Yun Qishen

Chapter 546

Chapter 546 Reorganization of Various Ministries (4)
(God's perspective)
In the Jingling Mountain Dao Sect, the disciples in the sect who have gone through such a catastrophe are still somewhat uncomfortable.

After Chen Yueluo and Gu Choumian woke up, they were already in Jingling Mountain.

The two of them were considered to have escaped without being torn apart by the collapsed vortex.

But Qiu Shan is indeed gone, and there has been no news of Qiu Shan in the past few days since the dark abyss faded away.

"Not only the senior brother, but also the second senior brother is missing..."

Gu Choumian was very worried. He thought that after the death of the fourth junior brother, everything had changed, and the Immortal Medicine Sect, which was good, had now turned into the broken state it is now.

The two of them were very excited to welcome him after learning that Wanyi and Ye Qi and the others were back.

Regarding Duan Xiwu's affairs, Lingjing Dao had instructed not to say more, so in case he just informed Jiang Qing about his sacrifice.

As for Qiu Shan, I don't even know what happened.

"Is that so..." Chen Yueluo felt uncomfortable in his heart. Although he didn't know Jiang Qing very well after so many years, in his opinion Jiang Qing was also a kind-hearted senior brother.He is also very concerned about sleep.

Chen Yueluo looked at Gu Choumian intently, Gu Choumian lowered his head slightly and couldn't see his expression clearly, but everyone around him knew that he must be feeling uncomfortable.


"I want to be alone for a while... Yueluo, don't bother me yet..."

Just as Chen Yueluo was about to comfort Gu Choumian, Gu Choumian turned around and left.

Chen Yueluo wanted to follow, but in case he grabbed him, "Let him be alone."


Chen Yueluo looked at Gu Choumian's lost back. Although he couldn't bear it, he gave up and chased after him.

He turned around and looked at the case again, and always felt that he seemed to have some changes in case.

"What if? Have you grown a little taller?"

Chen Yueluo thought it might be the change in case he got taller, but he compared it and found that in case he didn't grow taller at all... Isn't this strange?
"If you try to judge my height like this again, I'll give you a punch, Chen Yueluo!"

In case it bothers Chen Yueluo to talk about his height the most.

"It's scary. It's obvious that the irritable character here hasn't changed much, but I still feel that there has been a change... where is it..."

Chen Yueluo can be said to be a genius in perceiving spells, and this kind of spell is also a must-have ability for beastmasters.

"Don't believe me, I can beat you with one hand now! Be polite to me in the future!"

In case it is rare to say to Chen Yueluo in a serious and slightly joking tone.

Before Chen Yueluo could reply, a whistle came from a tree not far away.

In case and Chen Yueluo also looked up at the tree.

I saw a person in the same white and blue Taoist uniform as Chen Yueluo and the others lying on the tree.

The man stretched his arms lazily and then sat on the tree trunk, with the order of Chengyun Hall hanging from his waist.

"Ha~ (yawn)"

The man in the tree yawned again, and after smashing his mouth, he spoke.

"Who am I supposed to be, it turns out to be the two of you... In case the bullshit here is good~"

The lazy voice said completely unpleasant words, and the words also showed the person's confident attitude.
"Fu Luxiao?"

In case it's a little unbelievable, why is it troublesome to do anything, and the guy who has been arranged to investigate outside all the year round will be here?
On second thought, Chen Yueluo and the others also came back directly to Jingling Mountain because of the abyss, so it's no surprise that Fu Yuxiao came back.

Wan Yu and Chen Yueluo hadn't seen Fu Yuxiao for a long time. When they saw Fu Yuxiao fighting in the door before, at that time he played against Wan in the final.

As a result, as usual, Fu Luxiao thought it was too much trouble and directly ceded the position of senior brother to Chen Yueluo and Wan Yi.

Not many people know the true strength of Fu Luxiao, not even his master, Daoist Master Cheng Yun.

But although this person is very troublesome, he completes the task quickly.No one knows how he did it.

When he was still in Jingling Mountain, some of the junior brothers secretly said that he had nothing to do when he was full, and he became the second senior brother by going through the back door.

"Since you're back, that person..."

Chen Yueluo was not surprised by Fu Luxiao, he was more concerned about other things.

"You said my senior brother? I don't know such a troublesome thing. If you care, you might as well see it yourself."

Fu Luxiao disappeared from the tree and came to Wanyi's side as soon as he turned around, and he stabbed at Wanyi with a sword.

In case of dodging consciously, he just took a light defense.

As a result, Fu Yuxiao's sword was broken under the gaze of the three people.

"What are you doing all of a sudden! Don't you think it's troublesome? What now? Isn't it troublesome to attack people?"

In case he was angry, he was also surprised that he broke Fu Yuxiao's immortal sword.

Chen Yueluo was even more surprised to pick up the dropped blade to check.

Fu Luxiao's immortal sword is not an ordinary immortal sword.

At that time, Daoist Master Cheng Yun defeated a monster that devoured divine beasts by himself.At that time, in addition to devouring divine beasts, the beast also turned into a beautiful woman to suck people's souls.

After the sinful Warcraft was captured, it was quickly refined into two top-level instruments.In order to remove the demonic energy in these two instruments, it is combined with the spiritual stone and black iron treasured by the Taoist Master of the Spirit Realm. It can be said to be the strongest existence in the world.

After that, these two magic powers became the most powerful magic weapons that immortals dreamed of.

But the refiner was the same Taoist priest Cheng Yun who always had a smile on his face.

Fat water does not flow to outsiders, so he gave these two instruments to his two disciples.

Fu Luxiao's immortal sword is one of them.

Now if it is just a light touch, it will break!

Not cracked and damaged, but broken!

Chen Yueluo was even more certain that the sudden change he felt just now was not his height but his strength!

Although Fu Luxiao on the side was a little surprised, he quickly returned to his original lazy appearance.

"It's quite troublesome... Now it's even more troublesome... Shi Wanyi looks like you have to pay me an identical magic weapon... ah... it's really troublesome..."

"Please, you are the one who caused this trouble! Exactly the same? Don't be kidding! There won't be a single monster of that kind in 300 years! If you are afraid that Second Master Cheng Yun will tell you about you, then you might as well steal your elder brother's use." Got it!"

"That's why I said trouble..."


Chen Yueluo couldn't say anything even when he fell to the side.

In the end, Fu Luxiao just put away the broken sword, as long as he didn't pull it out, Daoist Master Cheng Yun might not find it.

In case they didn't understand, although Daoist Cheng Yun always had a fake smile, he wasn't such a stern person, but Fu Luxiao and his senior brother were indeed afraid of him.

After all, there is one person fighting against monsters... But at that time, Daoist Cheng Yun could only do it by himself. The rules of Jingling Mountain are like that. You do your own tasks yourself. If you are not a cooperative task, you don't have to cooperate.

Then in case he saw a few disciples of the Xuqing Palace carrying some meals to the Xuyun Palace.

"It stands to reason that the master and the others have gone to the meeting. Who is this meal for?"

Fu Luxiao didn't know about the existence of the small spoon.

But in case suddenly want to know the situation of the spoon.

(End of this chapter)

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