Yun Qishen

Chapter 495

Chapter 495 Rebirth of the Phoenix (2)
(God's perspective)
The blown up Flying Bird Shenghuang Research Institute also gradually recovered under Duan Xiwu's spell. With the blessing of the snake's egg, the space repair spell can also be carried out effortlessly.

"You really helped a lot. Fortunately, there is a barrier to protect it, and there is no one nearby. Otherwise, if this kind of big thing happens around here, this institute will become famous."

Yun Shang thanked Duan Xiwu, he scratched his unkempt hair and pushed his glasses again.

"Instead of caring about this institute being famous, it's better to take care of your family first." Duan Xiwu seemed to have changed some things.

"This...Although I can understand, my family can't accept it. The doctor called us two days ago and told us the bad news. My family member still doesn't know the depth of his body change. I won't call either. tell her."

Yun Shang's tired eyes were also blocked by his thick glasses.

"You are different from some of the people I have met. They are bound by their own children. Especially when it comes to life and death, they can't bear it. If you insist on your current thoughts, you will not see your children in the future." Duan Xi Wu also seriously discussed the issue with Yun Shang.

"I admitted that I had limited the child for my own ideals, but then I realized that there is a kind of family affection beyond the experiment. I thought Cheng Xiang was wrong at first, thinking that he was selfishly using other people's children for experiments.

Up to now, I myself are no different from him, and he still has family affection in his heart.I cruelly even abandoned my relatives.

I chose to let go and let him fly by himself.Family love is connected regardless of the distance in time and space.And his own feelings should not be tied to parents like us.The chicks grow up to fly, not to be caged and fed with poisonous bait every day. "

"Parents restrain their children just because they are afraid of getting hurt, but some children don't even have the strength to spread their wings and fly." Duan Xiwu said following Yun Shang's train of thought.

At this moment, Spirit Realm Dao came over, "Hehe, it's not like what you can say here, and you shouldn't say it. I don't know who kills the chicks that they raised every hundred years. ."

Duan Xiwu watched Lingjing Dao walk towards him with cold eyes.

Yun Shang saw a cold murderous aura emanating from the bodies of the two who looked younger than him.

"Don't tell me that people can be changed. If you want me to know that you lost your memory in Jingling Mountain, I would have killed you thousands of times." Lingjing Road frowned.

Duan Xiwu had an indifferent expression, "So, you missed the opportunity. Even if you seized the opportunity, you still can't kill me."

"I don't believe that you can't kill you with a single stab with a sword!"

"It's still the Immortal Venerable that is really vicious." 3 Duan Xiwu smiled at the Spirit Realm Dao, who found it interesting.

The corner of Lingjing Dao's mouth also rose, "In terms of despicability, how can I compare to the dignified Taoist Guanyou."

The aura of the two became stronger, and Yun Shang couldn't help but retreat with a chill in his heart.

If these two fight, the institute will not be destroyed again.Asuka teacher and student, I really can't do anything, I have failed your expectations.

Yun Shang was thinking about Ye Qi and walked over with the medicine pill.

"Don't worry, I'll come~"

Ye Qi thought to himself, this is Yun Qishen's father, so be kind.

"Did you two immortals enter the old age life so quickly?" Ye Qi also went online with a smile on his face as soon as he came, "There is no old age campaign in Guao Continent. King's activities."

"Humph." Duan Xi put his head to the other side without hesitation.

Lingjing Dao looked at Ji Qi with anger in his heart, "I haven't asked you to figure out what happened before, but you found it yourself."

"You have to take the medicine first." Ye Qi handed the medicine pill to Lingjing Road.

"I don't need that guy's help, I understand my body myself."

In the spiritual realm, the awkward character here can only be dealt with by Qi Qi.

"Hey~ I forgot who said it. Saying that these immortals have no other advantages than being stubborn." Ai Qi pretended to be helpless.

"Who do you say is immortal! Ye Qi! You are getting bolder!"

"Then don't take medicine, as you said, take advantage of the enemy's illness to kill him~"

After he finished speaking, Qi Qi deliberately glanced at Duan Xiwu.

Duan Xiwu understood this kid's ghost idea at once, and he also made a gesture to pull out the ghostly smile.

The Spirit Realm Road side angrily took the medicine pill in Ye Qi's hand and swallowed it.

At this time, I heard Jiang Lin's cry.

Soon Xiao Wang screamed and fell from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, they saw Jin Qilin and Yun Qishen still attacking and chasing each other with a red and swollen head.

It can only be said that they are the hammer of the detached wolf and have entered the tiger's territory again.

Spirit Realm Dao froze the whole surrounding with annoyed and angry expression.

Ye Qi subconsciously protects Yun Shang, who doesn't know how to spell.

Xiao Wang also has Duan Xi without protection.

However, Yun Qishen and Jin Qilin, who were concentrating on avoiding and attacking each other, were unfortunately frozen.

"Single... body... pig..."

"Dead... scum... scum..."

After the Spirit Realm Dao cast the spell, he couldn't stay any longer, so he went straight home.

Ye Qi also walked towards the frozen Yun Qishen, "It seems that the ice here will take two days to melt before you can come out~ If the little Daoist Leng waits for you to come out, I will give you a warm hug~"

Yun Qishen looked at Ye Qi through the ice and thought, Ye Qi, you are not a female watch, you are a real female watch and you are still black!
"Little Taoist priest, when I saw the Demon Lord like this, I suddenly stood up, but I forgot. Did I forget who? "

Don't you think about saving me to see me alive! ! !

Yun Qi deeply complained in his heart.

The golden unicorn over there also has the same wish. It's fine if you don't save that scum, you have to save this divine beast too!

"Here..." Yun Shang was a little worried, "Why don't you let them out, it will be very cold to watch."

Oh my god, it's not my father!

Although Yun Qishen couldn't move, he was very excited.

"The ice that freezes them is not lethal. It also makes the two of them calm down. Otherwise, the entire research institute can't stand the torment of the unicorns, and it will be easily ruined." Duan Xi said nonsense without seriousness.

He Yun Shang believed it like that, "That's alright, don't save me."

dad!Dear Dad!Is the institute your son or I am your son!

And Duan Xiwu, what is your integrity as a Taoist watcher!What is the ice here is not lethal!Try it now!
If it wasn't for his frozen face, Yun Qishen's expression at this time must be interesting.

Duan Xi did not deliberately glance at Yun Qishen, then smiled.

At that moment, Yun Qishen remembered the time when he first went to Jingling Mountain, the Immortal Medicine Sect at that time...

(End of this chapter)

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