Yun Qishen

Chapter 532 Sudden!virtual game

Chapter 532 Sudden!virtual game (4)
(God's perspective)
After passing a series of tasks, Yun Qishen and the others finally met other acquaintances.

"To be honest, why do I feel like this situation around me seems familiar..."

Yun Qishen looked at the dazzling array of magic props and gems around him, as well as the little white face in front of him who looked like a profiteer - Mo Langqin.

"Ha... That's what happened when the young master met you... I really miss it when I think about it... I don't know about those two [-] J..."

"Stop! Stop! What are you talking about!" Yun Qishen quickly covered Mo Langqin's mouth.

In case she looked at Jiang Lin incomprehensibly, Jiang Lin waved her hand incomprehensibly.

"Young master is just asking you, why are you in such a hurry? Oh ~ you are afraid that people will know..."

Yun Qishen knocked Mo Langqin on the head again, "As a man, who doesn't have a few books! Let's get over this matter first."

"Well then... just as you are here, the young master is still curious about what he is doing here, but the young master got the news you want, but... you know!"

Mo Langqin stretched out his hand towards Yunqi with a sinister smile on his face.

As the name implies, asking for money, Yun Qishen looked disgusted.

This Mo Langqin must have fallen into the eyes of money in this life...

Jiang Lin gave Mo Langqin the gold coins she got from fighting monsters, "Is this enough, although I don't know what the money can do. It's okay to give it to you."

It's alright, asshole!Wouldn't it be nice for you to have so much money to prepare some powerful gear for us all?Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin, do you want to smash through the level with a hammer!You don't want me!

Yun Qishen looked at Jiang Lin again in disbelief.

If he didn't feel it, he also didn't understand the game.

Although Yun Qishen explained that this is a game, but in case he always thought it was a strange country.

Mo Langqin weighed the bag of gold coins, "Is it a little bit... But forget it, let me tell you."

"Given you so much money, do you still think it's too little?! As expected of a black-hearted businessman!" Yun Qi groaned deeply.

Mo Langqin didn't like to hear these four words the most.

[Mo Langqin, unknown level, professional black-hearted businessman, likes to emphasize that he is a serious businessman. 】

"That's right! It's a black-hearted businessman! This is the most suitable one so far!" Yun Qishen felt that this position was really right.

"Master is a serious businessman! Besides, I'm not the only one who is suitable."

Mo Langqin waited for a glance at Yun Qishen, and then he sighed, if it wasn't for the time limit for the money exchanged by the Spiritual Realm Dao, he would not be so happy to treat these people.

"Xiaoye told you the rules of this game, because of the restrictions, Xiaoye can't leave here for a while. Only after you reach the devil's castle and get the dragon's heart can you unlock the restrictions, and then all the restricted people can rush to the customs clearance scene.

After you have harvested the gems you need, you still need to find the Holy Mage to unlock your spell restrictions.

Finally the Holy Mage can open the way to the Demon King's Castle.

However, the power of the holy mage is limited. After you find all the gems, you need to combine the gems, and it will lead you to meet the holy mage.

After that, you need to continue. "

"So that's the case. We only have two gems at the moment. After we gather three more, we can lead the way. Why do I always feel like I've been trapped again..."

Yun Qi looked at Mo Langqin suspiciously.


Mo Langqin answered seriously.

"Now that you know where the remaining gems are."

Jiang Lin thought about it and then spoke up.

" know!"

Mo Langqin still had the unbeatable expression of the profiteer.

Yun Qishen couldn't bear it anymore, he punched Mo Langqin - [Screen Peace].


[Trigger quest: The evil spirit of sewage. 】

"It seems that this time it will be a water gem."

Yun Qishen clapped his hands and took Jiang Lin and Wanyi away from Mo Langqin's booth.

In the face of profiteers, you must have the fist of justice!

Yun Qishen's firm explanation was actually just to give himself the reason he wanted to beat Mo Langqin.

"But to be honest, this mission also feels inexplicably familiar..."

Yun Qishen walked forward, and then a child bumped into him.

Here comes the plot NPC...

When the child fell, the clay pot he was carrying also shattered.

The clear water inside also spilled out.

Then Jiang Lin and Wan Wan heard sighs from the people around them.

Yun Qishen was kind enough to pull up the child in front of him, but the child knocked his hand away.

"You pay my water! This is the only water our family has this month!!!"

Although the boy was small, his voice was quite mature.

Yun Qi recalled a bunch of plots that often happened in previous games in his mind. He thought that this child would definitely become his partner and introduce the plot.

In this case, it is necessary to use the general protagonist to speak.

"What happened here? Why is there so little water?"

"Aren't you from here? Even if you're not from here, who wouldn't know that our town has been without clean water for a long time! It's all that abominable demon king who let the monsters run wild! One of the sewage monsters inhabited that one to raise The river in our town.

Our people here can only get water from distant neighboring countries, and neighboring countries are also affected by monsters, so each household has limited water. "

Sure enough, the NPC's child began to explain the plot.

If a supporting role asks, the child must compensate.

But the protagonist asks to avoid this problem entirely.

"give it to me!"

Yun Qishen tapped his chest confidently.

"Huh?" The child looked at him with a different look.

Yun Qishen smiled at the child, "This warrior will defeat the monsters for you, and give you a clear river!"

"Really? You're not trying to deceive me and don't plan to compensate!"

After the child made it clear, Yun Qishen inexplicably heard someone make a "poof".

Yun Qi thought deeply, did the planning of this game set the IQ of NPCs too high...

"Of course not, I am the hero who saves this place!" Yun Qishen firmly believed.

Jiang Lin and Wan shook their heads.

For such a fool, is there really no problem in the future of Jiangbang...

The dubious child took Yun Qishen and the others to the habitat of the beast.

Then a stench hit their faces, and the three Yun Qishen immediately covered their mouths and noses.

The child left after giving Yun Qishen a key prop.

[Get: I don't know what the valve is called]


The name is still as random and even meaningless as ever.

You simply call the valve directly is not better!
Yun Qishen held the prop in his hand and threw it into the river according to the prompt.

"The valve seems to be installed in the water..." Jiang Lin said.

"..." Yun Qishen could only quietly watch the flowing river...

(End of this chapter)

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