Yun Qishen

Chapter 589 Required Conditions

Chapter 589 Required Conditions (28)
(God's perspective)
Yun Qishen didn't know exactly where he fell from. When he fell, he just felt that his back was soft...

Leaving that aside, the place where they fell was exactly what he had been looking for.

Probably because there are objects that can emit light among the many treasures, this place is not so dim, but the blue light is still worried about some treasure guardians suddenly appearing.

But after a while, Yun Qishen's concerns disappeared. It really was because he played a lot of games at the beginning, and there were so many strange obstacles in reality.

When Ashin woke up, his eyes began to shine, and he rushed into the treasure pile and cheered.

Yun Qishen also began to observe other places. Above the treasures are the bookshelves made of wood unique to the demon clan. These bookshelves are perfectly integrated with the wall. The bookshelves are full of books, and here is the entire secret room. On the wall in the middle, the number of books is too deep to count.

Is it a little difficult to find that ancient book in this place called a book museum... Besides, although the surroundings are bright, it is difficult to read the words...

"Hey...what can I do...Look for it." Yun Qishen could only act, and after thinking for a long time, he might as well find a few more books.

If Mo Langqin's black-hearted businessman saw this situation, he would definitely go crazy with joy.It's like Ashin who is smiling madly at the treasure.

Yun Qishen was trying hard to find books here, and Ashin took out his pocket and began to pack treasures.

"I'm just curious, why didn't you come here to read those books for these babies?" Ashin took his pocket and walked to Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen's cloak fell because of the fall just now, and he was so intent on finding the book that he didn't pay attention.

A Xin smiled slightly after seeing Yun Qishen's true face, and he was more confident to call her a girl.

"Naturally it's useful." Yun Qishen didn't want to pay attention to the wolf demon, but he couldn't help but be on guard. He didn't panic when he found out that his face was exposed.

This wolf demon doesn't seem to know himself.

"So many books, when do you have to find them? Why don't you tell me, and I'll find them for you too?"

Ashin smiled meaningfully, Yun Qi also had an idea in his heart, he couldn't let this wolf demon find a clear book.

"I'm looking for some ancient books, preferably in ancient scripts."

"That's easy to say." Ashin sniffed the smell quite easily and went to the side.

Have a taste?Yun Qishen couldn't smell it at all.

After a while, Ashin came back with a large stack of books, and Yun Qishen was still looking through it with a book.

"Here..." To be so efficient... so fast.

Yun Qishen had to put down the book in his hand and walked towards the stack of books.

"This is only a part of it, and there are some older books, but the magic power is sealed over there, which makes me very concerned." Ashin pointed to the wall in the distance.

Yun Qishen also became interested, whether it was useful or not, this kind of thing that was specially sealed with mana would make people interested.

At the same time, Yun Qishen was also worried about whether it might be a trap, waiting for such a curious intruder?
"There is a hold over there. You can help me find other related books. How did you find them so accurately in a place where there are so many books." Yun Qishen cares about what kind of ability this is, and it depends on the smell...

"Ashamed to say, my nose had some problems when I was a child. As a wolf demon, my sense of smell has never been very good. But I can smell some faint breaths. Because these books are ancient books, I don't think there will be anyone for a while. Move them, so you can find them."

Although Ashin said this with a smile, Yun Qishen always felt that something was wrong.

"But what you know is too clear. I'm talking about ancient books. How can you know exactly what words I'm looking for?" Yun Qishen said in a single sentence, "Yaozu is the existence of multi-racial monsters gathered together. The ancient texts passed down between the tribes of the people are also different. Among the books I just looked up, different books have different texts. How do you explain it here? Do you still have to pretend?"


When Ashin listened to Yun Qishen's words, his eyes darkened, and when Yun Qishen finished speaking, he smiled.

"Laugh at your own failure to disguise?"

Yun Qishen looked at Ashin vigilantly, but he also felt that the wolf demon was not attacking at this time.

"Hahaha, I really failed too. It turned out to be exposed in such a place." Ashin smiled and scratched the wolf fur beside his face.

"You also realized early on that I'm not a demon clan, but why do you want to help me?"

Yun Qi's straight-to-the-point question.

Ashin crossed his arms on his chest, he pondered for a while, and then spoke to Yun Qishen very seriously.

"Look at how good-looking you are!"

"Be serious!"

Yun Qishen couldn't stand a guy with this kind of character, but thinking about how he could stand the evil spirit...

Ashin replied seriously, "I've noticed you since you passed that fruit stand.

You smell like a wolf demon, and I can smell it as a female wolf.But let me tell you a secret, although other wolf demons can't smell it, the demon smell on you is very old. "

"..." Yun Qishen thought about it, Chihua was quite old.

"That mother-in-law is very good. You didn't accept her fruit, so I was a little puzzled. Then I saw you observing that the soldiers wanted to enter the royal city, so I approached you.

The smell on your body is very special, and it is fine to say that you are an ordinary person or a devil.You also have spiritual powers that are repelled from those two identities.

In short, you are not a monster of the demon clan.You are somewhat familiar with the interior of the royal city, and you can quickly find this secret room, which means that you have received entrustment, or someone has told you.

And the one who tells you this can only possibly be a royal. "

"You have good observation skills. Now that you know that my identity is different, you still need to help me? And the condition you said before is..."

Yun Qishen also became serious. What Ashin said just now was that his true race was not determined.If he made it clear that he was the culprit who harmed their demon kingdom, the book would not be able to protect him from fighting here.

"I want to be the king of the demon kingdom, even if I don't have the ability, but I want to stop the current situation." Ashin's expression was very gentle, "I know your identity is not simple, even if you are a demon, it doesn't matter, before The demon kingdom of the past will not work, and it will not work without the demon kingdom now. They all care too much about the surface, and no monster really cares about the real situation. Please help me.

Yun Qishen looked at Ashin begging him to salute him, but his heart was a little shaken.I didn't want to worry about the demon clan, especially at this time.What else does this wolf demon have to say?
"Besides, I'm sorry for calling you a girl before. I know you're a man. I called you a girl because..."

When Yun Qishen heard Ashin's words, he quickly lifted Ashin up and grabbed his hand.

Yun Qi was deeply moved to tears, "Finally! Finally, there is someone who won't treat me as a woman, ah no, it's a demon!"


(End of this chapter)

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