana that he had separated.

There are some dead ends that go into; some keep moving; and some meet.

When Yan Qi opened his eyes, he didn't see the shadow of Yan Mingcheng.


Here, Yan Qi quickly sensed the location of Yan Mingcheng, even after chasing after him to find the past.

Yan Mingcheng groped his way into an intersection with the white shadow.

The white shadow moves faster, and Yan Mingcheng catches up more quickly.


When Yan Mingcheng was about to chase after Bai Yingying, the intersection was suddenly blocked.

This made Yan Mingcheng can only go back but not move forward.

"Linglong! It's you! Answer me! Let me see you!"

Yan Mingcheng can be sure that the white shadow is Linglong.

"Are you blaming me...blame me..."

"No... it's only you who can protect Qiqi..."

Linglong's voice entered Yan Mingcheng's ears.

"Linglong! It's really you! Let me see you! Okay!"

"Sorry, Meizumi... we can't meet..."

Opposite the icy wall, a white shadow covered his face.

"Why? Linglong! You just need to open the wall here, and we can meet..."

"I can't... Mingcheng leave quickly..."

Linglong's voice also trembled with sadness.

Yan Mingcheng's voice was even more hoarse.

When Xie Qi came over, he saw Xie Mingcheng kept beating on a wall.

As soon as he saw Ye Qi coming, Yan Mingcheng grabbed him and said, "He Qi, please, help me break down this wall! Let me meet your mother, please!"

Ye Qi looked at the wall, he could feel the conscious existence on the other side of the wall.

But the consciousness was very resistant to meeting, so it blessed the wall with mana.

Once Ye Qi breaks the wall, the consciousness on the other side will be injured along with it.

"Nei Qi... take your father and leave..."

Linglong spoke clearly with a cry.

"Leave now! Then live happily ever after!"


"Ming Cheng! I know you are sad, so why am I not! But we are different. I am already a dead person, and you can still live! I don't want you and Yan Qi to have a hard time... Ming Cheng, do you understand?"

"I... understand... but..."

"Understood then leave!"

Linglong made a hoarse voice, and then the walls began to glow white.

Kuang Kuang Kuang——

The ground shook with the sound.

Ye Qi felt that some forks in the road were blocked, and more clearly left a path.

"Linglong..." Yan Mingcheng gritted his teeth and couldn't hold back the tears.

Yan Qi grabbed Yan Mingcheng's hand and chanted a spell.

"Mingcheng...I love you..."

This was Linglong's last words that Yan Mingcheng heard.

In the next instant, he and Ye Qi teleported to another road.

Ye Qi also added teleportation spells on top of the scattered mana.

The next moment he teleported over, Yan Mingcheng slumped on the ground.


Ye Qi didn't feel good when he saw Ye Mingcheng's haggard appearance.

What a terrifying blow to lose a person twice at the same time.

At the same time, Qi Qi felt someone pulling the clothes behind him.

When he turned around, he saw himself as a child.

"We meet again……"

When he was young, he looked at his grown-up self with his signature smile.

"I first congratulate you on finding the passage to the outside world, but there are some things I still want to ask you."

Xiao Yanqing glanced at Yanmingcheng, then looked at Yanqi, "Have you recognized your heart?"

"Ah... Probably, because people's hearts are unpredictable, but now I can determine what I want." Ye Qi crouched down and talked to her childhood self.

"Is that so... I'll give you a surprise, you straighten your hands." Xiao Yanqing stepped forward and pulled his arm.

Ye Qi also stretched out his hands.

"Then look up!"

Xiao Yanqing's female watch smiled and motioned for Yanqi to raise her head.

Ye Qi also looked up and saw a black shadow smashing towards him.

As the shadow approached, the environment around Ye Qi also changed.

Yun Qishen descended from the sky, and Ye Qi should have caught him.

As a result, Yun Qishen fell and hit Ye Qi directly, and the two of them also fell to the ground.

"I said Ye Qi! Just pick it up if you pick it up! If you can't pick it up, it's okay to be a cushion! I fell to my death... oops."

Yun Qi deeply complained.

Ye Qi smiled, "It's not because the Demon Lord is too heavy, there's nothing I can do about it as a little Taoist~"

(End of this chapter)

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