Yun Qishen

Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Evil Qi and Demon Camp (2) (God's Perspective)
Ye Qi looked around and didn't find any magic soldiers coming over, seeing the main business right in front of him.You only need to rush in to see the depth of the cloud.

Just as Ji Qi was about to move forward, he saw two demons approaching from one side.

"Is what the devil said yesterday really feasible?"

"Is it really okay to entrust our lives to him?"

"So many compatriots died yesterday..."

"Why isn't this war over yet... When is it going to end?"

"My mother is still at home worrying about me..."

After hearing this, Qi Qi was even more worried about Yun Qishen's situation.Ye Qi's feet moved, and a sound came out.

"Who is it! Don't hide! Come out!" Suddenly a loud voice sounded.

At first glance, Ye Qi looks like a vigorous man... an old man... It's not easy to be so loud at this age...

Seeing that Ye Qi couldn't hide it, he appeared and walked straight towards the old man.

Some demon envoys saw Ye Qi each pick up the machete and set up a posture.

"Bi Fa? Are you an orphan of Gu Aoguo?" This old man was none other than the envoy of Qiu Mo.

"I don't understand what this old grandfather said. I don't know what the ancient proud country is, but when you found me, either you have something to say to me, or you are fighting? Is the old grandfather on that side?" Qi treated the elders with a playful face again.

Chief Qiu Mo was a little annoyed, but he relieved it with a burst of laughter, "Hahaha! The little doll can really talk, but she's reasonable. We already knew you were here, but it wasn't the old man who was looking for you, someone else was looking for you."

"Then~ can the old grandfather tell the doll who I am~" The female appearance of Qi Qi started again.

"It's me..." Yun Qishen really didn't want to admit that it was he who was looking for Ye Qi... He didn't even want to admit it when he heard this tone, but it's not enough if he didn't admit it...

Ye Qi was attacking just now, and Yun Qishen asked the envoy of Qiu Mo to go down first with the envoy.

Yun Qishen really breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Ye Qi was fine.

"I don't want any silver bracers! You don't have to look for it! This is not a place for you to stay. If you really hit Jingling Mountain within three days, you will never escape the fate of being beheaded by Immortal Dao! Even the master, the old man I can't stop it! You go back with me, Qishen!"

Ye Qi stepped forward and wanted to pull Yun Qishen away, but Yun Qishen ruthlessly shook Ye Qi's hand.

"Seventh Master is afraid of a misunderstanding... I came to Jiangbang to be this Demon Lord not for you. What I want to discuss with you here is that I will let you go back to Lingshan Mountain, and you can tell Lingjing Dao and rush to Jingjing. Lingshan's other immortal ways, I have a deep understanding, the demon king of Jiangbang is going to get back what should belong to our borderland!"

As soon as Yun Qishen finished speaking, Ji Qi was surprised and wanted to shake this person to wake up. He was not like this before, why suddenly...

But when Ye Qi's hand was about to touch Yun Qishen, Yun Qishen pulled out Lai A and put it on Ye Qi's neck.

Ye Qi's black energy is being absorbed by Lai A continuously, Yun Qi's deep brows are wrinkled, "If you don't know what to do, don't blame me for doing it. I'll save your life for the sake of watching our uncle and nephew. You Leave now!"

"You must come with me!" Qi Qi's black energy poured out but was absorbed by Lai A.

This time, Yun Qishen was really ruthless to use Lai A thorn to attack Mo Qi.

Ye Qi didn't fight back, but just dodged ignorantly.

Yun Qishen still grabbed a neutral position of Ye Qi and aimed Lai A at Ye Qi's throat.


Yun Qishen's eyes glowed with golden light, his eyes were sharp, and he looked exactly the same as before.

Seeing that Lai Ajian was approaching gradually, Ye Qi did not move to escape, so Yun Qishen wanted to stab him and let him stab him.

At this time, the red sword that had just been discarded by Ye Qi flew to block in front of Ye Qi, and with a single blow, Lai Ajian flew away, and then fell to the ground.

"I'm telling you to leave again!" Yun Qishen said in a ruthless tone, he seemed to be worried about what kept urging him to leave.

However, Qi Qi picked up the red sword on the ground, and looked at Yun Qishen with a smile that pushed aside the dark clouds to see the sun, "I know that my nephew cares about me, and I can't bear to leave, right~ You point your sword at me, definitely It's unbearable~"

This sentence really irritated Yun Qishen, he took the Lai A sword and attacked Mo Qi.

But the red sword in Ye Qi's hand easily blocked Lai Ajian's attack.

"Really! Don't talk to me in such a tone! I wish you were dead!!!" Yun Qishen frowned.

Ye Qi smiled, this tone was his nephew Yun Qishen.

"Then I have to die together with my nephew~" Ye Qi continued to feel disgusted.

Yun Qishen became even more ruthless, he summoned the black energy from Lai Ajian to wrap around Ye Qi's body, but the black energy dissipated with a wave of the red sword in Ye Qi's hand.

"I don't want to be haunted by you when I die! It's disgusting!!!!" Yun Qishen waved Lai A, his sword qi was approaching Mo Qi.

Ye Qi jumped up, and the sword energy also rose, but it was about to attack Ye Qi, and when Ye Qi resisted it, purple vines sprouted from the ground and wrapped around Ye Qi.

Ye Qi was accidentally stabbed to the skin by the poison on the vine.

"Jian Qiangjia!!!" Yun Qishen roared angrily.

Sure enough, a graceful and seductive woman walked in the distance.

Jian Qiangjia held a sword in her hand, and purple vines slowly grew around her.Behind her, Wen Qianyao, who lost one arm, followed.

"The devil is in charge of every day. You don't need to trouble the devil for this kind of trivial matter, just let your subordinates handle it."

Yun Qi walked to Jian Qiangjia with deep strides, "Hand over it!"

"I don't know what the devil is referring to?"

"Don't ask questions knowingly!"

Jian Qiangjia smiled, "There is no cure for this poison! Hahaha, why can't the Demon Lord save this immortal enemy? The Demon Lord bears the lives of the demons in the borderlands. Just as the Demon Lord said yesterday."

Yun Qi pursed his lips deeply, then clenched his fist tightly, "Hand over the antidote! I will agree with your plan! I will never go back on it!"

"Hahahaha, Demon Lord, who would believe what you said!" Jian Qiangjia laughed with the back of her hand covering her mouth.

The red sword in Ye Qi's hand quickly melted away the purple vines.

Ye Qi could also land, and he quickly attacked Jian Qiang Jia.

However, Qian Yao still stepped forward and blocked it with a sword in one hand.

Although her lacquer sword was broken, when Taki'er saw Ye Qi throwing the red sword, she got angry and gave Wen Qianyao a stronger sword.

At the front, Ye Qi and Qian Yao fought as hard as they could, while at the back Yun Qishen took off the jade from his head and handed it to Jian Qiangjia, "Is that all right..."

Jian Qiangjia took Cuiyu and left it far away, and then Jian Qiangjia even knelt down to salute, "Congratulations to the devil!"

Asking Qianyao dodged and retreated, Ye Qi saw the black energy gushing out of Yun Qishen's body and wrapped Yun Qishen.

After the black air quickly dissipated, a stranger's face appeared.

Only Yun Qishen had seen this face before, and it was the face of the Demon Lord's consciousness.

The Demon Lord is narcissistic and crazy, this body is naturally Yun Qishen's, but he just doesn't like Yun Qishen's face, and before he finds his body, he also makes do with the illusion of Yun Qishen's face.How long had he waited for the day when Yun Qishen untied the seal and voluntarily handed over his body to his control.

"Hahahahaha!" The Demon Lord laughed loudly.

Qi Qi angrily attacked him, "Return him to me!"

The red sword quickly moved forward but stabbed a transparent barrier.

The Demon Lord looked at Ye Qi in front of him with a disdainful smile, and with a wave of his sleeves, he threw Ye Qi away.

Yun Qishen, who was controlled by the Demon Lord's consciousness, has greatly increased his skills, and he and Ye Qi are basically two levels.

How rare it is for Yun Qishen to voluntarily hand over his body now, the devil wants him to have Yun Qishen feel that he can only speak and not act at will...

A huge mass of black air suppressed this Qi's body, and the devil turned around and smiled, "Jian Qiangjia, hurry back to the Devil's City, and put that boy Taki Qianye in the ground! Tell the old man next to Jian that this king is back. It's gone!"

"Yes! Demon Lord!" Jian Qiangjia smiled coquettishly and left.

The Demon Lord walked in front of Ye Qi, asked Qian Yao and also handed a bottle of something before leaving.

Ye Qi held the red sword tightly in his hand and stared at the Demon Lord.

"He asked me to say something to you..." The devil raised Ye Qi's chin, "He said he hates you!"

The Demon Lord smiled and left.


The unpredictable demon army quickly retreated before reaching Lingshan.

Lingjing Dao didn't understand the reason, but when he went to investigate, he did see the trapped Qi Qi.

Lingjing Dao didn't even show anger, the only way to punish Ye Qi for going down the mountain was to attach the flying sword to Ye Qi's body and fly around Jingling Mountain for three days.

"Okay, forget the pain!" Lingjing Road drank the tea and threw the teacup.

"Celadine white jade..."

"50 taels..."

"No. 20..."

Chengxu, Liuyun, and Xuyun on the side counted in their hearts.

Mi Zixin interceded for Ji Qi, which was naturally not allowed by the Spiritual Realm Dao. He also sealed the spiritual veins of Ji Qi and locked him in the mountain of cultivation.

"Who told him to go out and be embarrassed! This is what he deserves!" Lingjing Dao was not used to evil this time.

Xu Qing on the side was in a relaxed mood.

But why did the devil suddenly retreat... The Spirit Realm Dao plan he can only go to Liu Yinfeng for a trip...

--split line--

Liu Yinfeng was still lying on the table and was utterly bored when Taki Yunhua heard Lai's saying that Lingjing Dao was coming to Liu Yinfeng, she was excited and hurriedly put on makeup.

After that, Taki Yunhua worked so hard to paint the makeup, and as soon as she saw it, she said a word and washed it away!

Then Taki Yunhua went to wash it off, and when she came back, she smiled at the spiritual realm.

"Stop laughing, tell me what you know, what happened to the devil." Spiritual Realm Dao sat opposite Taki Yunhua.

Taki Yunhua held her face and pouted, "I'll tell you as soon as you kiss me~"

The Spiritual Realm Dao regrets letting Taki Yunhua teach Ye Qi... I will definitely not learn much from Ye Qi... He doesn't do anything like kissing people...

Immediately, he raised his hand and flicked Taki Yunhua's forehead.

Taki Yunhua covered her head, "You hate it!!"

"Okay! Hurry up!" Spirit Realm Road gradually became irritable.

Taki Yunhua had no choice but to say to him seriously, "I only realized it not long ago... The magic bead consciousness in Yun Qi's deep body has already taken over his body... But this magic consciousness can't be completely controlled, maybe the magic bead thinks We haven't found what we want yet... If we found it first, we might save Yun Qishen's life."

"You know what it is, right!" Lingjing Dao looked at Taki Yunhua's smirk, which really contrasted strongly with her beautiful appearance.

"I've never told anyone about the origin of the magic bead... I'll tell you today.

In the first year of ancient times, there was no division between the devil and the immortal.The world was unified by the ancient proud country.King Kuo seeks longevity and uses sorcery to summon a powerful and evil monster.My demon ancestors defeated it and decomposed it into various kinds of magic tools, but no one knew what kind of magic tools they were.As for the magic bead, it is only one of the refining, because it contains powerful mana, and it has been used by my demons from generation to generation. "

Taki Yunhua poured a cup of tea for Lingjing Dao, smiled at him and said, "After you took away the magic bead, I felt a powerful force spreading, but..."

Lingjing Dao looked at Taki Yunhua and asked, "But what?"

"You haven't come to see me once for so many years, I'm really sad, can you accompany me more when you come?" Taki Yunhua looked at Lingjing Dao and winked her seductive eyes.

"Wait for the matter to settle down..." Lingjing Dao was irritated and turned around and left.

Taki Yunhua is also accustomed to his character in the spirit realm, and she doesn't stop him when she sees the spirit realm, and then tells him,
"Except for the magic bead, the magic weapon that everyone knows is the scroll of the Takiyin fairy sword... But that scroll was burned by a little girl before... I don't know about the rest."

The spiritual realm paused, "Thank you..." and left.

Taki Yunhua blushed and touched her face with a pair of jade hands, her heart blossoming with joy, he said thank you! !He said thank you to her for the first time! !
Lai A looked at her and thought of two words in her heart - hypocritical.

As for Ye Qi, after practicing for so long, I feel that I have become very strong, but I still can't compare to that Demon Lord consciousness?
He wanted to change Yun Qishen back, but when Ye Qi was dragged back to the cultivation cliff by the immortal sword, Ye Qi saw himself entering a big mouth of blood.

Ye Qi couldn't see whose mouth it was, but the smell that filled the surroundings was very familiar to Ye Qi.

"Separate~" Jin Qilin hit a gap, and then spit out the immortal sword.Then Pidianpidian ran away from the cultivation cliff.

Just at the entrance of the cultivation cliff, where Jiang Qing was ambushed, when he saw the golden unicorn passing by, he quickly captured it.

"Let go of this divine beast!!"

"Then spit out the immortal fruit you ate!"

"You put this divine beast first!"

"You vomit first!!!"

As soon as he spit it out, the golden unicorn spit out a fire.

Jiang Qing was startled and quickly shook off the golden unicorn.

The golden unicorn escaped at the fastest speed.

Ye Qi only felt that the surroundings were very warm, and when Ye Qi opened his eyes, the surrounding scenery was indeed something that Ye Qi had never seen before.

Dressed in clothes that he had never seen before, those things speeding on the road were very similar to the cars that Lingjingdao said when he was a child.

Then there was a loud noise not far away, "Clearance sale! 50 yuan a piece!!!!"

Ye Qi was a little panicked, where did he come from?He must have entered the mouth of the golden pig... Now what are these?
"Yeah!!! That little brother is so handsome!!!"

"Is that cosplay? Where's the character?"

"That eye makeup is so pretty!!!"

"That dress must be expensive..."

Ye Qi was stunned for a while until someone patted him from behind.

"Hey! Did you come from Jingling Mountain?"

Ye Qi looked back and saw that it was a small man with dyed yellow hair and a peaked cap that he thought was strange.

"Follow me! It must be the unicorn who brought you here!" After that, the man walked towards a small alley with Qi Qi.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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