Yun Qishen

Chapter 536 Sudden!virtual game

Chapter 536 Sudden!virtual game (8)
(God's perspective)
[According to legend, after the evil dragon took away the princess, even the Demon King could not compete with the evil dragon.

But the demon king now has powerful mana, so he can control the dragon to destroy everywhere.

But the princess mysteriously disappeared.

As long as you find the princess, you can get the wind gem from the king.

Let's talk about wind gems, everything in our country is in charge of wind spells.However, since the disappearance of the princess, the wind spells of our country have begun to weaken.

Braves, please save our country. 】

After Jiang Lin got the wind gem quest, an NPC jumped out and told her a lot of things.

"Then where is the dragon now?" In case I was looking forward to defeating a powerful monster.

The NPC who guides the way puts forward conditions, and he must give him three precious white pearls to tell you.

In case she was more actively looking for a white pearl, Jiang Lin killed the NPC again...

"Then why bother to do it? In the end, it must be telling you to go over there. After all, there are two paths, and one of them must be the right one. It's better to walk once!"

Jiang Lin put away the hammer and pulled Xiao Wang aside.

In case, I had to follow Jiang Lin to the same road.

The end of the road is marked with cannibals.

"There won't really be any cannibal tribes..." Xiao Wang grabbed Jiang Lin worriedly.

"It's still a mythical beast. I'm afraid of this! What cannibals? When I meet Jiang Lin, I can only call my grandfather!"

Jiang Lin walked forward unhurriedly, in case she admired Jiang Lin's momentum.

It was also at this time that some strangely dressed people rushed out. When they saw Jiang Lin with weapons in their hands, they started to beat them randomly.

Jiang Lin swung the hammer after dodging the assault.

"Let's go!!!"

With one hammer, Jiang Lin also obtained the achievement of the game [[-] hits and [-] hits shooters. 】

In case, it also uses electric shock to form a formation attack around it.

Xiao Wang wanted to help Jiang Lin when he regained his animal form, but Jiang Lin didn't need help at all.

But everything that goes well can have unexpected situations.

The group of strange tribes gathered around to prepare the formation, and they chanted a spell together to seal Jiang Lin and their power.

"Do you think grandpa I rely on magic!"

Jiang Lin stood up laboriously and waved a hammer to break up part of their formation.

Unexpectedly, those guys still have backhands, and they sprayed purple mist, Jiang Lin and Wan Wan also lost their strength and fell to the ground.

When Jiang Lin and the others woke up, they were already tied to the shelf.

[Entering the ending of being killed by the cannibals. 】

The screen in front of Jiang Lin reminded them.

"Really! The damn chains here seem to control the power!"

Jiang Lin didn't seem to be able to try to break free.

If you try to break free, there is nothing you can do for a while.

"The one over there is--Lord Jin Qilin!!"

Xiao Wang's eyes focused on the "Little Fatty" who was tied up with five flowers in the distance.

"Golden unicorn?" Jiang Lin also said and looked in the direction Xiao Wang was looking at.

Sure enough, it's a golden unicorn.

I saw that group of guys from strange tribes were going to barbecue on the fire with golden unicorns.

"Master Jin Qilin!!" Xiao Wang shouted loudly.

Only then did Jin Qilin wake up in a daze.

"This divine beast is the strongest... Who is yelling so impolitely, can't you see that this divine beast is sleeping..."

"Master Jin Qilin! Master Jin Qilin!" Xiao Wang shouted eagerly, and the strange man beside him threatened Xiao Wang with a spear to shut him up.

"What's your name at this time! It's time to say that Laia is the strongest! You dead pig!"

Jiang Lin struggled again, but still couldn't break free from the chains.

"What are you talking about!! This divine beast is the strongest, what's with its long-legged worms!!!"

The golden unicorn angrily broke free from the things that bound it.

The group of weirdos were also thrown away.

"Huh? What kind of strange place is this place, why is this divine beast here? And you guys..."

After Jin Qilin regained his senses, he noticed Jiang Lin and the others.

"I knew this was the most effective." Jiang Lin relaxed this time, "The golden unicorn will bring us down soon! Be careful, these guys have hypnotic smoke!"

The geeks began to capture the golden unicorn.

The golden unicorn changed back to its original state, and the weirdos first retreated in panic, and then they gathered up their courage and began to attack the golden unicorn.


The golden unicorn simply moved his muscles and bones and beat these weirdos to the ground.

As expected, they still used the tactics they used to deal with Jiang Lin and the others, and then they sprayed purple smoke on the golden unicorn.

"Tips for carving insects!"

The golden unicorn put on a stance and roared again, and the purple smoke counterattacked and brought down those weirdos.

Then the golden unicorn spit out unicorn fire and melted the chains that bound Jiang Lin and the others.

"This is indeed Lord Jin Qilin!" Xiao Wang Youxin praised.

"That is, who is this mythical beast." Jin Qilin likes to be praised by others, so it became smaller in pride and then jumped onto Xiao Wang's head, "Now I explain everything you know to this mythical beast."

Xiao Wang also explained everything to Jin Qilin.

"This damn long-legged worm! If this divine beast sees him again, he must fight it to the end!"

Jin Qilin can't wait to kill Laia immediately.

Jiang Lin suggested that everyone had to go back the same way and go another way.

Just when the two men and two beasts were about to walk back to the fork in the road, a black gust of wind suddenly blew up.

The strong wind dissipated, and Jiang Lin and the others came to a strange place.

Looking around, it seems to be in a royal city.

"It seems to be entering a place like the game portal... Here is the map... Forget it, we have come to the King City anyway."

Jiang Lin looked at the name on the map and didn't want to remember it. What kind of person would take such a trouble-free idiot's name...

"This is the royal city? Why is it so desolate..." After Xiao Wang looked around, he saw a sign.

The sign said watch out for dragons.

"It seems that the dragon is here." In case it is ready to attack the defense at any time.

But there was no movement for a long time, and the sky darkened unknowingly.

The moon hung brightly in the sky, and the wind began to blow again.

It was at this time that Jiang Lin and the others heard a familiar voice.

"Spiritual realm, just hug me~"

That was Taki Yunhua's coquettish voice.

"How old are you, don't always hug and hug, you should care about your children."

The icy voice of Spirit Realm Dao also made the surrounding environment drop several degrees.

"Hey~ I'm also your child in my stomach~" Taki Yunhua hugged Lingjingdao's arm, and the two were heading towards Wangcheng.

"Oh? It's Jiang Lin and the others! I don't know if the two of them are here~"

Taki Yunhua greeted Jiang Lin and the others.

Jiang Lin gave up her worry about the dragon coming, but the screen in front of her gave a warning.

[Breakout: Evil dragons are haunted!Danger! 】

(End of this chapter)

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