Yun Qishen

Chapter 491 Turning All Beings Upside Down ~ Chapter Vivian Taki

Chapter 491: Upside Down All Beings ~ Taki Yunhua Chapter (9)
(God's perspective)
"Ah - sneeze -"

Yun Qi sneezed as soon as his nose tickled.

This made Qi Qi and the alcoholic old man around him look at him in astonishment.

"Sneezing here, do you think you are thundering?" In case you are a little disgusted.

Only Yan Qi handed over a tissue and asked Yun Qishen if he had a cold.

"I don't have a hammer, what kind of Thor!" Then Yun Qishen woke up, and Jiang Lin and the others came back in the next instant.

The old drunkard looked around, and the golden unicorns also came back. It seemed that only Taki Yunhua and Lingjing Dao did not return.

"Is this space spell really impossible to crack with external force?"

Yun Qishen held the used toilet paper in his hand, and Ji Qi motioned to throw it into the small vortex he created.

The other end of the whirlpool is connected to a trash can not far away.

Spells are quite convenient.

Yun Qishen thought so.

"For thousands of years, no one has been able to decipher and reverse all beings through external forces. It was the same in the past, and it is the same now. We can only wait and hope that they will come back."

The alcoholic old man frowned too. He was busy here and couldn't help. He covered his chest with his hands, as if there was something important inside.

"I have a way to see the situation inside the upside-down sentient beings, but I need a little belongings from my mistress."

Ye Qi suddenly spoke up.

Yun Qishen blamed him for whispering, "Why didn't you say that before?"

Ye Qi also whispered back to him, "Because I believe the two of them won't come out so late."

"That's right, it's really rare for them to be trapped like this now."

Yun Qi nodded deeply, but at the same time he also said that he had no belongings of Taki Yunhua.

"You can see if this can be used. Back then, this was a pendant made by Taki Yunhua's child. At that time..."

"I think it can be used!" Qi Qi grabbed the pendant handed over by the drunk old man.

"I feel the same way!" Yun Qishen agreed from the side.

In case of plugging his ears, he also agreed, "You guys are doing it wisely at this time!"

Jiang Lin and the others ignored this, and Jin Qilin and the others also came over to watch Ye Qi cast spells.

Ye Qi chanted the spell and then touched the pendant a little, and the pendant emitted a golden light.

This feeling……

Yun Qishen suddenly felt the breath of Zhanhunxi.

The pendant then floated in the air, and Ye Qi formed a seal with both hands. He recalled how Zhanhunxi showed him the map before, and then combined it with the feeling of him entering the upside-down sentient beings.

In the next instant a light rose from the pendant.

Then Yan Qi recalled the image spell in Xianyong Taichung in Lingshan Mountain.

Then the spell succeeded, and the sentient beings in the outside world succeeded. Jiang Lin observed the inner appearance of upside-down sentient beings.

It was just that there was chaos at the beginning, no one could see it clearly, and then Jin Qilin helped, and it became clear.

"It seems that the ability is still a little weak." Ye Qi said with a smile.

The golden unicorn transformed into that little fat pig and jumped on the shoulders of Qi Qi, "This divine beast thinks that you have done a good job. It's not like a scumbag who can't do anything."

"I said dead pig, don't take the opportunity to slander me!" Yun Qishen glared at the golden unicorn, then he looked at Mo Qi, "It's great!"

Ye Qi gave Yun Qishen a gentle smile, Yun Qishen had a set of eyes, and he moved his eyes shyly to the reflected screen.

Then everyone saw Zhanhunxi hugging Taki Yunhua.

"It's him!!"

The alcoholic old man was so surprised by the image that appeared in front of him that he stopped cursing "thinking of the past".

Everyone knew that the drunk old man was surprised by Zhanhunxi.

But why does the alcoholic old man also recognize him?

Jin Qilin understands it all.

Mo Lin and Mo Yu also took Mo Qilin to rest.

When Yun Qishen and Ye Qi came out, they really didn't mention the soul-killing thing to the alcoholic old man.

"Senior drunkard knows him?" Ji Qi asked.

"How can the old man not know him, the youngest and promising in the history of the state, and crowned three times in a year, the most powerful demon monarch - Zhanhunxi. Here... No wonder Taki Yunhua can't come out... Because It's an unbreakable love."

The drunk old man also missed the situation in those days, he had seen Zhanhunxi two sides, and those two sides let him see two different sides of Zhanhunxi.

On the one hand, he is gentle and generous, on the other hand, he is decisive in killing.

Yun Qishen blinked his eyes after listening to the drunk old man's words, was I so good in my previous life?Then I now... well I admit I did it myself.

In case, he felt that the man named Zhanhunxi didn't leave like that.

This border demon king is about to become something that anyone can be.

Thinking of what to do, he glanced at Yun Qishen with disgust.

"Since this is the case, how can she come out?" Ji Qi asked.

The drunk old man shook his head because he wasn't sure who was really important in Taki Yunhua's fantasy.

"Look! Taki Yunhua's body has changed!"

Jiang Lin suddenly made a sound, and everyone stared at the screen carefully.


Taki Yunhua, who was in Zhanhunxi's arms, instantly glowed with white light, and when the white light dissipated, Taki Yunhua turned into a girl of fifteen or sixteen.


Zhanhunxi released his arms in surprise.

Taki Yunhua also looked at her body curiously.

It is said that all beings upside down are different according to the original owner's consciousness, so why does Taki Yunhua become different here?
Zhanhunxi thinks there is a possibility, maybe some things are equally important to Taki Yunhua.

But if she wants to get out of here, she has to kill herself...

He Zhanhunxi didn't even have time to take a look at the appearance of Taki Yunhua's young girl.

Naturally, Taki Yunhua knew this too, she grabbed Zhanhunxi's hand and looked at him with her charming eyes half-squinted.

"Hunxi, do you think I'm beautiful?"

"Our family's Yunhua has always been beautiful and has always been my treasure. It is the treasure of Jiangbang."

Because of the previous white light, the scenery around Zhanhunxi and the others also changed, and Qiu Xiang disappeared.

The surrounding environment is beautiful, there is no sandy environment like Jiangbang at all, listen carefully to the sound of running water.

"here is?"

Zhanhunxi is not clear, he has only seen the sandy environment of Jiangbang in his life.

"Here?" Taki Yunhua also looked around, then she smiled, "Hunxi, I have a friend to introduce to you, come with me."

Zhanhunxi also let Taki Yunhua pull him to run.

He has never experienced such a situation, and now he will not regret it even if he disappears.

"Here it is! Hunxi, look! It's what grew up with me after you—Lai Ah!"

Following the direction Taki Yunhua indicated, Zhanhunxi saw a huge black dragon.

Heilong's golden eyes gave Zhanhunxi a warm feeling, but at the same time he also understood that the black dragon here was also Taki Yunhua's fantasy.

If this black dragon is really here, he will definitely thank it.

First of all, thank you for bringing Taki Yunhua up safely, and secondly, thank you for accidentally ignoring the blatant act of stealing the cat here in Lingjing Dao!

At the same time, Laia, who was in the game, sneezed on the arena, and thunder really broke out outside, and it rained for a short time...

Lai A looked out the window and thought, how good it would be to have sweet and sour tenderloin here.

(End of this chapter)

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