Yun Qishen

Chapter 509 Chapter 508 Blood of Pure Demon

Chapter 509 Chapter 8 Pure Demon Blood ([-])
(God's perspective)
The golden unicorn was originally by Jinhua's side to let it lay eggs.

Then Mo Lin and Mo Yu walked in to see that the situation of the golden unicorn and the ink unicorn was not very good.

Only then did Jin Qilin leave Jinhua to visit Mo Qilin.

Jiang Lin also came back at this time to see what happened.

Two just missed it.

"In such a short period of time, even the golden unicorn has disappeared! How can the magical beasts be unreliable!" Jiang Lin said grumpily.

Xiao Wang said weakly, "Linlin, you still have mine..."

"In this way, Xiao Wang, take Jinhua to Duan Xiwu, and I'll find you in case after visiting. Why won't Yun Qishen come back after a while, and don't say a word when you go out!"

Jiang Lin was a little upset, but she told herself to be calm.

"Okay, I'll go here!" Xiao Wang dragged Jin Hua and ran out.

Jiang Lin also came to the room in case.

"You're here..." In case his throat was a little hoarse, he felt that his throat was very sore this morning.

When Yun Qishen treated his stomach before, he didn't have this burning feeling, but now it really feels like he's swallowing fire in his throat.

"Don't talk..."

Jiang Lin quickly started to check.

If there is no problem with the spiritual veins, then the problem is the mana.

The phoenix formed by the combination of thunder and fire is restless in Wanyi's body.

In case the excess power must be released...

no, and...

Jiang Lin felt that there were two forces in the body fighting against each other.

It's the repulsion between demonic energy and spiritual energy...

Is it because the magic weapons in the body are repelling the phoenix...

If you want to quell this phenomenon, you have to take out those instruments.

But those magical tools have been integrated with the contingency, and it is really a troublesome thing when you are so anxious.

Jiang Lin sighed, just in case.

"What's wrong... is there something wrong with me!"

"Don't get excited." I'm really annoying with this kind of character.

Jiang Lin used mana to help the eventual release of mana temporarily.

"Your power is repelling the magic weapon in your body." Jiang Lin said, taking a little blood just in case.

Some of them turned black... It's really not easy to take out those magical instruments.

"Rejection..." If he remembered that he was in Jingling Mountain, that Xu Ming sword also rejected his touch.

"The magic tools in your body are mixed with your blood, and it is difficult to separate them for a while, and now there is a powerful magic spell such as fire phoenix art returning to your body. There is no time to adapt, and the two will also be Intense exclusion."

Jiang Lin had a lot of knowledge about the fusion of spirits and demons in her mind.

"what do you mean……"

"I mean, you can't just use the fire phoenix technique now."

"No! This is my own power, isn't it! I can use it well!"

In case you yell out in a hoarse voice.

The place where Jiang Lin suppressed and released his mana just now also exploded with spiritual power.

Electricity erupted around the event with a fiery scorching heat.

"You calm down. The main thing is to solve your problems now. You will be fine with your ability. Believe me, I can help you. I only said that you can't do it now, but I didn't say that you can't do it in the future."

Jiang Lin endured the pain of being injured by the electric current and grabbed Wanxiao's hand, persuading him to calm down.

"I have a pill here for you to take first. It can temporarily suppress the demonic energy in your body, but it has a strong side effect..."

In case she took the pill in Jiang Lin's hand and took it, she didn't hear the side effects that Jiang Lin said at all.

"As long as I can suppress the demonic energy in my body, I'm not afraid of any side effects..." Wanben's hoarse voice gradually became unable to make a sound.

"This is a side effect, I can't speak. But it doesn't matter if you can temporarily suppress your demonic energy and not speak. You can try to stabilize your breath." Jiang Lin collected her mana.

In case, you can also sit for good luck.

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the mana that had calmed down.

She was about to pack up and go back to Duan Xiwu to check the progress when she heard movement at the door.

"Little Wang? What are you doing outside! Don't come in yet!"

Jiang Lin called out, but no one answered.

But there was indeed someone outside, she could feel it, and that feeling was indeed Xiao Wang.

"I think you want to get hammered? I'm calling you, why don't you come in?"

Jiang Lin shouted again, but the people at the door still didn't move.

She had to leave in case and head towards the door.

In case he felt a little uneasy when he was practicing, when he opened his eyes to ask Jiang Lin for advice, he saw Jiang Lin collapsed at the door of the laboratory.

In case, get out of bed in a hurry and run to Jiang Lin.

At this time, Duan Xiwu also rushed towards Jiang Lin anxiously, and he cast a spell on Jiang Lin.

When Jiang Lin is in danger, the spell will spread the feeling that Jiang Lin felt to Duan Xiwu's side.

Duan Xi never expected that someone would break into the laboratory to attack Jiang Lin. The guy who could pass the protective barrier of the snake egg before that must not be an easy guy to deal with.

When Duan Xiwu came over, he saw Jiang Lin lying on the ground and Wan Yi who was about to come over.

Xiao Wang originally dragged Jin Hua over, but he saw Duan Xiwu rushing in the direction of Jiang Lin.

"What's wrong, this is..." Xiao Wang was wondering, and he began to feel uneasy in his heart.

"No, Linlin!"

Xiao Wang also ran over.

Duan Xiwu didn't observe Jiang Lin's situation first, he knew that Jiang Lin was fine.

The atmosphere of Xiao Wang is permeated around, but there are also some different auras.

Xiao Wang also rushed over, and as soon as he saw Jiang Lin lying on the ground, he rushed to check.

"Linlin, don't scare me... Wake up! It's okay if you wake up and hit me a hundred times, Linlin, wake up, what the hell happened!"

Xiao Wang anxiously picked up Jiang Lin and walked to the bed beside him.

In case he wanted to speak, but he couldn't make a sound.

This made Duan Xiwu even more concerned.

It seems that someone deliberately found the time to start.

"It's not good..." Xiao Wang frowned, "The egg of the snake that Jiang Lin put in her heart is gone."

Duan Xi smiled nonchalantly, this is interesting.

This kind of action is not like the woman Ling Yaoqing, it seems that the purpose is the egg of the snake, so Ling Yaoqing should also be the target.

Duan Xiwu was thinking about it when there was a loud noise outside the laboratory.

"This divine beast has to see where you can escape!"

The golden unicorn attacked a petite white shadow.

The unicorn fire completely surrounded the white shadow, but the egg of the snake in the hand of the white shadow broke it as soon as it touched the unicorn fire.

Duan Xiwu came out and attacked the white shadow directly with three thousand sword shadows.

Unexpectedly, the white shadow opened its arms, and white threads changed around it.

The silk thread limited Duan Xiwu's sword formation.

And the usage of silk thread here is exactly the same as that of Yun Qishen.

I saw white buds growing out of the white silk thread.In the next instant, the white buds opened and thick black smoke came out.

(End of this chapter)

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