Yun Qishen

Chapter 530 Sudden!virtual game

Chapter 530 Sudden!virtual game (2)
[Trigger Mission: Tutorial for Beginners. 】


I don't know how to complain anymore.

Maybe it's really combined with the game that Laia showed me.

Everything in the early stage is forced to follow the program, and the props obtained are the same.

The world view in the game is still the old-fashioned story of the hero fighting the evil dragon.

Maybe you can go out as long as you pass the customs.

But after walking for a long time according to the mission, I didn't see a familiar person.

I won't be the only one coming in!To be so unlucky!
Just as I was thinking so, the display screen appeared in front of me again.

[Trigger quest: Adventurer's Treasure. 】


I just finished complaining, when I turned around, I saw a strange monster running towards me.

A monster in the game?Shouldn't you be playing slimes at this time? !
Besides, my level is only level 4, isn't it inappropriate for your level [-] monster to attack me! ! !
As a demon king, I must dare to be a man—run away! !
"Don't come over here!!!"

I don't know what will happen if I die here, but it's impossible to kill monsters by leapfrog.

Spells are also restricted and cannot be used, and only the props here can be used to fight monsters.

I ran to a small town, and the monster followed closely.

Seeing the display in front of me showing my stamina bar dropping, my body did feel exhausted.

Soon the stamina bar will return to zero, and as a result, I look back at the monster at level [-].

As expected, monsters have never had a stamina bar in history!

Suddenly the screen in front of me started showing high energy responses.

"What's going on here……"

Then I vaguely saw a figure fall from the sky, and then a big hammer fell.

The eleventh-level monster was instantly annihilated, and the experience that turned into blue light flew to this sudden person.

The moment I saw the hammer I knew who it was.

"Really, Grandpa, I managed to find someone I know."

Jiang Lin slapped the hammer on her shoulder. The hammer was obviously not her own magic weapon.

Jiang Lin's information began to be displayed in front of me.

[Jiang Lin, Occupation: Archer, level 40.He has a bad personality and hates others to call him by his nickname. 】

I admire that the materials here also write about the character, but these materials can't be seen on their own.

Let me compare, no, I am very concerned about it...

"Whose archer is hitting monsters with a hammer!! Is this still an archer? Berserkers!"

I was waiting for my stamina to recover when Jiang Lin walked towards me.

"I gave me a bow as soon as I came, but I was not used to using it and bought a hammer instead," Jiang Lin said.

But there is one more thing I am very concerned about, which is this level...

"How did your level come to be? Over 40 at once? How did you do it?"

I looked at the LV4 above my head and smiled awkwardly.

"What are you talking about? I don't know, I don't fight many monsters. But I remember that the boss of the weapon shop was so annoying, so I killed the boss. It's just a game anyway."


Inexplicably distressed that NPC, but this also adds experience too quickly...

I discussed with Jiang Lin about how to get out of this spell.

Jiang Lin also talked to me about her definite things.

"This space is really caused by the current in case, so we are already in the body-wearing vortex?"

"I think yes, although the space magic here feels limited, but it feels right. Only by clearing the game and letting the world lose its own meaning of existence, so that we can leave. As for after we leave, we will It's hard to say which side of the vortex." Jiang Lin drew a picture and demonstrated it on the ground, and I watched it carefully.

"Although it won't have much impact no matter where we end up, as long as we go back to Gu Ao, as I said, we won't be able to go back to the world again."

Jiang Lin told me very seriously.

I also nodded in agreement and understanding.

"I see. Without further ado, let's figure out how to get through customs."

Jiang Lin shook her head, "Although this is the primary task, I think in order to prevent any changes in the future, it is better for us to gather scattered people and clear customs together."

"Indeed, how should that be..."

Confused, I turned my eyes to the monitor in front of me.

Jiang Lin couldn't see what I called the display screen.

Naturally, I couldn't see Jiang Lin's screen either.

The display responded when Jiang Lin just approached me.

Presumably meeting other people will also have a strong reaction.

I believe that everyone will follow the game mission in order to go out, so they will definitely meet during the customs clearance process.

The biggest goal of this game is to defeat the devil and rescue the princess.

But in order to defeat the Demon King, all six Spirit Stones must be collected.

The spirit stone and the sword of the brave have the power of light, and then defeat the evil demon king.

This kind of old-fashioned plot... but the game program and process are relatively free.

But that so-called hero's sword...

I glanced at the [Jiriguala Sword] on my waist.

"Is this game really okay?"

After Jiang Lin looked around, the two of us agreed to solve this [Adventurer's treasure. 】

Fighting monsters to level up, when my level [-] meets level [-], the experience is divided equally.Just don't be too cool.

As a result, Jiang Lin's evaluation to me was...

"It's really shameless for you to be the devil here."


No, I'm also just using my ability to get experience directly.

Gradually, I also accepted the setting of Jiang Lin, an archer hitting people with a hammer.

In the end, this quest came up with a boss.

The level is the same as Jiang Lin, but it has the ability of a hard armor.

Neither Jiang Lin nor I could break his defense.

"Damn, grandpa, I don't believe it anymore!"

Jiang Lin is gradually enjoying it, I suspect that she has already regarded it as a game.Although this is a game...

Jiang Lin smashed the monster again with a hammer.

This time, it wasn't to break the armor, but to knock the entire monster flying.


Jiang Lin shouted, and the monster was smashed into the air and slid ten meters to the ground.

The small boss was destroyed, and all the experience went to Jiang Lin at once.

At the same time there is a red gem.

[Achievement: Obtaining Fire Gems]

[Achievement: Activate Fire Spell]

[Jiang Lin, the archer gets the way: Pull the bow and arrow to death. 】


The name of the weapon in this game is really messed up...

I can't bear to complain, Jiang Lin directly divided the bow and arrow that looked very advanced into two.


It's a pity, don't you give it to me...

"I don't know why, when I heard the name of the bow and arrow here, I wanted to break it." Jiang Lin's expression "Grandpa, I'm not happy".

I took the fire gem, and looked at my tenth level and the mosaic sword that I can handle very well...

Is the game really ok here...

(End of this chapter)

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