Yun Qishen

Chapter 503 Chapter 502 Blood of Pure Demon

Chapter 503 Chapter 2 Pure Demon Blood ([-])
(God's perspective)
The only thing known to kill the devil is that purple jade pendant.

Yun Chenfeng refined such a piece of purple jade in order to suppress Takizawa in Yun Qishen's body.

"I've heard that the second uncle is a purple jade that was refined after collecting the aura of many divine beasts.

For the devil, no one has the same degree of aura, so ordinary devils will be injured and killed by ordinary magic spells.

Other than that, I don't know what can kill a demon. "

"There is no shortage of spiritual qi. It is feasible to use the qi of heaven and earth, but just refining the spiritual qi alone will not make purple jade. Your second uncle must have added some other spells to it." Jiang Lin began to recall, "I was in There are also books on refining artifacts in the master's collection, but there is no record of aura refining purple jade.

Maybe it's a spell created by your second uncle. "During the investigation, Jiang Lin realized that Yun Chenfeng is a genius of magic.

But there are many geniuses, and Jiang Lin is more sympathetic to Yun Chenfeng.

"Thinking about this second uncle who doesn't play cards according to the routine, he usually looks mediocre. In fact, he is outrageous." Yun Qishen admired it very much.

"Hey, time is running out, and Qi Qi has also gone to the spiritual realm, so you can help me find Duan Xiwu. Just say I have something to discuss with him."

Jiang Lin packed up and prepared to move to a place for research.

Yun Qishen had no choice but to nod and then went to find Duan Xiwu.

Not long after Yun Qishen left, Yan Mingcheng walked in.

Jiang Lin also noticed the existence of Yan Mingcheng, and his expression was very uneasy.

"You are Ji Qi's father, he introduced you to me. Is there anything wrong with you?"

Jiang Lin still speaks in a tone that does not distinguish between elders and juniors, "My name is Jiang Lin, please give me more advice."

" name is Yanmingcheng...that..." Yanmingcheng held his hand tightly, "If it is pure demon blood, I have it! Please don't use Yanqing's demonic energy. Demonic energy is His life, I don't want that child to bear it alone anymore."

Jiang Lin was excited when she heard the pure demon blood, "Pure demon blood! You have it!"

She was even more excited and grabbed Yan Mingcheng's hand, "Please let me draw blood now!"

Yan Mingcheng was a little surprised. Jiang Lin's nervousness just now disappeared.

"Ah good……"

It was also at this time that Xiao Wang ran over.

"Lin Lin! In case your physique has changed a lot, I think you need to go see him! Lin... hold hands... uncle..."

Xiao Wang watched Jiang Lin grabbing Wan Mingcheng's hand, and a lot of TV dramas he had watched appeared in his mind...

In this way, this little blond tiger who likes to dance directly rushed over.

He grabbed Jiang Lin and hugged him, "Linlin, don't think about it!"

"What are you talking about! Let me go! And don't call me my grandpa by my nickname!!"

Jiang Lin pushed Xiao Wang away, not directly hitting the hammer.

Xiao Wang felt that Jiang Lin really didn't have that kind of mind and let her go.

After returning from upside-down sentient beings, Jiang Lin felt that Xiao Wang looked more and more like Gongshujin.

Or maybe Jiang Lin felt this way only after recalling the previous memories.

Yan Mingcheng thought of him and Linglong when he looked at the two young people who were fighting.

"It's not too late! Draw blood!" Jiang Lin's eyes lit up, and then she picked up the syringe with the thick needle.

"! What is this? Are you going to use this to get blood!!!"

Yan Mingcheng also experienced a kind of desperation for injections.

When I was imprisoned and took blood, I didn't have this kind of needles...

At the same time, Yun Qishen went directly to the whirlpool to find Duan Xiwu.

"I knew you were here."

As soon as Yun Qishen arrived, he saw the sword formation of the ghost laughing at the common man running a spell on the whirlpool.

Duan Xiwu glanced at Yun Qishen coldly and did not speak.

"Jiang Lin wants to talk to you about something, so let me come here and ask you to come over."

"I see."

Duan Xi didn't reply and didn't even look at Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen stood there and watched Duan Xi cast no spells.

Looking at Duan Xiwu's face, all he thought about was Jing Lingshan's affairs at that time.

"Aren't you asking why I didn't leave?"

Yun Qishen couldn't wait any longer, and finally he chose to speak first.

"When people come or not, they either invite people or ask people. So it may be better if you explain directly." Duan Xiwu put away the ghostly smile.

"I want to hear what you said about that time. I don't believe that you really don't remember your days in the Immortal Medicine Sect after recovering any memory. Senior Brother Jiang Qing, he..."

"I made it clear about this matter that as his fourth junior brother, I'm sorry for him. But that person is already dead. It's not that person who is in front of you now. So I have nothing to say, besides saving me back then, so that I can Isn't it just you who recovered so quickly?"

"I'm right..."

Yun Qishen didn't know what to say, but he saved people under the deal with Mo Langqin.

"Then what else is there to say, as Ling Yaoqing said, it's inevitable, you save me, and then Jiang Qing dies, it's all inevitable."

Duan Xiwu approached Yun Qishen, "We want to change everything and change the facts, but we can't go back. So do you know why I want eternal life? Because death means nothing."

"Then have you thought about the people you killed? Who in this world wants to die? Who doesn't want to live well! And you sacrifice them to achieve yourself? Is this kind of longevity really good?"

Yun Qishen doesn't understand, doesn't he think it's not a good thing for everyone to get along?Even if life is short, isn't it good to have someone to accompany you?

"I don't want to say bad things, do you think what you are saying is realistic? Everyone wants to live long, and there are many people who will question me like you. I want to live like this. I say yes or no. It can't change the fact of my longevity."

"But your willingness and unwillingness can change the longevity and death of others! Obviously Jiang Qing doesn't want to die, and Jianshuhe doesn't want longevity either!"

Yun Qishen didn't want to say it, but in the end, he still stepped on the thunder.

Duan Xi had no murderous intent, he grabbed Yun Qishen's collar and said, "You don't need to talk about his affairs!"

"But he said that he wants to end everything here, and he doesn't want to live like this! To put it bluntly, you don't care about their thoughts at all, you only care about your own decisions. Only do what you like for the good results of others!"

"Then do you know everything?! We are not saints! It is impossible for everyone to be for me all the time! I am for everyone! They are also selfish guys, and we should not look down on anyone!"

Duan Xiwu threw Yun Qishen aside, "You'd better not say such things in the future, and you'd better not do such a stupid thing.

You will only appear hypocritical than me.You know better than anyone what kind of person you are, don't take care of other people's affairs with double standards!You obviously don't know anything! "

Looking at Duan Xiwu's back, Yun Qishen frowned.

He knew that he was not a good person, but he pretended to be good.

But what is the line between the good and the bad in the's just a difference of position.

 Me: You can really persuade people, and it is clear that you are completely untouched by this.You hypocrite!
  Yun Qishen: I am hypocritical!I am the Virgin once again!
  Me: poor acting, too bad!
  Yun Qishen: You wrote everything he didn't mean!

  Ye Qi: Well~ the devil is all a little Taoist priest, my bright moonlight.

  Me: Then I am the devil's frost on your ground!
  Yun Qishen: Get out!
(End of this chapter)

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