Yun Qishen

Chapter 501

Chapter 501 Rebirth of the Phoenix (8)
(God's perspective)
It was already night when the fire phoenix ceremony was held again.

The weather was clear but cloudy, and the light of the moon was sometimes absent.

"let's start!"

In case you start trying to think about taking advantage of the emptiness.

Mo Lin also transformed into a fire phoenix formation.

The fire phoenix is ​​dazzling in the dark night, and its cry is also special.

In case, take a long breath and walk towards the center of the flame.

Mo Yu looked at the situation with worry, this time it must be successful.

Just like this, if you get close to the flame, the heat wave is coming towards you, but this time there is no current obstruction.


In case you can relax close to the center.

The flames and heat waves in the formation are also directional and attack from time to time.

He insisted not to be angry, thinking about the Daoist Master Chengxu in his heart.

I can meet you as soon as I go back, Master.

This time it went very smoothly, in case it also came to the center of the flame.


The fire phoenix has been hovering around the center.

"Next, in case, please meditate in the center of the flame." Mo Yu's voice came directly into In case's mind.

"it is good……"

In case, according to Mo Yu's words, everything will be ready.

"Then, swallow all those golden pills."


Just thinking about one of these can make people dizzy like that...

In the memories, the mouth of the junior brother who ate these was red and swollen.

But now only...

Wan took a look at the five or six golden pills in his hand, and then ate them all in one breath.

There was no reaction just after swallowing it, but after less than ten seconds, a heat surged up from the dantian.

Then the numbness started from the position of the heart.

The cheeks were also completely numb, but in the next instant all the sensations were doubled.


In case of screaming in pain, the current around him began to flow again.

Fire Phoenix can't get close to the emergency, so it can't go to the next step at all.

Electricity kept flowing, and they exploded as soon as they came into contact with the flames.

But in case there is nothing to do except scream in pain.

Both Mo Yu and Mo Lin knew what was going on, but the ceremony here couldn't stop when those golden pills were eaten.

In case the shouting also reached Yun Qishen and the others.

"Is this inhuman treatment? What if he is really okay..."

Yun Qi looked at Jiang Lin deeply, "If he is injured, even if Huofengshu comes back, he won't be able to help."

"At that time, I will count on your healing and the egg of the snake. I believe that in case he will be fine. He has faith, and that faith supports him to survive when the fire phoenix is ​​eliminated. The fire phoenix regenerates. It's not a problem either."

At this time, an electric light slammed down from the outside.

The thunder god was suddenly deafening, and the in-case cries were drowned out by the sound of thunder.

"How could it be!" Mo Yu was surprised that the originally sunny weather had suddenly thundered, and it looked like it was going to rain.

"This is not very good in case, is it caused by the current around him? If it really rains here, it will definitely affect the formation." Mo Yu looked at the sky worriedly, also worried about the situation .

In case the shouting disappears, Mo Lin and Mo Yu are both concerned here.

Afraid of what happens if there is one.

Then another lightning bolt slashed straight down, hitting the center of the flame formation.

! !
Mo Lin was worried and stopped casting spells, and Mo Yu was about to enter the formation to save him in case.

Then they heard a strange cry.

It's not the cry of Mo Lin's fire phoenix.

With a cry here, a blue fire phoenix flew out from the center of the flame formation, and the fire phoenix was also full of electricity.

After the blue fire phoenix hovered for three weeks, a huge force impacted the surroundings.

This is followed by a power outage in the surrounding area.

The flames of the flame formation have also changed color, and they also carry an electric current.

The blue fire phoenix flew towards the sky, and a few lightning bolts directly hit the fire phoenix.

The flames on the ground also flew towards the phoenix.

After absorbing the flames and lightning, the blue fire phoenix screamed again, and then it suddenly fell and rushed towards Wanyi on the ground.

Mo Lin and Mo Yu have never seen such a situation. They are afraid of the danger, but they also feel that the fire phoenix does not mean to hurt.

The blue fire phoenix flew into Wan Yi's body, and Mo Lin Mo Yu was blinded by the violent light for a while.

Looking at the bright light outside the window, Yun Qishen almost thought it was daytime.

When the light dissipated, everything calmed down.

Mo Lin and Mo Yu also came to Wanyi's side.

Mo Lin turned back into a human form to check in case.

"How about Mo Lin? Do you want me to call Jiang Lin and the others to come and have a look?" Mo Yu was also eager.

Mo Lin shook his head to signal that Mo Yu didn't need to go to Jiang Lin.

In case nothing happens, and the current flowing around him from time to time has stabilized, and his Fire Phoenix Technique has also returned.

It is a fire phoenix technique that belongs to oneself in case of emergency.


【We meet again--】

In case a familiar female voice came out.

"You... do I have fire phoenix technique again? It's back?"

[Yes, that's right, your fire phoenix technique is back. 】

"It's just..." In case's tone couldn't tell how happy he was.

The woman's voice spoke.

【This time you don't have to worry anymore. 】

"What am I worried about?" In case she wasn't sure what kind of worry she was talking about.

[Your ability, the original fire phoenix technique was given to you by me, and the current fire phoenix technique belongs to you, just in case. 】

"My own?! How could it be... I don't have spiritual power myself... I'm nothing without the help of external forces to become stronger."

Unless you are really confident in yourself.

[Everyone is born with value, so you don't have to say you're nothing.You have to believe that you will have it all, but the time has not yet come.Now your power, your own power, has come. 】

"My strength."

【 belongs only to you...power...】

"Wait! You're done! What power I have! Wait!"

In case you wake up in a desperate cry.

It seems that he must have shouted out the words just now, otherwise Yun Qishen would not be able to look at him with the eyes of a fool.

"Uh... In case you wake up, eldest brother... I didn't hear anything, can I continue to treat you?"

Yun Qishen was treating Wanyi's stomach just now, but the unexpected scream startled him.

In case that upright little irritable, "If you dare to speak out, you will be finished!"

Just in case he raised his fist consciously to demonstrate, he exerted a little force and a powerful blue flame and electric current were wrapped around his fist.

The sudden situation surprised the event a bit.

"It seems to be successful, congratulations." Yun Qishen expressed his blessings kindly.

In case he was a little embarrassed suddenly, but he was very happy.

"Congratulations, this is originally my strength, isn't it! Really! Treat as soon as you heal! Why do you talk so much!"

In case this frank character is really like the spiritual realm.

Yun Qishen can't do anything like that. Sometimes you can't help such a person, and you can't help him either.

If I lay down, my heart is pounding with excitement.

This is his own power, not the power given by others.

Only belongs to me - Shi Wanyi's power.

(End of this chapter)

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