Yun Qishen

Chapter 493 Turning All Beings Upside Down ~ Chapter Vivian Taki

Chapter 493: Upside Down All Beings ~ Taki Yunhua Chapter (11)
(God's perspective)
What is it like to be in the dark?

Everyone has a different experience for everyone.

Some people are like a bottomless bottom in the dark.

And some people are floating nowhere to move.

We have been imprisoning ourselves in dark boxes.

Why do people hate it, because they care too much.

Why do people care, here... I can't tell...

Even though Taki Yunhua fell into the darkness, she was powerless to move.

Even when he knew he was dreaming, he still fell into it.

When she thinks about the moment about Zhanhunxi, she understands that although death and survival exist at the same time, they cannot be connected.

【I'm so scared. 】

[But you are a demon king, the emperor of the state, you can't be afraid. 】

[I just want to live like those ordinary girls. 】

[But you can't, fate can't be changed.You have to think about your present happiness. 】

【My current happiness... 】

【Happiness is not something you will have at the beginning, you have to find it. 】

【What is my happiness... 】

Taki Yunhua opened her eyes in a dim place.

Her stomach became inexplicably painful, and she moved in some directions.

For some reason she didn't have the strength to stand up.

【stomachache! 】

In this environment, not even a sound can come out.

Taki Yunhua curled up, she was suffering from abdominal pain.

Suddenly she felt the ground around her become wet.

She instinctively touched her hand with curiosity, and in the next instant, she saw the blood on her hand through the faint light.

【Will not……】

Taki Yunhua thought so, but the abdominal pain became more severe, and she became more and more uneasy.

Why do I suddenly feel that my belly is getting smaller and smaller...

【Will not!Will not! 】

Until the belly is completely flat and the pain is completely gone.

【Do not! ! ! 】

Naturally, it was all a fantasy that she was completely lost in the darkness. If she hadn't been rescued, this fantasy might have become a reality.

At the same time, on Zhanhunxi's side, he was fighting with the disgusting things around him.

"Yunhua, you must hold on! Wait for me!"

Zhanhunxi inserted the tyrant sword on the ground, then chanted a spell and then violently swung the giant sword to the left along the ground.

The ground cracked open, and the disgusting creatures near the giant knife were instantly wiped out.

The sword energy of the giant knife formed a crescent, and it moved towards the surroundings instantly.

Anything that gets hit is also destroyed.

In the end, there was only one left, and the most important one.

Zhanhunxi held the tyrant sword and waved, "The tyrant saber—a Zhanhunxi!!"

The knife qi swung towards the head of the hatred, but it perfectly passed through the body of the hatred and hit the wall of the fantasy space.

Upside-down sentient beings are also collapsing.

【This is how the same thing! 】

Zhanhunxi tried to attack the disgusting thing again, this time also passing through the monster's body and hitting the wall of the space.

Only then did Zhanhunxi understand the reason.

[Why didn't he think that since disgust and inversion of sentient beings are opposite existences, they must be related.Therefore, to turn sentient beings upside down is to hate things, and to hate things is to turn sentient beings upside down.Disgust doesn't just appear out of nowhere, it's always been there, but it's never been conscious.

They are unaware of their existence, and like those who fantasize, they do not know they are part of the spell.Who wants to be kept under control until they have self-awareness.They wanted to live, but I kept killing them... Did those illusions that possess consciousness disappear and then gather together and become disgusting...]

When Zhanhunxi was hesitating, the disgusting thing launched an attack, it rushed over and covered Zhanhunxi's surroundings.

Zhanhunxi didn't have time to dodge, because the dark package made him hear Taki Yunhua's cry.

[She is crying, what happened to her! 】

【Yunhua! ! 】

【Why can't I make a sound! 】

Zhanhunxi also encountered the same situation as Taki Yunhua. There was always an inexplicable force pressing him, so he had to stick the giant sword on the ground for support.

【don't want!help me!I do not want!my child!child! 】

【Don't touch it! ! ! ! 】

【Spiritual Realm Road!help me! ! 】

Zhanhunxi's laborious burst of power made him anxious, but anxiety can only limit his strength, he must go out quickly, so as to save Taki Yunhua.

The golden mana poured into the ground along the giant knife, and the surface cracked.


Zhanhunxi let out a roar, and the surrounding darkness shattered.

Zhanhunxi picked up the giant sword and was about to rush straight to the disgusting thing, at this time another shadow rushed up from his side.


Zhanhunxi looked to the side in surprise, it was a handsome man, his appearance was exactly the same as the spiritual realm he had seen before, but the feeling was so different.

With a wave of the Spirit Realm Daoist hand, the immortal sword quickly stabbed around the disgusting object.

The cold wind hit, and everything around was frozen in an instant.

The spiritual realm approached the frozen object with a fist blow, and the object shattered, turning into pieces of ice and falling from the sky.

Disgusted, Taki Yunhua curled up and hugged her stomach.

Spirit Realm Dao rushed over and hugged her.

With the disappearance of the disgust, the entire upside-down sentient beings began to disappear, including Zhanhunxi.


Zhanhunxi smiled clearly.

Spirit Realm Dao also walked towards him with Taki Yunhua in his arms.

"Although I don't want to speak for the woman, she asked me to ask you, is this what you want? Destroy yourself instead of disappearing because of fate."

Zhanhunxi smiled, "Let her guess for herself." Half of Zhanhunxi's body had also disappeared, he looked at his arm that disappeared, and then looked at the spirit realm.

"My biggest wish now is her safety, and I hope you can take good care of her."

Saying that, Zhanhunxi touched Taki Yunhua's head with her hand, "Although the reunion was short-lived, we also met in other directions... I see that the next life here is in your hands..."

After saying that, Zhanhunxi disappeared.

The Spiritual Realm Dao also took Taki Yunhua away from the upside-down sentient beings.

In the collapsed space, the purple figure did not panic.

"Let me guess... It seems that I guessed right. I said, we are the same... always want to destroy myself. But I am different... I can't destroy myself. That's why I need you to help me... cut Soul Xi... You can rest in peace this time. Oh, after the reset of the ancient proud continent, everything will be different. People will be harmonious and will not leave so much pain."

Ling Yaoqing's purple figure gradually disappeared.

Outside, Yun Qishen was the first to rush to Lingjing Dao to see Taki Yunhua.

Jiang Lin also rushed to check.

"No, Cold Insect Gu has attacked! Quickly put her in the laboratory!"

Jiang Lin gave orders.

Yun Qishen also carefully took Taki Yunhua from Lingjing Dao's hand and placed it there.

Yun Qishen heard a voice in his body constantly saying, you will be fine!
(End of this chapter)

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