Yun Qishen

Chapter 594

Chapter 594 The Medicine Man (3)
(God's perspective)
Located in the secret room of the Demon King City, Ashin, the wolf demon, followed Yun Qishen's instructions and rotated the twelve-ring compass.

After some effort, when Ashin rotated to the last word, the compass suddenly became stuck.

A Xinli couldn't turn the compass even a little bit.

"What happened?"

Yun Qishen put the book away and stood up and looked at Ashin who was turning the huge twelve-ring compass.

"This, it seems to be stuck... I tried my best and couldn't push it." Ashin struggled so hard that he didn't have the extra strength to continue turning the compass, just when Ashin thought of relaxing and releasing the compass, the tenth of the compass was tense. The second ring turned quickly.

The text they just moved restores the complex ordering that it had just moved.

"It's not me here..." Ashin wanted to explain that this had nothing to do with him.

"I see, you're not wrong. It's the twelve-ring compass itself."

Yun Qishen tried to rotate the text ring on the compass, and he found that every time one of the rings was rotated, it would drive the other rings, which is why the last ring could not be rotated.The other eleven rings limit its rotation.

For example, it is like the hands on a clock, the second hand circles the minute hand by a small division.

Here, the movement of each of the twelve rings drives the other rings to move in different directions.

These are not difficult for Yun Qishen, but this kind of mechanism is very troublesome.

Yun Qishen wrote down the 24 groups of characters he found just now, and then started to turn the compass.

Ashin watched Yun Qishen turn the compass with ease, and when he finally reached the last ring, Yun Qishen also turned it very easily.

When both of them thought that this time was successful, the compass turned again, and the words spread out again.

This is a bit confusing.

"Could it be that the order is wrong?" Yun Qi thought deeply and then noticed the rest of the book.What secrets are hidden in the remaining six sets of books?
Ashin also sighed in disappointment, but at this time he could only watch Yun Qishen act.

Yun Qishen listed the words in the remaining six groups.He learned from the little magic of Qi Qi's magic spell to transform the words into words, and arranged those words in the air with the magic energy.

These words of the Yaozu are deeply unrecognizable, but some of them are known to Ashin.

Ashin looked at the floating words and read out aloud while paying attention.

"Pointing to...the light...the stars...the road..." Ashin also recognized this.

Yun Qishen also asked Ashin to explain the words.

After Ashin explained, Yun Qishen began to study the meaning.

A part of these texts is recognized by a wolf demon like Ashin, so it is possible that the person who designed this clue left it on purpose.

The first set of words that appear is the pointer.

What does this point mean?The direction of the pointer of the twelve compass?then what?
The bright text is in the center of the six groups, just in the lower right position of the point.

What do the stars and the road mean...

Yun Qishen frowned and looked away from the text and looked at the compass pointer that looked like a polygonal star.

and many more!

direction!bright!Stars!the way!
I understand!
Yun Qishen's thoughts became completely clear, he quickly turned the compass, moved the previous order of words to the right, and moved the first group of words toward the pointer pointing to the lower right.

This time, when Yun Qishen released it again, the compass didn't turn suddenly.

But after a while the compass turned.

"Is this also wrong?" Ashin became less and less confident in unlocking the mechanism.

"I don't think so..." Yun Qishen firmly believed that he was absolutely right this time.

One person and one demon are carefully watching the compass changes here.

The gap in the twelve-ring compass produces light, followed by the sound of the mechanism rubbing, and the outer ring of the compass shrinks, followed by one ring after another.Soon the huge twelve-ring compass became a disc the size of a jade pendant.

The space spell used to seal is also broken.

Yun Qishen bent down and picked up the disc just so that it could be easily stored in his waist.

Ashin looked at Yun Qishen in disbelief, "How did you crack it? You are so smart."

"This is easy to say, isn't the pointer of the compass like a star? Pointing and light, you can see some hints from the positions of these two sets of words, and then there are stars and roads. Since it points to the light, you have to follow the path of the stars. Moving forward, isn't it? In fact, this kind of prompt can be easily solved when the person who solves the problem knows the ancient books in his hand. We seemed to be too impatient before."

"I think you are humble. You are indeed very smart. If you are not smart, you will not think of these and will not solve such a complicated mechanism."

"Really, then thank you for your compliment." Yun Qishen smiled at Ashin amiably.

Ashin looked at Yun Qishen with such a smile, and suddenly mistook Yun Qishen as a girl, knowing that he was a man, but Yun Qishen's smile here must be difficult for many people to resist.

When he smelled the smell before, he knew that Yun Qishen was a person who didn't like to laugh very much, so Yun Qishen's smile seemed to be more precious.

After unlocking the spell, Yun Qishen also took out the book, it really was the Yaozu ancient dictionary he was looking for.

Why does such a mere dictionary have to be sealed with so much trouble? Is there any secret hidden in it?
Yun Qishen opened the dictionary to check the contents.

It doesn't matter if you look here, it's really startling.

This book is not only an ancient dictionary, but also a collection of ancient magic arts of the demon kingdom, as well as some records of the treasures of the demon tribe.

Because they are all ancient texts, the previous translations of ancient texts were all translated by monsters.

Yun Qishen made it clear that there was a kind of magic in the book itself, and he noticed it when he opened it, so he couldn't keep reading it.

A Xin, who was on the side, was obviously confused by the magic power of the book in Yun Qishen's hand.

Yun Qishen closed the book and put it away, then patted Ashin on the shoulder, "Hey! We're leaving!"

"...Ah! Good!" Ashin suddenly came back to his senses and responded. He wanted to leave with Yun Qishen, but as soon as he turned around, he remembered the treasures he pretended to be.

Ashin had to go back to get the treasure and follow Yun Qishen.

Through the map guidance in the key, Yun Qishen easily found the exit, and one person and one demon could safely exit the secret passage.

"Are you leaving?"

Ashin carried the treasure on his back and watched Yun Qishen open his body-wearing vortex on the side.

"Don't worry, I'll come back to you when I'm done with the demon country."

"I hope there is no cruel war in this world." Ashin said.

Yun Qishen also dropped a sentence before passing through the vortex.

"What you want to hope is not whether there is any war at this time, but hope that the combative guys will stay safe."

Yun Qishen also left the demon country and returned to Xinjiang.

(End of this chapter)

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