Yun Qishen

Chapter 548

Chapter 548 Reorganization of Various Ministries (6)
(God's perspective)
Ai Qi watched Gu Choumian pass by Lingyao Pavilion with a gloomy face, presumably in case everything that should be said was passed on to him.

The three of them did not immediately return to Jingling Mountain, but visited some countries in the ancient proud continent.

Naturally, he also knew about the sequelae of the abyss.

As soon as he came back to Jingling Mountain Spiritual Realm, he convened the Taoist priests of each hall for a meeting.But it will definitely not include Yan Qi.

Ye Qi was naturally ordered by his Spiritual Realm Dao to go back to the Xian Yao Sect and wait for Mi Zixin to go back to check on him.

Ye Qi had no choice but to go back to Lingyao Pavilion and wait.

Because Mi Zixin went to the meeting, only Yun Qiqing was sorting out the fairy herbs in the Lingyao Pavilion.

When Yun Qiqing saw that Ye Qi was safe and sound, he would naturally think that Yun Qishen was fine.

"Why are you arranging the herbs here so calmly now? Let go of the resentment in your heart?"

Ye Qi used to compare Yun Qiqing with Yun Qishen. Although he didn't know what to say, he would still look for differences in his heart.

Now that he knows Yun Qishen's true identity, he has no idea of ​​that kind of comparison at all.

"Of course I have resentment, but life must continue. As long as there is still a chance, I will not give up to fight the devil. You tell my brother, I will fight him one day, for the Yun family and for the immortality of us. There must be a break. I will never lose to him!"

After Yun Qiqing finished speaking, he was about to leave with some immortal herbs, and Yan Qi found it interesting to watch Yun Qiqing arrive at the door before speaking.

"Xu Ming sword is still with me, although I can't touch the body of the sword, but I got a very useful container..."

Ji Qi took out an iron box from the whirlpool, and after he opened the iron box, Xu Mingjian also showed.

It can be said that this iron box was bought from Mo Langqin, but the money was given to the spiritual realm.

According to Mo Langqin himself, the age of this iron box is quite old, and this thing can also be changed in size, and any spiritual qi instruments in the world can be accommodated in it.But the things here are very fragile on the outside, and they can be regarded as antiques, and they are useless to him.It was sold to Spirit Realm Dao at the price of an antique.

Yun Qiqing had no choice but to go back from the door and put the Xu Ming sword on his waist, and then walked to the door without saying a word.

"Oh, right!"

"What else do you have to do? Can't you finish it all at once?"

Ye Qi waited for Yun Qiqing to reach the door and spoke again, Yun Qiqing was very irritable.

"I just want to say ~ walk slowly, nephew~ remember to salute when you see seniors in Jingling Mountain~"

Ye Qi's daughter smiled and went online, he definitely did it on purpose, and it was also at this time that he saw Gu Choumian passing through Lingyao Pavilion.

Yun Qiqing frowned, he was naturally impatient, but this evil spirit is really...

"Yes, the nephew remembers the teachings of the seventh uncle..."

Yun Qiqing really didn't want to stay in the same place with this evil Qi for a while.

At the same time, Yun Chengyue was treating Xiaoshao in the Xuyun Palace.

Because Yun Chengyue knows some spirit snake techniques, which can also be regarded as aura recovery spells.

Therefore, Daoist Xuyun asked him to use magic to ask Xiaoshao's emotions.

Before the abyss disaster, Qi Xiaoshao was gradually recovering, but after the abyss, her illness suddenly became serious.

Q Xiaoshao always shrank in a dark corner in fear, saying that it was not her, and that Sister Qianyao would not lie to her.

Daoist Xuyun, who originally thought that Xiaoshao would recover quickly, was naturally very worried when he saw her like this.

Although Daoist Xuyun's healing technique was powerful, he couldn't completely eliminate Wen Xiaoshao's inner fear because of his own reasons, and there was a strange evil in Wen Xiaosao that was eroding her mind.

Therefore, Daoist Xu Yun had to find Yun Chengyue, who had learned the spirit snake spell, for help.

Although Ling Snake Xuming taught Yun Chengyue how to eliminate evil spirits in ordinary people, it was the first time to see Yun Chengyue like Wen Xiaosao, and the countermeasures were implemented as Ling Snake Xuming said, but asked Xiaosao. The condition of the spoon has not improved at all.


Asking Xiaoshao screamed when he was purified by Yun Chengyue's spiritual power.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound outside the Xuyun Palace.

But Yun Chengyue didn't have time to care about the situation outside. If he didn't ask Xiaochao about the evil energy in his body, once the evil energy moved and asked Xiaochao, the whole person would be gone.

That is something that Daoist Xuyun cannot accept.

Therefore, Yun Chengyue's spell cannot be interrupted.

Once the purification of the spiritual energy will force the evil energy in the small spoon, the small spoon will scream in pain.

Yun Chengyue didn't feel good when he saw Wen Xiaosao in such pain, and he had to endure it at a young age... But if he didn't let Wen Xiaosao suffer now, then Wen Xiaoshao would not survive.

After a while, Daoist Master Xuyun rushed back with a cry from Xiaoshao.

"Little spoon... what happened to her..."

Daoist Xuyun transmitted mana for Yun Chengyue, and only then did Yun Chengyue have the strength to speak.

"The evil energy in her body has been using her life to suppress the influence of my spiritual energy. Daoist Xuyun is very sorry...I can't do anything about this..."

"How could it be..." Daoist Xuyun's heart was empty at once, and the dark thoughts in his heart followed.

[It must be that this guy lacks aura! 】

【Incompetent guy! 】

【You must find someone stronger to save the children here...As for the weaker people—】

Daoist Xuyun had murderous mana in his hand. When he was about to give Yun Chengyue a blow, Daoist Xuqing rushed in and grabbed the hand that Daoist Xuyun was about to attack. At the same time, he also released Xuyun. Master's magic.

"Xuyun! Awake! Don't be controlled! Take a deep breath! Quick! Take a deep breath!"

Daoist Xuqing's voice instantly pulled back Daoist Xuyun's consciousness.

Yun Chengyue's spell also ended, and he no longer had the strength to look at Daoist Xuyun in surprise.

Daoist Xu Yun, who realized his mistake, quickly apologized to Yun Chengyue.

Daoist Xuqing also apologized to Yun Chengyue.

"Now is not the time to apologize... The two uncles have nothing to do... I still care about the little spoon..."

Yun Chengyue panted tiredly, he turned to look at Xiaoshao, the evil energy in Xiaoshao's body did not decrease but increased.

Yun Chengyue doesn't know the reason either. He obviously acted according to the method taught by Ling Snake Xuming, but what's the situation now...

Black smoke emanated from Xiaoshao's body, and she thought about attacking Daoist Xuyun, but the chains bound her, preventing her from harming the people around her.

"This child's life breath is being reduced... This evil energy has used Xiaoshao's life to enhance it!" Daoist Xu Qing calmly analyzed, while Daoist Xuyun, who was too concerned about Xiaoshao's situation, couldn't see anything for a while.

At this moment, a white vortex formed in one of the halls.

A majestic female voice came from the other end of the whirlpool, "I can't do anything well here, what I handed you to you is all for nothing!"

(End of this chapter)

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