Yun Qishen

Chapter 597

Chapter 597 The Medicine Man (6)
(God's perspective)
[This is some of the things I investigated later, and the things are related to some things in the demon country, so I asked an old man in the demon country to help me borrow an ancient book dictionary and wrote the following content.

Being able to read this now shows that you are indeed a smart guy, and it didn't disappoint me.

I think you will also find some clues about (Medicine Man) when you investigate.It doesn't matter if there is no such thing as a medicine man in your era, I will explain to you some of the main relevant things. 】

Yun Qishen is now also concentrating on the notes left by Zhanhunxi.During this period, Yun Qishen also mastered the method. It is much simpler to attach the words in the ancient book dictionary to the notes and replace them at one time.

It is not as good as the translator to directly translate the entire paragraph.Grammar or something can be sorted again.Who made this world without translators...

and many more!Maybe if we make translations and cultural exchanges between different races, we can promote peace.But this kind of thing should be dealt with later.

After wandering for a while, Yun Qishen read the notes again.

[The name Yaoren did not first appear in the history of Xinjiang, they came from the demon country.

There are many theories about the medicine man, and the old man from the demon kingdom, like me, believes that one of them is the most correct one.

The ancestors of the demon kingdom also evolved from the descendants of pure-blooded people.

In order to free himself from his short-lived fate, the pure-blooded man specially ordered his men to refine the elixir of immortality for him.

This is also the reason why the medicine man is a kind of refining immortality in the subsequent legends and records.

The ancestors of the demon kingdom selected some of the children between the original and the human to refine the medicine man.There are many children selected, but no more than five children remain.The lifespan of the medicine man may have been even shorter when there was no spiritual blessing of heaven and earth at that time.

However, the ancestors of the demon kingdom successfully developed the medicinal herbs refined by medicine practitioners in that limited time.

But that pill is definitely not an immortality pill, but a poison that destroys the pure-blooded person himself.

This poison pill was finally used by the betrayal clan to kill the pure-blooded people.

I guess that the medicinal pills made by pharmacists can suppress the blood of pure demons, but the refining method of that medicinal pill cannot be the method of ordinary people concocting pills.Instead, it adopts the way of sacrifice of strangers like the demon clan, which can greatly reduce the effectiveness of pure demon blood only when many medicine people are sacrificed.

Having said that, when I wrote down the notes, there were not many medicine people left, and it was difficult to see them.Not to mention looking for a medicine man to worship.

In my opinion, the sacrifice of some people and the achievement of some people is also a last resort.Because it is better to lose a little than all.

People don't want to sacrifice, so that's why they don't regard these medicine people who should be sacrificed as human beings.

But in my opinion the same people, why there is such a big gap.I have always been a warrior fighting for the territory, I don't think I'm a king.The king is the leader, and I'm just the guardian.If the guardian is gone, you can look for it again, and if the king is gone, it means losing a country.I want to protect her, so I have to sacrifice some people, even taking advantage of people from other countries.

As for the magic of the demon clan that refines the pharmacist's elixir, it is said that it is hidden in the hands of the enchanter of the demon country.Which enchantress in the demon kingdom can be said to be comparable to Ling Yaoqing, but that enchantress is not in very good health. Of course, I can't get rid of my own toxins now, and I can't just say His life is not long.

I just want to protect what I think is important in my limited life.It was like seeing the future with my own eyes. 】

Yun Qi turned the page deeply and continued to read. He found that the notes recorded next were obviously different from those before, and it seemed that they were not recorded at the same time.

[Recently, because of the medicine person, I have collected some related things.

Before the establishment of Jiangbang, in the era of the ancestors of the demons, it was also the matter of the ancient power Guaoguo, which unified the ancient proud continent.

At that time, the king of the ancient proud kingdom ordered the refining of the immortal Bhu Lao Dan as the marriage product of his beautiful princess.

Medicine practitioners at that time were refined by ordinary people's methods.

The recorded information can be said to be almost non-existent, but I have seen a travel journal in Yaoguo, which records the prosperous times when the princess of Guaoguo got married.It also mentioned some things about medicine people.

It mentioned that the refining of the medicine man relies on sucking the blood of the devil.I wonder if this might be the reason why the demons keep disappearing.

However, through further research and investigation, I found that not all the blood of the devil can refine the medicine man, and not all the medicine men have a special physique to absorb the blood of the devil.

Only demons can accept demon blood.

At that time, General Li, the protector general of the ancient proud country, looked up the information and thought that there was pure demon blood in his body.And he killed his own clansmen in order to refine the pharmacists.

And General Li's son is also the ancestor of the demons today, but there is no inheritance of pure demon blood.

But now Yunhua has inherited the pure demon blood of her mother, so I conclude that this kind of blood can be transmitted through the maternal line.

Back to the investigation, but the kid who was caught and used as a pharmacist was out of the question.But the monster that caused the demise of the ancient proud country was a medicine man who was a devil himself.

Of course, this matter was heard from the woman Ling Yaoqing.I didn't believe it anymore, but after reading some ancient books I became convinced of it.

That being the case, the devil must never take the pure devil blood that already contains the medicinal herbs refined by the medicine man, or he would summon a part of the soul of the pure blood person in his body, which is the legendary monster of the abyss.In severe cases, it may become delirious and unable to inherit the power and explode to death.

Regarding the matter of pure-blooded people, I hope that those who read my notebook now, like me, no longer hope that the matter of pure-blooded people will continue.

For Taki Yunhua, I will try my best to find the right medicine and magic of the demon kingdom.If I haven't done it, I hope you who are here now can do it for me. 】

Before turning the page again, Yun Qishen began to think about what would be the situation to drink pure demon blood, and then he remembered that Taki Yunhua used pure demon blood before to remove the poison.

Jiang Lin also said that ordinary demon blood can also be refined into pure demon blood...

With doubts, Yun Qishen turned to the next page.

But the next page did not write many words, only one sentence.

[About the magic of the demon clan that refines the pharmacist...]

The notes are broken again at this point, and the words at the back of the page are not normal words anymore.

"Medicine people... sigh... how can people be willing to sacrifice... They don't volunteer to be sacrificed." Yun Qishen closed his notes, and his eyes moved to the ancient book of the demon kingdom. In the dictionary, what he cared about was the sorcery recorded in the ancient books.

(End of this chapter)

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