Yun Qishen

Chapter 552 The crisis bestowed by the light

Chapter 552: The Crisis Endowed by Light (1)
(God's perspective)
At night, Ye Qi appeared as scheduled, and Ling Yaoqing was also sitting on the stone table waiting for him.

Ling Yaoqing set up a space enchantment around her, and no one would discover her existence except Ye Qi.

It is correct to say that Ling Yaoqing only solved the spell that could not see her for Ye Qi.

"You're quite on time... Come and sit down here."

Ling Yaoqing motioned Ye Qi to sit opposite her, and Ye Qi also sat down.

"Why are you looking for me?" Ye Qi had a bad premonition.

Ling Yaoqing's face blocked by the purple gauze showed a smile, her eyebrows curved, "Knowingly asking is not like your style, are you ready? We have to start action too."

"Is there no time to spare..."

"I know you are a little reluctant to give up, but I tell you that we don't have any extra time. For Gu Aoguo, for you to become the ruler of the entire continent, and for what you want to achieve. You should understand."

After Ling Yaoqing finished speaking, she handed a picture scroll to Ji Qi, "The location and summoning method of the book are recorded on it. There is also a space spell to hide the breath, I think it will be more helpful to you. I It is clear that you know the location of the ancient secret treasure, but is the secret treasure you saw at the time absolutely real?
I won't talk nonsense here, I can only rely on you to explore..."

Ling Yaoqing turned into purple smoke and disappeared, and Yan Qi also took the blueprint and started to study.

The next day, Qi Qi's breath completely disappeared in Jingling Mountain.

At such a time, the disappearance of Ye Qi will naturally cause the Spirit Realm Dao to care. Although the preparation time was not sufficient, the Spirit Realm Dao still sent someone to find the whereabouts of Ye Qi, and at the same time to investigate and deal with the affairs of the Guangming Cultists.

One person should come out from each temple, and let them form a team.

Naturally, there are no disciples coming out of the Xuyun Palace. The disciples of the Xuqing Palace are busy with the affairs of the two halls, so their halls are not included.

Therefore, it can only be Shi Wanyi, the eldest disciple of Chengxu Palace.

The second disciple of Chengyun Hall——Fu Luxiao.

The eldest disciple of Floating Cloud Palace - Chen Yueluo.

Plus the Immortal Medicine Sect disciple - Yun Qiqing.

The four of them formed a team to find Ye Qi, and by the way investigate the matter of the Guangming cult.

Naturally, others were sent to inquire in different places.

"Is Uncle Seven going to find Yun Qishen?" Chen Yueluo said.

What he said is not without reason, in case he thinks so.But if you think about it carefully, will that person, Ji Qi, go to a place where they can guess at a glance?Besides, Yun Qishen will come to Jingling Mountain to discuss things in two days...

"I don't think he will go to Qishen. He is hiding something. When he saw him before, he felt that he was very worried. When Master Liu Ying checked him, he was also distracted." Yun Qiqing denied, "He knows The seriousness of the matter should not only focus on one's own enjoyment at this time."

Chen Yueluo and Wan looked at Yun Qiqing and sighed in their hearts, this person still doesn't understand their seventh uncle, the more serious the matter, the more likely he is to just focus on having fun.From childhood to adulthood, only the Master Spiritual Realm Dao can restrain him...

"Listening to you...I'm curious, who is that Yun Qishen? Jiangbang? Demon? It's too much can go..."

Fu Luxiao said how many people and things he didn't know in these days when he was no longer in Lingshan.

Yun Qiqing's first impression of thrush is very bad. This person always says trouble and yawns when he looks lazy... Is it really okay...

"Speaking of which...Chen Yueluo, my uncle asked me to give you this month's spiritual stones and charms." Yun Qiqing handed over the things that Murong Danran gave him to Chen Yueluo.

Chen Yueluo was running around in the Immortal Medicine Sect every day and almost never saw anyone in Liuyun Palace, so Murong Danran did this.

Yun Qiqing's original intention was to give it to Gu Choumian, and let him give it to Chen Yueluo.

Because except for Gu Choumian who often sees Chen Yueluo, everyone else almost never sees him.

But as Gu Choumian was so sad that he didn't go out, Yun Qiqing didn't want to disturb him.

It happened to be able to form a team this time, so he had to give it to him at this time.

"Well, thank you for your help!" Although Chen Yueluo still had a great prejudice against Yun Qiqing, she still had to express her gratitude at this time.

"Uncle?" Fu Luxiao was even more confused, he would explain it to him in case, and explain things about the Yun family.

"The relationship here feels so troublesome... According to what you said, I think Uncle Seven and the devil named Yun Qishen seem to have met eyes at the Jinhua banquet..."

After Fu Luxiao finished speaking, he saw that the three people next to him had unclear expressions at first, so he then suddenly opened his eyes.

"What's your expression on?" Fu Luxiao's eyebrows showed a kind of tiredness, and then he yawned again.

Then the four of them were ready to set off from Jingling Mountain. Although they thought it was impossible for Ye Qi to go to Jiangbang, they still went to the area of ​​Jiangbang to investigate.

"It's really troublesome..." Fu Luxiao said again, the three people on the side were tired of listening, and Yun Qiqing almost got irritated.

Don't go if you think it's troublesome, what are you mumbling about!
Yun Qiqing wanted to say this to Lu Xiao, but Chen Yueluo stopped him.

Because Fu He and Wanyi couldn't beat Fu Yuxiao, he didn't know what would happen if he angered Fu Yuxiao.This kind of character can only tolerate him.

"In this way, I will carry Fu Luxiao. Yun Qiqing will carry Chen Yueluo."

In case it is natural to know that Chen Yueluo does not have an immortal sword at the moment, but Fu Luxiao doesn't know.

However, what Fu Luxiao was curious about was that Yun Qiqing, as a member of the Immortal Medicine Sect, could even know the Immortal Sword.

"I know how to fly the fairy sword. Today's Immortal Medicine Sect is really amazing... It's much stronger than before, and there's even a border demon..."

Before Fu Luxiao finished speaking, Yun Qiqing turned out a fairy sword and attacked.

I can't stand it anymore!This guy, Fu Luxiao, is really annoying!
Chen Yueluo let Yun Qiqing rush over without paying attention.

In case, as the captain of this squad, he would naturally not allow infighting, and he used to block Yun Qiqing's attack.

On the other hand, Fu Luxiao was not nervous or shaken at all. He was more like waiting for Yun Qiqing to attack him and then making a temporary observation.

In case he wasn't the kind of person who would pay attention, he could break Fu Yuxiao's immortal sword with a single tap, but the immortal sword in Yun Qiqing's hand did not break.

In case it is fortunate that Yun Qiqing did not use too much spiritual power, otherwise the demonic energy in his body would not be able to withstand the attack of Xu Mingjian.

"Now is not the time for infighting, both of you pay attention! If it's not too late, we should start as soon as possible. If the master reprimands us, we can't bear it." In case he finished speaking, Yun Qiqing retracted his sword and turned towards him. side away.

Chen Yueluo even came over to persuade Fu Luxiao, "If you find it troublesome, you'd better not even say anything..."

"Although it's troublesome...but isn't a person's mouth just to talk? This has nothing to do with being troublesome or not."

Fu Luxiao patted Chen Yueluo's shoulder and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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