Yun Qishen

Chapter 542 Return to the ancient pride

Chapter 542 Return to the ancient pride
(God's perspective)
The game space disappeared and destroyed as Yun Qishen pierced the mosaic sword through himself.

Everyone is also in the vortex of space.

"Going forward is going back to the ancient proud country." Jiang Lin's words reminded everyone of the possibility of not being able to turn back.

"I know that everyone has regrets, but the next is where we really exist. Abandon your memories over there and live in Guao."

Spirit Realm Dao also spoke on the side.

Xinon took Yun Qishen's hand, and Yun Qishen just glanced back.

"Is the devil still thinking about that?"

Ye Qi still looked at Yun Qishen with his female watch's smile.

"After all, it's the place where I was born and raised and my relatives. But now I think I've done the best goodbye. Now it's what I should do to live well here."

Yun Qishen gave Ye Qi a smile.

"It's not too late, we don't know how long we've been trapped in that game space. While the whirlpool hasn't collapsed, Master thinks we should leave soon."

Mo Langqin was the first to run away.

Others followed suit.

The surrounding psychedelic vortex disappeared with a white exit.

Everyone returned to Guao, a place that was not destroyed by the abyss.

Jiang Lin looked at Gu Ao's environment, but she felt unfamiliar.

Almost 200 years have passed here since then, too.

"This mythical beast wants to see those mythical beasts. By the way, this mythical beast will settle the ink unicorns like this. This mythical beast will say goodbye first!"

Jin Qilin was the first to say goodbye to everyone.

Then there was Mo Langqin, who disappeared when everyone was saying goodbye to Jin Qilin.

"Qi Shen, you should also go back with Lai A to see the situation in Jiangbang." Taki Yunhua still took the spirit realm and said, "As a teacher, I will go back to Liu Yinfeng with the spirit realm."

"I also need to take care of Jingling Mountain. The abyss matter must have had a great impact. As for the pure-blood matter, we will meet again at Jingling Mountain in seven days. Ye Qi, in case we go back!"

"Yes, Master!"

In case he was the first to salut and agreed, Qi Qi, who was on the side, kept his eyes on Yun Qishen and Xinong who was pulling his arm.

"Speaking of which, where did the drunk old man go?" Yun Qishen looked around, and he didn't see the drunk after he came out of the game space.

Jiang Lin said that there was the smell of an old drunkard in the whirlpool. He should not have fallen into the space, so he came back after them.

There is also the breath of Ling Yaoqing.

"Then what about this child? Do you want her to follow you back to your shoulders?" Jiang Lin turned to look at the timid Xi Nong, "I think it is safer to protect her in Jingling Mountain. To put it bluntly, Jiang Bang is the blood of pure demons. The birthplace of , those white guys will definitely go there."

"I understand here, it's just..." Yun Qishen thought about letting Xi Nong be in Jingling Mountain, but he also promised that Xi Nong's consciousness that he would help to the end, proving that he was helping others from the heart.

"...Leave it to me, I will protect her."

After Yun Qishen said these words, Ye Qi, who was beside him, couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.


Spirit Realm Road specially reminded Ye Qi, and Ye Qi's smile quickly reappeared.

"Don't rush, the old man will grow old if he is too hasty~"

After he finished speaking, he glared at him.

"Monarch ~ the little Taoist is leaving ~ see you in a few days~"

Ye Qi's performance was no different from usual, but Yun Qishen felt more and more strange.

Spirit Realm Dao they also left.

Jiang Lin and Xiao Wang planned to get acquainted with Gu Ao first. Everyone agreed to gather at Jingling Mountain in seven days to discuss the matter of pure-blooded people and the matter of looking for Brother Xinong.

Yun Qishen and Lai A took Xi Nong to go back to Xinjiang.

They sat on Laia and flew all the way back, and Shinon looked curiously at the floating clouds around.

"Yun Mingming looked so soft when he was far away, but in fact he couldn't grasp Yun at all..." Xi Nong was inexplicably disappointed.

"It's not easy to catch Yun? Just find something to surround him, so that he can't escape... Look at it like this!"

Yun Qishen used black gas to form a spherical container, and he filled the surrounding mist into it, still maintaining the original so-called cloud appearance.

"As long as it doesn't destroy its own characteristics, it's fine to protect it well. But it's like what you just said. This is very similar to the human heart. It looks like one from a distance, but when you deeply understand it, it will look like another."

Yun Qishen also began to help Xinong understand the world of people.

"Then when people get to know other people, will they be like me now, afraid that they will just dissipate and leave? It's completely impossible to catch..." Xinon raised a very profound question.

"Human nature itself has desires. The more you like a thing, the more you want to take it as your own. But some loves do have to learn to let go. At this time, only the destruction of one of them can end. Knowing how to let go may be the Another kind of happiness."

"I haven't loved anyone, I don't understand very well..." Xi Nong was even more puzzled.

"Well~ I'll fully understand it later."

Just after Yun Qi smiled deeply and finished talking with Xinong, they returned to the land of Jiangbang.

"The devil is on top, the world is in the bag! My servants have been waiting for you again for a long time."

As expected, Qianye, the child, was the first to come out to greet Yun Qishen.

Probably because he is the Golden Sea Ake Flower Essence, he has the power to resonate with those who have the art of peeping the heart.

"General Lai Amo has also returned safely."

Qianye also bowed his head to Laia.

After Yun Qishen got down from Lai'a's head, Lai'a also changed back to human form.

"This child is..." Xi Nong seemed to be curious about the child Qianye.

Qianye also took the initiative to come over to say hello. He stretched out his hand to express his friendliness, "Welcome to Jiangbang, the descendant of the White Blood Witch."

"White Blood Witch?"

Neither Yun Qishen nor Xinong could understand this, but Qianye's children knew a lot of things.

Speaking of which, Taki Yunhua told Yun Qishen to go back to Demon King City to find Zhanhunxi's notes.

Zhanhunxi should have investigated pure-blooded people before his death.

Qianye's golden eyes had a hint of coldness, and through the thin appearance of Xi Nong, he saw another personality that was sleeping in her body.

Xi Nong was a little scared and hid behind Yun Qishen.

"Please move the Demon Lord to the Demon Temple, and the people have been waiting for your news from the Demon Lord."

"Okay." Yun Qishen followed Qianye away, and as for Xi Nong, he handed it over to Lai A for the time being.

"Monarch!! It's really good that you are safe and sound!"

Chihua, who saw Yun Qishen, was very happy to come and salute.

"Don't do it without salute..."

Yun Qishen quickly helped Chihua up, and Tatum and Chou Xiang also waited for a long time.

"My servants have seen the devil!"

The demon generals and envoys present began to salute.

Yun Qishen also said something calmly.

"I am back."

(End of this chapter)

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