Yun Qishen

Chapter 481 Turning All Beings Upside Down~Jiang Linzhang

Chapter 481: Upside Down All Beings ~ Jiang Lin Chapter (10)
(God's perspective)
Jiang Lin woke up from the gap in the space. The surroundings were not dark, and there were some luminous things floating around.

Jiang Lin reached out and touched a spot of light, and then the surroundings were lit up.

She herself was in a white space, and a transparent wall appeared in front of her, and Jiang Lin's life was interpreted on the wall.

From when she was with her mother when she was a child, they played the piano and begged for food in the teahouse, and then there was the fire.

"No! It's not true!"

Jiang Lin couldn't believe what she saw in front of her eyes, and now her memory is not what appeared on the screen at all.

[Mother, don't leave me behind...]

Jiang Lin watched her mother leave her on the screen, she impulsively passed a handful of chops and smashed the transparent wall.

The surroundings were once again the places where the floating spots of light were floating before.

In a panic, she encountered a spot of light on the side.

Just like before, Jiang Lin came to the transparent space again. This time, the transparent walls showed what happened to Jiang Lin around Jianshuhe.

Jian Shuhe regarded Jiang Lin as his own care, but the uncle Xiwu was not so friendly.

[I tell you little girl, the weak people in this world are going to be left behind. 】

[Slightly, I won't be like what you said, Uncle Master!I will become the most powerful person, the one who can heal Master and his sickness. 】

[Joke, you can't be strong when I die, recognize your weakness. 】

In the video, Jiang Lin confronted Duan Xiwu when he was a child. At that time, Jiang Lin wanted to defeat Duan Xiwu and let Qi Cheng admit her strength.

But every time he can only be reduced to the point where he admits his weakness.

At that time, Duan Xi's unfamiliar smile actually really thought about how to kill Jiang Lin without knowing it.

[Xi Wu, stop teasing her, how old are you or the temper of a child?What do you call it with a child? 】

At that time, if it wasn't for the protection of the master Jian Shuhe, Jiang Lin would have died in the deep mountains at some point.

Uncle Duan Xiwu will not kill in front of Master Jianshuhe. When he goes out at a critical moment, as long as he is seen at other times, Jianshuhe will take extraordinary measures to punish Duan Xiwu.

This is the happiest period for the three of them. This memory has not been changed in Jiang Lin's memory now.

It was thanks to Jian Shuhe that she could grow up so big. If it weren't for him, Jiang Lin wouldn't know if she would be able to recover from the grief of losing her mother.

This time the barrier was not broken by Jiang Lin's touch, it was broken by itself this time.

Repeating the previous scenery and actions, the image Jiang Lin saw this time was in Jingling Mountain.

Here is Jiang Lin, there is Gongxu Jin...

At this moment, the white space began to collapse, and the walls fell, revealing the black inner side.

Jiang Lin was a little panicked for a while, but what happened on the screen made Jiang Lin have to keep her eyes on it.

【Jiang Lin!I like Spirit Realm, you know what!I especially like it! 】

Fang Xin cried hysterically.

[Jiang Lin is begging you, help me!Let Lingjingdao fall in love with me, okay?I beg you! 】Fang Xin was holding onto Jiang Lin's clothes and begging.

[Jiang Lin, you should be the one who understands my feelings the most. I know that Gongshujin you forgot, but anyway you have someone you have loved, but when I come out of the spiritual realm, I don’t want anything and I don’t have anything! ! ! 】

Fang Xin's cry and hysterical tone made Jiang Lin fear.

In the fear of remembering something, the white walls around the room were about to fall little by little, and the whole room began to turn pitch black.

Jiang Lin couldn't bear to watch it any longer, but she was quickly attracted by another voice.

[I also like Jiang Lin, how about I call you Linlin in the future? 】

[Don't call me my nickname, if you became a grandfather that day, and I am a grandma again, you still call me that, aren't you afraid of the children's jokes? 】

[Hahaha, have you thought so far? 】

【what!Not yet! 】

It was also a happy scene, a fight between two people who love each other.

"Why did I forget this...why..."

It is such an important memory for me, why would I forget it!
Jiang Lin looked at the screen, her tears burst, how could she feel so uncomfortable, as if she was stabbed by a thousand needles in her heart.

[Jiang Lin, don't cry, I'm fine. 】

[I will definitely give you a medicine to treat you. 】

【I think I can't wait... 】

【Don't say that...】

Jiang Lin stared at herself and Gongshujin on the screen.

Gongshu Jin's illness was getting thinner and thinner, but he still kept smiling to himself.No matter how hard he was at the time, he would not show the slightest in front of me.

[Jiang Lin...I want to cast a sword one last time...]

【I promise you……】

When this memory ends, the surrounding space is completely dark.

Then some memories that Jiang Lin wanted to forget swept in.

Gongshu Jin wanted to forge a sword, which was called the lacquer sword.

It is mentioned in the sword manual handed down from the ancestors, but in the end no one has succeeded.

Because casting a lacquer sword requires lacquer blood.

But Qiye is not a monster that exists in itself, it needs hundreds of blood sacrifices to appear.

When Jiang Lin saw the summoned lacquer tree monster destroying the village, she was extremely frightened.


Jiang Lin panicked and ran to the ruins of Gongshu Jin's house to find Gongshu Jin,

But what Jiang Lin didn't know was that the person who really summoned Qiye to destroy the entire village was Gongshujin.

The lacquer sword, the last forged sword of Gongshuo Jin, was also completed.

"How is it possible, he won't, how could he ruin the happiness of the entire village for his own private desires! He is such a kind being... I don't believe..."

Seeing this, Jiang Lin couldn't believe it at all.

【I do not believe!I want to forget!None of this is true! 】

Jiang Lin on the screen is also like her now, she doesn't believe it's all true.

Then a golden light on the screen broke through everything, illuminating the surroundings again, driving away the darkness.

[I can erase your memory, but the relative erasure of your memory will also have a great impact on me. Gongshujin has come to the God Beast Valley more than once to ask me... Let me protect Jiang Lin and not let his Linlin He was sad, and he took care of it all by himself. 】

It was a golden tiger mythical beast. It was also an accident that Jiang Lin and Gong Shujin knew him, and because of this accident, they became fettered.

Jin Hu erased these memories for Jiang Lin.

And the golden tiger became an ordinary mythical beast tiger.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin, like no one else, created those poisons for Fang Xin, causing even greater disasters.

After the memory was over, the space crack opened again, and Jiang Lin also left the place.

Outside, the tigers who fought with each other before and Gongshujin who became disgusted have already decided the winner.

Gong Shujin wiped the sweat from his forehead, the black disgust in front of him was disappearing.

It was also at this time that Jiang Lin came back.

(End of this chapter)

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