Yun Qishen

Chapter 538 Sudden!virtual game

Chapter 538 Sudden!virtual game (10)
(God's perspective)
Now apart from Xi Nong and Mo Lin Mo Yu, they are all here.

As long as you rescue the so-called princess in the game, you can get the wind gem.

But to rescue the princess, the dragon must be defeated.

There is no way for everyone to solve the situation in front of them for a while.

Because no one knows what happens to dying in this game, and can't even try.

Therefore, evil dragons like Taki Yunhua and Lingjing Dao naturally cannot be defeated.

Besides, Lai A, although the game system recognized him as a princess, but nothing special happened after everyone arrived at the palace.

"So it won't work without defeating the dragon? Isn't there a peaceful and friendly solution? Fighting is not good."

Yun Qishen and Jiang Lin discussed.

"What's a bad fight, you can't fight if you're a scumbag. Don't make excuses!"

Jin Qilin and Yun Qishen raised the bar.

"Oh, stinky pig, don't be so proud, I admit that I can't beat it, or you can deal with it!"

"This divine beast..."

The golden unicorn turned his head and glanced at the Spirit Realm Dao, the cold eyes of the Spirit Realm Dao had thorns, and Taki Yunhua on the side was so beautiful that all creatures couldn't help but be fascinated.

"This divine beast is an auspicious beast, and naturally it doesn't like fighting. That scum like you is weak."


Here, one person and one beast are about to start again, so Qi Qi quickly stopped Yun Qishen when he saw that Lingjing Dao had a bad temper.

The golden unicorn has its own measure, as long as Yun Qishen doesn't shoot first, it won't move its claws.

"You're all fine, now we're discussing how to get out of here. Don't make a fuss at every turn. At present, the only one of us who knows the most about this game is Lai."

Spirit Realm Dao looked at Lai A in the distance.

Lai A also had to bite the bullet and said, "Benlong may have to live up to your expectations, Yun Qishen also understands it, and this is the first time Benlong has played this game. But Benlong heard from an acquaintance who said that in this game, There is a free mission, which seems to be the unit of saving the princess.

The game creation company here is not very prosperous, so it merged with the game company Benlong has always liked. As long as you clear this game, you can get that development game. "

"As far as this game looks like, even if this game company is not annexed, it will go bankrupt..." Yun Qishen whispered.

Ye Qi was curious about the free quest that Lai A said, "What exactly is a free quest? As far as I know, this kind of game has a fixed process."

"The friend of Benlong didn't reveal too much, he only said that Benlong should be careful of evil dragons. You also know that friend Yun Qishen, he is Liang Kang."

"Is it good?"

Yun Qishen began to recall whether Liang Kang had said anything about this kind of game before.

"Thinking about it, Liang Kang mentioned a particularly irritating game before. It seems that he didn't eat for three days because of the game. He is a gamer who is very interested in games. As long as he plays a game, he must play it well. I have gotten to know him better after getting along for a few years.

At that time, he also often nagged that the game was a mess except for the art.In particular, there is a special task in it.Saying that players and game teammates must act or something. "

Yun Qishen said everything he recalled.

After listening to Yun Qishen's words, Ye Qi felt uncomfortable.Especially when he said he knew his friend.

"The monarch knows his friends so well, when will the monarch come to know me about the little Taoist priest~"

Everyone could hear the strange tone of voice.

"..." Today's Yun Qishen can almost taste it.

"Acting...what kind of play? How?" Jiang Lin didn't understand either.

Laia remembered that he had seen a script.

"It seems to be something here."

Laia brought the script that was set aside.

Jiang Lin took it and opened it.

"Well...the happy life of the hero and the princess...what's here?"

The moment Jiang Lin saw the name of the script, she didn't want to act.

Yun Qishen also took it over and turned it over. The story is very concise and it is the story of an ordinary hero saving the princess.

"Acting in the game here should be the characters who play the characters in the script and say the lines in turn. Just perform simple actions."

"Since that's the case, everyone is ready. Just act here. Jin Qilin will do the narration." Jiang Lin arranged it.

Because some characters can't be changed, they can only recite what they should.

After everyone memorized the lines, Jin Qilin also began to narrate.

[A long, long time ago, there was one... two giant dragons attacked the kingdom of unknown name...]

Jin Qilin doesn't want to be the narrator anymore, why is the script here so strange!
Taki Yunhua performed very well. She waved her hand domineeringly, and said her line with a domineering expression, "Everything here belongs to me! Stupid people fear me!"

The Spirit Realm Dao on the side was reluctant, but he did it perfectly, "I am your master, and you will all submit to the feet of this evil dragon. Hurry up and collect the treasures of the world to contribute to this evil dragon! Otherwise, I will eat you all. !"

Absolutely true character starring...two evil dragons...

Yun Qi complained in his heart.

Jin Qilin also continued to narrate, 【Suddenly one day, the princess of the kingdom of unknown name was discovered by evil dragons...! 】

"Little girl, I see that your skin and tender flesh must be the treasure of this kingdom!" Taki Yunhua thought it amusing and ran to Lai A to pick his chin with her fingers.

Spirit Realm Dao is just continuing to say the lines now, "Since it is a treasure, it is the thing of Benlong!"

[That's it, the princess who was captured by the dragon, the princess desperately called for help. 】 After Jin Qilin finished speaking, he looked at Lai A.

Except for Jin Qilin, everyone stared at Lai A and said his lines.

"Save..." Lai A had to bite the bullet and say, "Help! Who will save Ben... No... Who will save me~"

The rest of Laia's lines here get goosebumps.

【At this moment, the hero appeared! 】

Jin Qilin smirked in his heart, and after he finished speaking, he watched Yun Qishen's performance curiously.

"Let go of that princess!" Yun Qishen was a little nervous without realizing it, and only after he realized it was wrong, "Let go of that princess!"

"Hahaha! What a powerful guy I think! It's just a stupid little guy, just as an appetizer for this evil dragon!"

Taki Yunhua's performance will really make uninformed people think she is really a dragon.

[The dragon kicked the warrior away with one tail, and three travelers later found the injured warrior. 】 Jin Qilin's narration is getting better and better.

Jiang Lin and Wanyi plus Xiao Wang play the role of travelers.

Jiang Lin (Traveler [-]) She recited the line very bluntly, "Are you alright!"

The tone here sounded like waiting for something to happen to the brave.

"I'm here to save you!" In case the role played must grab Yun Qishen's hand.

At this time, Yun Qishen could only pretend to be defeated and fall to the ground.

[The travelers left with the warriors in this way.Three days later, the hero returned to the dragon's lair with his companions...]

(End of this chapter)

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