Yun Qishen

Chapter 544

Chapter 544 Reorganization of Various Ministries (2)
(God's perspective)
Yun Qishen searched the room for a long time but couldn't find Zhanhunxi's notes.

He knew that this kind of thing must be impossible to put on the surface.

Before Taki Qianye used the Seiko Pavilion, this place had been on hold.

Hundreds of years have passed since then. If the notes are still there, they might have been eaten by insects.

But thinking about Zhanhunxi's character again, he deliberately hid his notes at that time so that he didn't want some people to find out, and deliberately hiding them here may also be a part of the guarantee.It will definitely protect that notebook with spells.

First of all, I don't want him to avoid who found the note. First of all, it must be clear that everyone in the Demon King's City knows magic.

If you use magic to protect it, it is likely to be discovered.

In this case, Zhanhunxi cannot be protected by a simple spell, and he may also be protected by a spell that ordinary people cannot detect.

So what kind of spell is that... It's not common, but in the end, people must find this notebook, otherwise it's useless to record it, isn't it?

It is very likely that it is someone who has the same spell ability as Zhanhunxi.

Yun Qi thought deeply, but Xi Nong on the side liked to look around.

"Right! How did I think of it!"

Yun Qi deeply figured it out, and Xi Nong was startled by his sudden voice.

Then Yun Qishen began to recall the usage of the domineering energy taught by Zhanhunxi.

He concentrated the domineering in his eyes, and then combined with the technique of peeping his heart to look around the room.

After a week of observation, I finally found a golden glowing spot.

Yun Qishen quickly recovered his original vision, and the golden place was behind the painting just now.

Xi Nong watched Yun Qishen take off the painting and then cut a hole in the wall with one palm.

That notebook surrounded by domineering aura appeared.

This is it!

Yun Qishen took out the notes and looked at them, but Yun Qishen didn't recognize the words above.

"Isn't this just embarrassing..."

Yun Qishen is not stupid, but reading a bunch of unknown texts is annoying when the situation is so urgent.

He then thought about it, if this is really the word Zhanhunxi, then it should be convenient to ask Qiu Xiang.


Yun Qishen always felt uneasy, if that's the case, why didn't Zhanhunxi hand over this note to Qiu Xiang for safekeeping, but deliberately hid it?
It seems that this note can only be handed over to Taki Yunhua to read later...

Let's deal with the sick people first these days.

"I'm going to the study next time, do you want to come with me, Xi Nong?"

Yun Qishen put away his notes and decided to go to the study to find some books on psychotherapy.

"Yeah!" Xi Nong nodded, and then she picked up the painting she just took off and wanted to hang it.

Just when she picked up the painting, she found some words written on the back of the painting.

"I wish I could bear your pain. I hope you will always be happy and stop frowning..." Xi Nong read the words on the painting, with a few new words written on it, "As long as you are happy, everything is fine, Even if it's not me who accompanies you in the end. It's my heart that you can be happy without being restrained."

"Stop reading...I'll hang it up..."

Yun Qishen took the painting from Xinong and hung it up again. The people on the painting also changed quickly. In addition to the sleeping Yun Qishen, another man in red appeared on the painting opposite the stone table. He smiled at the sleeping man.

"Why does this person wear that half of the mask? The other half of the face in the painting is also a beautiful person... just like your master."

Xinong praised from the bottom of his heart, and Yun Qishen also looked at the painting for a few seconds.

"Yeah, he's always been a beautiful person... let's go..."

Just as Yun Qishen turned his head to walk towards the door, he found a shadow quickly disappearing.

"who is it!!"

Yun Qi searched for breath and chased out, but the shadow escaped.

not good……

This guy was so silent, I didn't even notice him.

Is this what Zhanhunxi is worried about?Even he didn't know whether he should believe it or not.

The so-called monarch and minister Yixin may also be the appearance of confusion... No one will drink that little blood...

Or someone will lead the state to disintegrate from within. If so, who will benefit the most?
"It seems that you have to be careful..." Yun Qishen turned back to look at the Holy Son Pavilion, and Xinong also rushed over.

"What happened? Why are you in such a hurry?" Xi Nong asked even more worried, she was worried if the group of people came.

Yun Qishen stabilized Xi Nong's emotions and explained to her that it was okay.

The two also went to the study to check the books on psychotherapy.

Speaking of which, Yun Qishen was also going to Jiangbang's study for the first time. The study of Xian Yaozong in Jingling Mountain was taken care of by someone, and it could be said to be spotless.Once I thought about it, there was really no mess in Jingling Mountain.

In contrast, Jiangbang's study is made of dust and spider silk, and Yun Qishen is also afraid that some bugs will come out at every turn...

Don't talk nonsense about what big men are afraid of bugs, if you are suddenly startled, you can't stand it!
"Is this really a study?" Xi Nong had seen the place where the books were placed in the laboratory before, but at first glance it said that it was Pansidong and Yun Qishen believed it...

"Cover your nose and mouth first..." Yun Qishen used black gas to conjure up two masks. According to him, this thing is better than a veil.

The two of them put on their masks and entered the study room full of spider silk.

You don't need to think about it here to know that no one uses it all the year round... Later, when you need to use this study room, let's clean it first.

Yun Qishen just did what he said, what is the advantage of spells, the advantage is that you don't get tired of doing sundry work!
He filled the surroundings with black gas, and soon all the dust spider silk was swallowed up by the black gas.

The entire library has been refurbished.

He still remembered that some of the small space restoration techniques that Light had given him were used on those bookshelf beams that had not been repaired for many years.

"Okay, let's find the book!"

Yun Qishen didn't use his hands at all, but he still clapped his hands and went to find the book.

Xi Nong also began to look around again.

Yun Qishen found some related books, but most of them are still not perfect. The books in Jiangbang are not as many as those of the black-hearted businessman...

However, Yun Qishen found an ancient dictionary, and the content in it was very helpful for him to interpret Zhanhunxi's notes.

Just as Yun Qishen was studying further, Xinon, who was on a bookshelf not far away, suddenly screamed, followed by the sound of a book falling to the ground.

Yun Qi went to check the situation with deep concern, and saw Xi Nong standing with her hands covering her face, her ears a little red.

Yun Qishen's eyes moved to the fallen book...

I rely on!

Yun Qi spit in his heart and quickly picked up the book and put it back on the shelf, and then pulled Xi Nong away.

"Go to another bookshelf to read... The farther away from this bookshelf, the better!"

(End of this chapter)

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