Yun Qishen

Chapter 505 Chapter 504 Blood of Pure Demon

Chapter 505 Chapter 4 Pure Demon Blood ([-])
(God's perspective)
When Lingjing Dao went back home, he found that Mo Langqin was tied up and locked in the toilet.

As soon as the Spirit Realm Dao saw it, he knew that it was Ye Qi who tied the person, and in the end he forgot about the person.

From childhood to adulthood, the children here are always like this.

After Mo Langqin was left behind, he cried in front of Spirit Realm Dao.

"Master, I finally know why your apprentices are called stubborn scumbags, he is really too much."

"I'm used to having opinions?" As a result, Spirit Realm replied to him like this.

How can Mo Langqin smile at Lingjing Dao and mutter in a low voice, "No wonder his apprentices can't provoke Mo Qi..."

"Here, take it!"

Lingjing Dao threw a ring to Mo Langqin, which was the ring that Mo Langqin lent to Yun Qishen.

"Hey! Young master's ring! Ling Da Jinzhu! You are really my living Bodhisattva!!"

"Go away! Don't hug me casually!! Saliva! It's disgusting!"

Mo Langqin hugged the Spirit Realm Dao excitedly, and ran towards the Spirit Realm Dao with his snot and saliva.

Lingjing Dao took off his coat on Mo Langqin with a look of disgust, and then kicked him away again.

Mo Langqin thought to himself, how could I provoke such a person, but he has money, so I must rely on him.Nowadays, Jinshan Yinshan is no better than the local tyrant gold master of Lingjing Dao.

"I remember you said that you liked the world over there very much. I remember that when we first met, you cheated me of 400 taels of silver."

Spirit Realm Dao was boring, and he didn't know why he suddenly remembered what happened in the past.

Mo Langqin couldn't remember clearly, he must have said good things about Guao Dalu, but he didn't remember the 400 taels of silver at all.

"What's going on here?" Mo Langqin had a flattering smile on his face, "Little Master has never done tricky business, I'm a serious businessman."

The spiritual realm is too lazy to care about him, as long as he is linked to money, Mo Langqin is completely different.Can selectively amnesia, others owe him money, he can remember that you are dead.

"I didn't understand anything at that time. You traveled earlier than me, and you are familiar with the situation over there. I really regarded you as a friend at that time. But you..." The more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Mo Langqin seems to have a little memory. When the spiritual realm came, he accepted the business of a referrer.

So I introduced Lingjing Dao to Jingling Mountain, and I turned around and went away happily.

It's just being silly at this time!

"Master Ling, what are you talking about? I don't understand, sir."

"Forget it, it's been so many years, you can be forgiven for forgetting. If it weren't for you and I, I wouldn't have had an extremely cold physique because of the punishment, I wouldn't have learned spells for this, and I wouldn't have become the current master of Jingling Mountain... "

Spirit Realm Dao didn't know why he said so many words at a time, but he really held back these words for many years.

Why does it sound like a lot of suffering, aren't these all good things?

Mo Langqin thought so, because he couldn't understand the pain of being forced to cultivate an extremely cold constitution at that time.

That kind of pain is five times more painful than the heart-devouring pain of Cold Insect Gu.

The difference is that the cultivation is very short-lived, unlike the Cold Insect Gu that has accompanied him for so many years.

"Do you still remember our bet? After I handed you the magic bead, you promised me to tell me how to go back, but it never came back. I believed you so much, and what did you do to me as a kid?" Lingjing Dao looked at Mo Langqin coldly, and Mo Langqin smiled at him.

Lingjing Dao looked at Mo Langqin very seriously, and Mo Langqin's smile had a tendency to disappear.

"After that, a hundred years later, I heard about the magic bead becoming a demon king. At that time, you already had an intersection with the Taoist Guanyou. The Taoist Guanyou needs the magic bead, so the magic bead will not be turned into a human being. Before that, the magic bead was in your hands, and it will inevitably make me suspect." Lingjingdao said bluntly, "Who are you, or what kind of deal did you do with someone. Otherwise, there is a little bit of consciousness. It is impossible for a pearl to become an adult after a hundred years."

Mo Langqin's disappearing smile came back to life again, "What are you talking about, I'm just a serious businessman, after getting the magic bead..."

Halfway through the words, Mo Langqin realized the trap he fell into. Here he wants to say that he traded the magic beads, and the Spirit Realm Dao must have revenge for what happened in the past.He wants to say that he keeps the magic bead by his side, and his identity will attract his attention.

"What is nature?" Spirit Realm Dao forced.

"Naturally, it is a commercial secret that cannot be disclosed!" Mo Langqin had an idea.

"Ling Yaoqing's plan is very rigorous, she has a lot of calculations."

"Since you know it's her, why are you asking..."

It's over, Mo Lang Qin, your mouth! !
Lingjing Dao showed a smug smile, and then moved his fingers to freeze Mo Langqin, "You seem to need to reflect on it, and then tell me one by one."

After talking about the spiritual realm, I went to the kitchen to simply eat something and then went back to the room.

[Can't you let me go to the toilet first and get on the freezer...]

Mo Langqin regretted his mouth.

It was like this until the next day, when Ye Qi came back.

"Hey, there's an ice sculpture here? It's really saving air conditioning~" That woman's smile was definitely not good.

"I thought you came back yesterday to talk to me about that."

Spirit Realm Dao appeared with a cup of coffee.

"It's not too late for me to come today. Before I talk about that, I'll convey Jiang Lin's words first. Because the mistress's condition is getting worse, and the cold insect Gu needs to be solved as soon as possible, so you need to use the ice as an introduction." He took a sip of coffee and walked to the sofa to sit down.

"I understand this, sit down too, and have a good talk with me about Ling Yaoqing." Lingjing Dao waved his hand and the ice on Mo Langqin's side instantly sublimated.

Mo Langqin sneezed while holding himself shivering.

Ye Qi kindly handed over a ball of flame.

"No, no!" Mo Langqin refused, he didn't want to experience the feeling of being burned on his hand.

Lingjing Dao asked Mo Langqin to explain the situation of the transaction at that time. Mo Langqin said that it was only Ling Yaoqing who offered to buy the magic beads from him at that time, and he really did not know the specifics.

As for Ye Qi's side, Ye Qi also informed Ling Yaoqing about Ling Yaoqing's desire to change everything through the book in the ancient Aoguo secret treasure.

"Just because of a little threat, you promised to help her?" Lingjing understood that if he could help her, Ling Yaoqing would definitely use Yun Qishen as a bargaining chip.

"I just followed what she said was inevitable." Ji Qi looked at the spiritual realm and said, "If she threatens you with her mistress, I think she will succeed as well."

"Haha. I don't think it's possible." Lingjing Dao thought that he would never be threatened, but everyone believed that he would definitely be successfully threatened, as long as he was linked to Taki Yunhua.

"Speaking of which, Ye Qi, our master and apprentice haven't tried it for a long time... Why don't you let me see your current strength now?"

"Now? It seems that you are really going to enter old age, and you are thinking of letting your children play with you!" Ye Qi pretended to be surprised.

Lingjing Dao froze the surrounding angrily, "Stop talking nonsense, I'm going to teach you a lesson today, if you lose, I'll let you fly for ten days!"

"Wow~ scary~"

Ye Qi also used fire spells to break the surrounding ice.

The two fought in the next second.

Mo Langqin hid in the kitchen, what, the two of them started fighting!

(End of this chapter)

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